Chapter Seventeen

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Luke P.O.V
"Michael if you would just tell me why you're so pissed at her-"
"Luke why do you give a shit? I thought you were mad at her too!" Michael yells, still holding his stomach from Adele's kick.
"Oh really? And what gave you that idea?" I ask walking towards Michael.
"When you pushed her down the stairs because she kissed Calum-"
"I wasn't mad at her," I mumble. Michael laughs, rolling his eyes.
"Sure, whatever you say," Michael says. All of a sudden I here something in the distance.
"Calum?!" I hear a familiar voice yell.
"Adele?" I say under my breath. Confused, I start to walk towards the hall. As I do, Michael grabs my arm pulling me back. "Let go," I say, my eyes glued to the hall.
"Luke, no," Michael says tightening his grip. I then look to his hand annoyed.
"Dude, let go," I say trying to yank my arm out of his grip.
"No Luke, I can't," Michael says. I then look  into his eyes, they start to water. "Sorry Luke but it's for the best," he continues. I raise one of my eyebrows in confusion.
"What are you talking about-" I start before Michael then yanks my arm hard and opens the door into the mirror room. I panic, knowing I can't go in there.
"No! No Michael!" I yell trying to stop him from pushing me in there.
"Your turn," he says smiling, eyes still watery. He then pushes me into the room as I scream and yell at him not to. Before I can reach the door to hold it open, it slams shut.
"Michael! MICHAEL LET ME OUT!" I scream, my voice cracks and my throat itches. "MICHAEL!" I scream banging on the door.
I gulp in air as I press my back up against the door, absorbing my own reflection. My heart beating out of my chest, I wait in agony for them to appear. "Please no," I say, my hands shake as they go up to my head. "Please, please, LET ME OUT!" I yell, then truing around and banging on the door again. "Michael!" I yell.
I the break down. I stop yelling and rest my head on the door, catching my breath and stopping myself from crying. "You bitch," I whisper.
That's when it starts.
The gust of wind that tickles my neck.
I sniff, turning around to face the horrid creature. But I don't see her, she's not there. All of a sudden my ear starts to tickle, making me go up and scratch it. But when I do the piercing scream fills my ears, my mind. My sight goes all white. "No no no," I say through gritted teeth, grabbing my ears as hard as I can and squeezing my eyes shut.
"ONE MUST DIE! " it screams into my ear, over and over.
I sink to my knees, afraid to look up at her horrid figure. Her black graceful body, and her eyeless face that has controlled my thoughts. Leaving messages in my brain, hurting my head. Mentally making me mad. "DIE, DIE, DIE!!!" It screams over and over, so loud, so high. For a spilt second I think I should listen to them, and do it, kill myself, end the game. But then I screw my head on straight and remember that's what they want.
And I'm not gonna give them what they want.
I have to be stronger than that. I have to pull through for Ashton, or Adele.
Then again, Michael and Calum deserve to die.
No, no Luke get the idea of your head.
No stop. Your doing well, reach for the knife. One must die.
And that's when I realize she's gotten into my head again.
I glance up and see a knife, which I didn't know was there before. It was there just like the voice in my head said. Telling me to reach for it, grab ahold of it, dig it into my skin.
"No," I say. The screaming then stops. Then knife shifts on the ground closer to me.
"No?" I hear her whisper, I don't look though.
"No," I say back looking down.
"NO?" She screams, causing my to squeeze my eyes shut again and claw my hands on my ears. "NO? NO! ONE MUST DIE ONE MUST DIE! TAKE THE KNIFE NOW!" She screams at me in a way I can barely understand her. She keeps screaming and screaming, making it echo through the room. I make sure not to look at any of the mirrors, because that's the only way she's visible. I keep my head glued to the ground and make sure that her eye sockets don't connect with mine. "NO! YES! YES YOU MUST DIE!" She screams.
"I don't wanna die!" I cry bringing my head down. "I wanna live! Didn't you ever wanna live?" I say scared of the words that just came out of my mouth. All of a sudden, she screams so loud it causes tears to flies down my face. That is until BAM! It all stops.
There's no longer a bright light anymore, the knife is gone, and the screaming has stopped. She left.
I sigh, letting the tears fall down my face out of anger and fear. I then keep, my eyes glued to the ground, until I hear something creek.
"Luke I'm sorry," I hear Michael say.
I then look up to see Michael. I wipe the tears from my face so he doesn't think I'm a wimp. I just stare at him, until I realize that he's crying too. But harder than me, like, actually crying.
"I had to but then I thought about I and I knew it would be wrong so I took it,"Michael says crying. I look at him, confused. "I took the blame for Ashton's mistake and-" he then cuts himself off sighing. "You have know idea what I'm talking about," Michael whines. I gulp looking down, and that's when I notice the phone right next to me. Not that this is a big deal, but theirs something on the phone that makes me worry. My eyes widen as I realize blood covers the entire phone.
"Luke do you even care? Do you even care that me and Ashton are in danger?" Michael asks me. I look up.
"Yeah," I mumble. Michael then stiffens.
"Then why don't you act like it!" He yells at me.
"I don't wanna die Michael. That's why," I say, Michael then nods.
"I don't wanna die either Luke, but hell, we don't got a bloody choice," Michael says then walking away.
Still overwhelmed by everything that just happened, I let the tears fly down my cheek again. And my body that shakes out of fear, starts to calm down. What was Michael talking about? What's does he mean by him and Ashton being in danger? Does he know I see her?
"No," I hear a whisper, I gasp and look to the mirror to see she's not there. But as I keep staring, something happens, for a split second, like a glitch, I see her.
Not the ghost, but Adele.
She's in the reflection of the mirror
She's crying and scared. She looks likes she's screaming but I can't hear her, and her chest moves up and down fast. My eyes widen in fear, thinking she's in danger. But before I can even call out to her, the reflection disappears. "Ade-" I start, but the mirror in front of me forms a crack, cutting me off and making me gasp. I turn around to see if Adele was actually here. But behind me lays nobody.
And that's when I hear a scream from upstairs.

