Chapter Twenty Eight

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It's currently 12:45.
It's dark, hot, and terrifying here.
Now, It's currently 12:46.
I am tired, dying, and mentally loosing my mind as I'm constantly getting the living shit scared out of me.
It's currently, not a good time right now.
Currently, I wish I got hit by that car this morning.
Currently, I wish Michael Clifford never saved me.
And currently, I wish that I never left my house in the first place.
Currently is such a strange word-
"I have an idea" Michael says, snapping me out of my inner thought.
"What is it" Calum asks.
"We kill the ghost" He responds, Calum
rolls his eyes.
"And how the fuck are we supposed to do that?" Calum asks.
"We need a vacuum, so we can suck them in it-"
"Michael" I say, cutting off his stupidity.
"And how are we supposed to get a vacuum, when we're trapped inside the house?" Calum says annoyed.
"Oh yeah, we're trapped in satan's fucking house for 24 hours, almost forgot about that" Michael says sarcastically. "I was thinking maybe they had one" he explains.
"So, your just gonna asks to borrow it form them? Just gonna fucking walk up to them and ask?"
"Fuck you Calum! At least I had an idea!" Michael yells annoyed.
"Okay okay I'm sorry, it's just we can think of better ideas than-well, that"
Calum says calmly.
We then all sit there in silence again.
"We can ask for clues" Calum thinks up.
"I'm pretty sure if there not willing enough the get me a vacuum, there not gonna give you some clue" Michael mumbles.
"Well we could compromise or something I don't know" Calum mumbles.
"And how do we do that Calum? Since your last point proven was that you can't just walk up to them and ask-"
"Michael cut it out! You're so annoying sometimes" Calum spits.
It then falls quiet, again.
I've been listening in on this cycle for quiet a while now.
So, I decide to pipe in.
"We can just try and break a window and escape, or hide from the ghost" I say, but before Michael and Calum can protests, the phone, which is now back on the table, buzzes.
Adele, that plan has many downfalls to it. One, there is no way for you to break the windows, because there unbreakable at the moment. Secondly, hiding? We know this house better than all of you! So nice try.
Michael, unfortunately we don't have a vacuum, so sorry.
"Well then" Calum says clearing his throat.
"You wanna know what I find hard? Formulating a plan when they can here everything were saying!" I whisper yell.
Calum leans back in his chair, as my elbows stay on the table.
"Well...then maybe we need to come up with a way to distract them" Michael whispers.
"How do we do that?" Calum mumbles.
We all sit there, thinking long and hard about this one.
"If this idea evolves a vacuum-"
"Fuck you" Michael snaps before Calum can finish. "I was gonna say, maybe one of us can be the distraction" Michael whispers.
Calum smiles, I still sit there confused. My brain is having a hard time focusing because of everything that's happening.
"Yeah, that's a great idea" Calum whispers, Michael nods.
"Like-what do you mean?" I say dumbly.
" one of us could be the bait. The distraction, what makes the ghosts focus on something besides the people formulating a plan" Michael whispers.
"Wh-What? Are you crazy that person could get killed!" I exclaim.
"Shh!" Calum snaps.
"Sorry" I whisper.
"...No they won't, if they need help we can have a code to yell and then that person can be saved or whatever" Michael explains, I start to let the idea translate through my head.
"....Well, I mean I guess that could work but-but what if there listening in right now?" I whisper.
Michael grabs the phone, waiting for it to do something. After a while he smirks.
"Nope, if they were they would've said something bitchy by now" Michael mumbles.
"It's a great idea an all, but which one of us is gonna sign up for a toucher session with these demons?" Calum mumbles.
They room falls quiet.
We all look at each other awkwardly.
"Well when you put it that way...." Michael says.
"Sorry, but I's the truth" he mumbles.
We all think about this one.
Well, I can't think actually.
It's becoming hard for me to focus.
Honestly all I want to do is cry and get a warm hug from Luke right now.
I mean Calum.
I mean-Ashton.
Or Michael?
From any one them.
"Okay how about we vote, who thinks Adele should do it?" Michael asks, no ones hand goes up. I sigh in relief. "Who thinks I should do it?"
Yet again, no hands.
"...Who thinks Calum should do it?"
...No hands, at all.
"Well that worked" Calum mumbles.
Michael then bites his lip and closes his eyes, taking a deep breath.
