Chapter seventeen:

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Hey everyone :)

So a lot goes into this chapter :)

Please enjoy and




Isabella xx


I spend the week at home with them. Mia and I go out shopping to get everything I will need for school and some clothes.

‘OK, so just call if you need anything’ Charlie yells out from inside the house as I grab the car keys for Mia’s car.

‘I will, see you guys later’ I yell and drive off in the jeep, which I adore!

I pull up at the school and park near the back, hoping not to attract attention… yeah that didn’t work. All heads turn as I get out of the jeep, I make sure my shorts aren’t showing anything and my singlet is straight before walking past everyone into the school.

‘Hey there sweetie, what can I do for you?’ the kind office lady smiles

‘Hi, I’m Annabelle Stevens. I’m new here’ I explain and she nods and bends down and hands me two slips of paper.

‘Get this one signed by all your teachers and bring it back after school. And this one is your class schedule’ She smiles and I give her a soft smile, before turning and walking out of the office and into the hallways, which are now full of people walking around and talking and laughing.

I look down at my schedule, just as someone knocks into me. I stumble back a few steps then regain my footing and look up. A silence falls over the hallway as a tall darked guy glares down at me, I meet his stare and I hear a few people gasp and some growl, he must be pretty high up…

‘Watch where you are going’ he growls and his eyes flash black

‘I wasn’t doing anything! Who do you think you are?’ I snap and he takes a threatening step forward, but I don’t back away.

I will not be pushed around on my first day here! I don’t want people thinking that I am weak! The alpha blood flowing through me, keeps me standing there challenging him. I hate how people think they have the right to pick on someone else! You don’t know them, you don’t know their full story, or know how they really are and that’s what I hate about bullies and liars. They are all cowards who hide behind lies and their own fear by picking on the weaker people.

I see a few guys take steps forward but the tall dark haired guy waves them back, I continue to meet his stare, not backing down or flinching.

‘What is your name?’ he growls

‘It’s, kiss my arse!’ I say, the bell goes and I walk past him and to my classroom.

People stare at me in shock and awe but I get a few dirty looks and one girl even tries to trip me as I walk down the aisle to my chair. I stop and her laughter freezes and I see fear flash through her eyes before she covers it up

‘Keep your dirty, fake foot out of my way or I will snap it in half’ I growl and everyone in the room falls silent.

Wow this must be a record! Two fights in five minutes, Jay would be proud. She stands up and towers over me in her super high stilettos, which look as cheap as her blonde hair extension.

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