Calum's POV

Ashton finally stops banging on the door Adele just went into, and leaves going down the stairs. Thankfully, he doesn't notice that I'm still hidden in the room where I smashed my head into his. So when he leaves, I open the door wider than it already is, and walk down the hall.
From outside, I hear muffled screaming, making my eyes widen and become nervous. I dread to find Adele getting hurt by someone in that room. And dread even more to see her in pain like I did down in the basement. I still can't get the image of her surrounded by a pool of blood out of my head.
Ignoring all my stupid, irrational, thoughts, I swing the door open to the dark room, only to have violent screaming fill my ears.
"Adele!?" I yell, walking in and seeing her.
Adele's back is to me and she looks at a wall screaming over and over as if she was getting murdered. My breathing becomes choppy, and my mind swarms with confused thoughts. "ADELE?!" I yell, slowly walking up to the screaming, crying, girl. She doesn't answer me, she keeps screaming and yelling in fear.
"ADELE!!" I yell, finally reaching over to her and harshly grabbing her shoulder so she faces me.
When she sees my face she screams out of fear and cries extremely hard. I look at her worried, and scared. "ADELE!! ADELE, WHATS WRONG?!" I yell then putting my hands on her shoulders. She continues to scream, and scream. "ADELE!!!" I yell as loud as I can, cupping her burning hot face in my hands.
Once I do her eyes widen, tears flying down her red, hot face. Her breathing becomes staggered.
"CALUM!?" She screams.
"Yes, yes it's Calum," I say shaking out of fear. Adele then takes her shaking hand up and grabs my arm to steady herself.
"CALUM! Calum! Oh my god Calum!" She yells then breaking down, sobbing, and wrapping her hands around my waist.
At first I'm confused, but I quickly wrap my arms around Adele who continues bawl as if she's seen her own family be murdered.
"You're okay now, you're okay. I got you," I say out of breath as Adele cries. She's makes my shirt wet with tears, as her back moves up and down fast, trying to breath in air.
"I-I-I can't do this anymore. There making me go insane!" Adele cries grabbing onto me tighter. I don't have any idea what she's talking about.
"Shh...." I say rubbing her back, she just keeps bawling. "Adele what happened?" I ask concerned.
"I-I kept seeing you guys, after A-Ashton kept b-banging on the d-d-door. But I d-didn't known w-wh-which one was the real you until I look up i-in you're ey-eyes" Adele says hyperventilating. "But I-if you didn't h-have eyes t-they w-wo-would mess with my mind. And none of them hand eyes until I saw you," she cries into my shirt, barely being able to breathe.
I pause for a second before I think of what to say. Adele's is making no sense.
"'s okay now, I got you," I respond, not knowing what else to say. Adele lets out a sob.
"There gonna keep following me, t-there's one behind me-me" she stutters. I raise my head above her to see nothing there.
"Adele there's nothing there, it's okay," I tell her.
"Yes the-there is y-you just c-can't see it," she cries. I then looks down at Adele with confusion. "I can't breathe," she say gasping for air. I then take her hand and pull her out of the room.
I gently bring her towards the wall where she sits down breathing extremely fast.
"Adele I-" but I don't know what to say, I just stare into her weepy eyes.
"I w-wish I h-had w-water," Adele says in between hiccup.
"Same," I sigh, then sitting next to her and rubbing her back. She doesn't dare to look at me though.
"Hey," I whisper, Adele keeps looking down. "Look at me, it's okay," I continue, Adele nods. "I promise you I won't hurt you," I whisper.
Adele then swallows hard. Her body shakes out of fear and her breathing consistency hasn't changed, but I keep good grip on her afraid she'll dash off.
"C-C-Calum?" Adele starts.
"I-I can't get it t-to st-stop" she chokes out.
"Get what to stop?" I ask.
"The p-pain," she says holding her head. "It feels like a m-massive headache".
"Your probably just need some water," I whisper, Adele then starts to cry again. "Adele, why are you crying?" I ask quietly. I intwine my hand in hers.
"Because that was so s-scary," she squeaks. "I thought I was going t-to d-die," she cries. My heart sinks to see her like this. "F-first I saw A-Ashton and w-when I saw he had n-no eye-s, m-my head fel-felt like a knife was being d-dug into it. And I kept hearing this dreadful, screaming-" she stutters. "Th-they really w-want us d-dead," she whispers.
I just stare at her. Afraid about what to do, or what to expect.
"Adele you're gonna survive, I promise you," I whisper. She then looks into my eyes, scared at first, but then okay.
"C-Calum, please, I repeat please, don't m-make promises you can't keep," Adele says.
And that's when I hear a loud crash from downstairs.
THANK YOU FOR READING!!! I know I've said this like a billon times but I can't believe that my story has this many reads, for me I thought it would never get to 100.
COMMENT, VOTE, DO WHATEVER (expect like, steal my story and call it your own...that's not cool) YAY!!
Ps. Sorry if there's any spelling or grammar errors, I am terrible with that stuff (as you all know 😝)

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