"Okay fine, I'll do it then" he mumbles, I lock eyes with him and so does Calum. We're both in a sudden shock about what he just agreed to do.
"Are you sure?" I whisper.
"Yeah...Im positive" Michael mumbles back.
"Thank you so much Michael" Calum says sighing.
"Yeah" Michael says unenthusiastically back.
"So....then me and Adele will come up with a plan while you distract them" Calum clarifies.
"Exactly" Michael responds.
"Okay but what if it gets too out of hand? What if you need are help?" I whisper yell.
"We need a code word that you can yell if you need us" Calum says.
"Yeah, okay can simply just be help?" Micheal suggest.
"No then they'll know we're coming" Calum says.
"Oh right...." Michael nods, his eyes then light up. "Guys, you know how I'm the bait?"
"Yeah" me and Cal both say.
"What if since I'm the "bait" I scream "shark attack" at the top of my lungs. Get it? It's like a pun and its funny" Michael says, me and Calum both give him a resting bitch face.
"...Only because you are risking you're can yell that..." Calum sighs.
"What? It's clever!" Michael says smiling.
"...If you say so" Calum says under his breath.
Michaels smile then fades.
"...So does this mean I go now?" He gulps nervously.
Me and Calum both look at him sympathetically. Michael nods.
"Alrighty then" he says getting up, "don't worry, I'll be fine" he tells us.
"If anything happens call out to us" I say.
"I'll try" he responds, then running down the hall.
He'll try?
What's that supposed to mean?
Is he gonna pull the plug if it gets to intense?
No, stop it.
Michael is not gonna die.
You're just freaking yourself out.
"Michaels gonna die" Calum whispers.
"Will you shut up?" I say offended, Calum turns to me with glassy eyes.
"What? You think I'm exited about that?" He says on the verge of tears.
"No, but don't say that! It's not gonna happen-"
"Adele, face it. You were thinking the same're just too scared to admit it" Calum says shyly.
My heart skips a beat the same time
anger swells up inside me. He acts as if he knows me so well, as if he didn't just bump into me on the street. How does he do that?
"Just-He's gonna live okay?!" I whisper yell, Calum rubs his eyes, nodding.
"Let's just think of a plan" he says changing the subject. "How do we outsmart the creators of this game?" he mumbles.
I glare at him for avoiding conflict. All
I want to do is fight him, but then after cry into his arms. God I'm such an emotional wreck right now.
"There is no way except for surrendering" I grumble, he sighs.
"Come on Adele, help me out here" Calum whines.
We then both sit there thinking. And by both of us I mean Calum. I'm pretty much just brain dead until I get at least  15 minutes of sleep. I'm yearning for a break.
"I mean....actually we could do that thing you suggested" Calum mumbles.
"....I didn't suggest anything?" I say confused.
"Yeah you did, we can surrender-"
"Calum what the fuck, no! I was just being a bitch I don't think we should actually do that!" I exclaim.
"Let me finish!" Calum yells, "I was gonna say we can surrender, but in a way we're we don't actually surrender" Calum explains.
"....what?" I say bluntly.
"Like-we can fake surrender. By doing that we form an alliance with the ghost, and then ask them to show us Ash and Luke. Once we find them we kinda ditch the ghost..." Calum explains.
Why is he so clever?
"Wow," I say taking that all in.
"It's just-I mean that could actually work..." I say.
"Should we do it?"
"Yeah, but what if they both posses us? What if while we're both gone, Michael is getting beaten to death?" I say as all these sudden realization hit me.
And right as I said it me and Calum both new what we would have to do.
I don't think I like this plan anymore.
"Then only one of us can do the surrendering" Calum mumbles.
"No" I say alarmed, "no no no no no-"
"Adele it's the only way-"
"No! Calum I can't-we can't do that!"
I yell.
"Because-Calum! What do you mean why? Because they could kill me, they
could make me kill myself, they can make me kill you guys-"
"Why do you think it would be you?" Calum asks.
"Because I know if one of us was gonna surrender it would be me because it's me they want-"
"Then why would we give them you? That's the opposite of what we need to give them! We need to give them the one of us that is most innocent!"
"Calum that makes no sense!" I complain, I can feel tears surfacing my eyes.
"But I'd does! If you surrender the ghost would fucking toucher  you because of them being all angry at you because you called them names" Calum says annoyed.
