Chapter twenty three:

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I hope you enjoy and please




Isabella x


I leave the bathroom and head back down the hallway and into the little kitchen area, I can’t hear any noise and when I turn the corner I see why, the sleeping pills have worked! I quickly rush over to him and look for a set of keys and find them in his back pocket. I pick him up and with some struggle I manage to stumble down the hallway and to the bedroom.

I place him on the bed and lock the balcony doors and then step out of the room and lock the door and head down the hallway, in the direction of the basement. I pass a few rogues and I just tell them that Ashton sent me down here; finally I make it to the basement. I look back and then quickly head in and close the door behind me, I hear a few people crying and I shiver at the darkness and the cold, but luckily I have my senses back, so I can see.

‘Trinity?’ I whisper yell

‘Annabelle?’ I hear a weak voice call back and I rush down the hallway and stop in front of her cell

‘Are you OK?’ I whisper and she nods

‘OK, here is your key, I want you to run with Cassandra, all the way back to Alpha Cole, please memorise the way you came so that you can lead them back’ I hand her the key and then run to Cassandras cage and bend down

‘Cassandra, I need you to go with Trinity, I’m going to need you to shift, I know that’s hard and it has probably never happened before, but I’m going to need you to try and talk to your wolf and get to shift, then you need to talk to Alpha Cole and tell him you are coming’ I say softly and I see the fear in her eyes and I feel bad, but I know this has to be done to ensure the safety of everyone else

‘I believe in you’ I whisper and hand her the key, then I stand up and back away

‘I have the keys for every cell here, I’m going to hand them out, then I am going to distract the guards and on my signal I want you all to run, and don’t turn back’ I say and start handing out keys, praying that the sleeping pills last for a while, and that no guards come yet

‘When was the last time you guys got wolf bane given to you?’ I ask, to no one in particular

‘It is wearing off now, should be gone in ten minutes’ a guy around twenty explains and I nod

‘OK, let’s do this, and good luck everyone’

‘Good luck’ they all chorus back and I turn and walk out of the basement and pray that my plan works


I slowly stand up and unlock my cage, the door swings open and I step out on shaky legs. I take a minute to get feeling in my legs back, before rushing over to Cassandra’s cell and opening her door. She stands up and I see her trying to concentrate on shifting, I have an idea.

‘Cassandra’ I say softly and she looks up ‘Annabelle is out there, about to die, if you can’t shift’ I hate putting this much pressure on her, but I know that she respected Annabelle and would do anything to please her, like all of us in here would.

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