"Yeah but-"
"So if anyone's gonna get-possessed, it would be me!" He yells, my throat starts to itch.
"No! Calum it can't-"
"Adele! It has to be why is this so hard for-"
"But then I would loose both you and Michael and that can't happen!"
I scream, tears rolling down my face
Now. Calum sighs, then scratching the back of his neck.
"You won't loose us" Calum mumbles, I start to cry a little harder.
"Calum, if Michael has a fifty percent chance of survival then so would you if you went and pretend to surrender" I mumble, rubbing my eyes. Calum contains his tears.
"Adele, don't you get it though? That's  where you come into the plan then" he says, I then look up. "You wanna know why me and Michael are gonna stay alive? Because if Michael needs help you're gonna save him. And if I need help, you're gonna save me. If anyone of us needs help you are going to help us. That's what your here for. So we're all gonna be okay" he says more soothingly.
"...but what if-"
"It's the only way this is gonna work" Calum whispers. He then glances at the mirror room. "Now, I'm gonna go back in there-"
"Calum you're crazy-"
"And I'm gonna pretend to surrender, and you're gonna stay out here and make sure Michael is okay" Calum finishes, his hands shaking.
I don't know what to do, but before I can translate this all, my body that's in complete utter shock melts away when he hugs me tight.
"Calum I'm scared" I whisper, grabbing onto his shirt because I don't want him to leave me.
It's weird because when he hugs me I feel safer.
"So am I Adele, I'm terrified" he whispers back. He then let's go of me. "But that's just how the game is played" he says, then getting up and walking towards the mirror room.
"Calum," I call, he doesn't turn around. "Calum stop!" I yell, unable to move. He opens the door. "CALUM STOP COME BACK!" I scream as he walks into the room, and then door shuts behind him. "CALUM! NO DONT LEAVE ME HERE! PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME HERE!" I scream, shaking as tears roll down my face. I feel overwhelmed, I'm sweating as a puke feeling emerges through my body.
I'm all alone in a house with two murders in it.
I'm all by myself.
He left me.
He's gonna die.
"CALUM!" I scream at the door one final time.
yell. I tense up.
"No," I say crying. "Not already they can't already be hurting him!" I cry, hearing Michael scream in fear. "I-I don't-I dont know what to do" I say to myself.
I can't save him, I need Calum.
I can't even move out of my seat.
"PLEASE HELP! SHARK ATTACK!" Micheal yells again, I sob as I hear Michael scream for my help.
"No, no, no-"
"Oh my god!" I sob. I then look at the door to the mirror room. Mixed into my miserable frighten mood, I feel anger start to ignite. "Get up" I command to myself. I don't move. "I SAID GET UP!" I scream, then crying some more because I startle myself. I slowly get out of my chair. "Now go save him" I order, gritting my teeth. I nod my head no as I scream to myself again. "GO SAVE HIM!"
I then tipsily make my way towards the hallway, crying my eyes out, and screaming orders to myself. My heart races as I clutch my stomach that bounces with fear. "Adele, calm down. Don't you get it? Once Calum grabs the ghosts attention, it won't bother Michael anymore" I tell myself as I slowly inch down the hall in fear. "But then Calum's gonna die! Calum I NEVER AGREED TO THIS PLAN!"
I scream, then crying some more.
"WHAT THE FUCK SHARK ATTACK HELP!" Michael screams again, in more fear than before.
"What is wrong with you?! Go faster!" I mumble under my breath as I reach then end of the hall. I then run, well at least I try too. I can't stop myself from wimping for some reason. Maybe it's the cut on my leg, is it getting worse?
"HELP!" Michael screams, it's much louder now that I enter the living room. I then turn to enter the dining room and that's when I see him.
When entering the room, and almost getting hit by a flying knife, I see Michael huddle in a little ball on the floor. On the wall he's pressed against, knifes cover it, almost outlining his body, all missing him by an inch.
"What am I supposed to do?" I whisper. "I don't know think of something" I whisper back.
I'm talking to myself.
I've never talked to myself before.
"I can't do anything until Calum grabs there attention" I mumble.
"IM GONNA DIE!" Michael yells.
"DONT SAY THAT!" I scream when he says that, he then looks up for one second, before ducking again because another  knife had come flying towards him.
"ADELE HELP!" He cries.
I then think of something absolutely genius.
"MICHAEL CALUM SURRENDERED" I scream, still crying.
"WHAT?!" Michael says in utter shock.
A knife that was in mid air drops.
"he's giving up! I tied to stop him but he wouldn't listen and now he's probably dead!" I cry.
All of a sudden all the knifes on the wall fall out, and I feel a gust of wind shoot pass me.
The ghost is gone.
It's after Calum now.
"....Adele that's bullshit, please tell me that's-" all of a sudden we hear Calum scream. I slap my hand over my mouth and cry harder than before. Michael looks in absolute shock.
His bottoms lip quivers as I stand there crying.
He then finally looks up at me in disgust.
"....What the fuck took you so long then? If you didn't save Calum, and you took a fucking century to help me, what were you doing all that time?" Michael growls.
"I was trying Michael, I really was-"
It then falls quiet again.
Michael stands up, I flinch when he does, afraid off him now.
"Michael please don't hurt me"' I whisper, Michael then looks into my weepy eyes heartbroken.
"....hurt you? Why would I hurt you?" He says softly
"Because-" I start, then stopping myself. I can't say anything without crying. Michael then looks down at his feet, approaching me slowly. My heart races.
"Adele, I know....I know that I'm not alright in the head anymore....." He starts, I nod, hiccuping and biting on my nail. Michael then looks up at me, being eye to eye with him intimidates me. "But neither are you" he says.
My eyes widen and my breathing quickens.
"Wh-what did you mean I'm-"
"Adele who were you screaming at just a few minutes ago? I heard you from all the way across the house screaming" Michael asks.
"I-No one! I was screaming at no one, there was no one else there expect for me! I was just screaming at-my-myself" I choke out.
"Adele don't you think that's a bit odd?" Michael whispers.
"Michael Clifford I am not going insane" I say sternly.
"Im perfectly fine. If anyone's going insane its you. You're so aggressive and have been having these massive mood swings-"
"And Luke! He's going insane, He's  communicating with ghost he tried to kill Calum-"
"ADELE LISTEN TO YOURSELF!" Michael yells. I stop talking and freeze. Michael looks at me, he seems a bit scared."Adele why are you crying?" He asks me. "Is it because you were yelling at yourself-"
"Is it because you scare yourself?"
"Is it because this house has beaten you to death both mentally and physically-"
"I don't know! Michael, I don't know whats happening! I need someone to help me!" I cry, then falling onto my knees. "I'm so scared!
And I can't walk! And Ashton let go! And Luke got hurt and Calum left and now you're telling me I'm going insane! Michael I'm scared! I'm scared and all I want is to get out of here!" I cry into my hands.
Shockingly, Michael doesn't respond with a asshole comment like I thought he would.
Surprisingly, he doesn't yell at me to get up.
And as weird at it is, his mood changes the instant I'm done with my mini speech.
"A-Adele..." Michael says, he then sits down in front of me. "Please-um...please don't cry" Michael says, I look up at him as he looks down. "I don't like seeing people cry" he whispers. He then clears his throat, "If it makes you feel any better...I'm scared too...and I'm sorry I yelled at you, I don't know what's happening to me" he says then looking up. "It's like-I know I'm having these moods swings, and I know I'm all of a sudden way more tense I just-Adele I don't know how to stop myself from being so mad" he admits. "I've never been a violent person" he says softly. "I don't understand what's happening to me....And-and-I wish this would all stop."
My jaw slightly drops.
There he is.
That's him.
That's Michael.
He's back.
"I missed you" I whisper, he looks me in the eye.
Whenever I see his eyes his emotions all make sense to me.
Michael is lost.
"I was never gone" he says back.
"Mentally you were."
All of a sudden I hear the phone buzz.
I also feel the phone buzz.
I look down on my lap to see it there.
Opened up in text, like usual.
To bad your best friend Calum is gone now, that's right he's on our side... our first surrdner, happy 1:00 am.

But guys
Michael got a feather in his hair
And it's
*ashton in the distance rattling the coins in his swear jar that's actually mug*
I love Gerard way
legit do what u want
rant in a comment
Just comment the word dog
Tell me how much you love rain dawson
Tell me how your day was
Comment anything
My eyes hurt from staring at this scream
U know ur writing a horror book when ur atouctorect does that ^^^

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