Chapter Twenty Nine

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[Calum's POV]
Sometimes, I convince myself this is all just a dream. That when I wake up, I'll be back on the plane.
Far, far, away from this place.
The thing is, I would be fully convinced this is a dream-the haunted house, the pretty girl, making the heroic move-if it wasn't for how real everything feels.
And what I mean by that, is the pain. My body aches everywhere, and my heart is beating too fast. My head hurts from the illusions and tricks, my mind needs a rest.
But, I am not going insane.
Unlike everyone else.
That is, expect for maybe Ashton. He seemed to be fighting through this pretty strongly.
Then again, he did poison me earlier.
And Adele too.
I wonder where he got that drink?
But for all I know Ashton is most likely dead. I shouldn't set my hopes too high to for having at least one person who hasn't broke yet.
But here's the thing you're probably wondering; what makes me sane?
I mean, obviously I am not mentally as strong as I usually am. But you wanna know why I'm sane?
I can still control myself.
And that's the difference between me and the rest.
"Calum I NEVER AGREED TO THIS PLAN!" I hear Adele scream from outside.
I've been listening to her scream like that for far too long. It's getting me a bit worried about Michael.
I shake my head.
"Please Adele, you can do it" I whisper. I sit in the center of the mirror room on my knees, everywhere I look I see my reflection.
The thing is, I have no fucking clue how to lure a ghost in here. How to grab their attention. I really just plan on waiting until Adele saved Michael, maybe when that happens they'll come.
Or one will at least.
Oh god.
I'm so scared.
I can't believe I signed up for this.
I can't believe I left Michael and Adele out there.
I might never see them again.
"WHAT THE FUCK SHARK ATTACK HELP!" I hear Michael scream.
"Please Adele, please, please, please save him" I whisper.
Maybe I should go out there.
Maybe I shouldn't.
"HELP!" Michael screams again. I let out a groan.
"Come on" I mumble in annoyance.
What's taking her so long?
I let out a sigh of relief.
Finally she made it to Michael.
There yelling turns into quick muffled talking from all the way over here. It makes my stomach twist and turn, my blood turn cold. All of a sudden it becomes abnormally quiet over there.
Oh. Shit.
My breathing quickens.
"Please don't be dead please don't be-" my pleading gets cut off by the phone, that now sits in front of me. My shaky hands go to pick it up, where a simple life ending text pops up.
Surrendering? So soon? Well, if you wish to surrender there's only one thing you can do....and that is of course, let us borrow something?
I start to cry as I carefully put the phone back down.
"I give up," I say out loud, not knowing if I'm lying or telling the truth. "You win" I whisper.
Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my lower back. I scream in fear and agony.  My whole body becomes stiff, I can't move, I can't do anything. I want to run but I can't, I want to scream but I can't.
I can't, I can't, I can't.
I then feel this rapid sensational burning spread throughout my body. It hurts in my chest and in my stomach the most, making me of course want to scream.
But I can't.
I can't, I can't.
And that's when everything turns black. I can't see anything, I can't feel anything.
I can't.
It won't let me.
Or, should I say, she won't let me.
She has token over.

[Adele's POV]

After explaining to Michael everything that happened, he started to get a sense for what's going on.
" basically he signed up to die" Michael whispers. We still both sit on the floor.
"No, Michael he signed up to save Luke and Ashton" I respond calmly. Michael looks sad now that I've told him what happened.
"No, he signed up to be possessed" he says. "Fucking worst plan ever" he spits.
"I tired to tell him that! But he wouldn't listen!" I say annoyed, Michael rubs his eyes.
"No. I am not letting him die like that. Adele we need to get him out of that room-"
"I can't have him die he's too important-"
"I can't believe him and I can't believe he's doing this what an asshole-"
"What!?" He snaps at me, I take a deep breath.
"Just...calm down, will figure out a way to make this work" I mumble, Michael stares at me for a while.
"....Fuck making it work we need to save him" he states, then getting up. I groan. "Adele where is he? What room is he in?"
"...In the mirror room, but Michael I don't think it's a good idea too-"
"Come on, get up," Michael says then grabbing my arm and pulling me up.
"But Michael-"
"Let's go," Michael snaps harshly.
Okay then.
We then walk down the hall and back into the kitchen, where Michael then slowly approaches the door to the mirror room. But, instead of him just opening the door, he hesitates.
I stare at his shaky hand that's inches away from the door knob, his palms still mysteriously cut from when the room flooded.
I then look up to his face and notice the fear in his eyes, how he licks his lips and how sweat runs down the side of his face. His red hair sticking to his forehead.
He then drops his arm to his side.
"Can you open the door? I'm...scared" he whispers.
"Michael I'm not back in that room she's gonna rip out my eyeballs" I say in a hushed tone back.
"She's gone Adele, it was only an illusion I promise you" Michael says. I nod no.
"I'm not opening that door" I whisper.
Michael sighs in annoyance.
"Adele help me out! I mean look at my hands!" He says showing me his deep cuts on this palms. I look away.
"Michael you're messing up the whole plan-"
"Bullshit. That plan was complete crap" Michael snaps. I turn to face him, now getting annoyed.
"Oh? Really? Well what other ideas are there?" I reply.
"You could've looked through the house! Easy as that-"
"Michael, Ashton flew into a room and then two seconds later the whole god damn room was gone. Luke got dragged under a bed and disappeared. A fucking bed, you think it would've been easy to find him?" I say, Michael looks at a loss for words.
"Ye-well-you-you-you didn't have to put Calum's life on the line!" Michael whines.
"I didn't want too!" I snap.
"Adele he's in that room, and is probably in the mist of a possession. And you're telling me he signed up for that?" Michael says.
"YES!" I yell frustrated.
"MICHAEL HE WOULDN'T LISTEN TO ME!" I scream in anger.
It then gets a bit quiet.
I run my hand through my hair in frustration, pacing back and fourth.
"I mean, he just left me. Like, I don't know maybe he risked his life for the better, but there was just no way of stopping him-and I was in such shock and I still am in such shock- so you don't have to blame it all one me-"
"Okay," Michael says quietly.
"I'm trying my best!-"
"Okay! I get it! Just shut up already!" Michael snaps.
I stop pacing and look towards him to see his hands cover his face. He turns to the wall and rests his head against it. I hear faint sniffling that he tires to cover up with his hands. "...What the fuck is happening to us?" he mumbles into his palms.
I stand there in regret.
I didn't wanna make him cry.
"I-I don't know" I stutter.
Michael then faces me with watery eyes.
"Can we please just get him out of there? Because once he's gone, they're all gone. And it then will only be me and you" Michael says.
I kinda just stand there.
I don't know what to do.
Calum will get mad at me if I help Michael.
Michael will get mad at me if I help Calum.
I don't know.
I mean, it's obvious I like Calum more. For starters he's the only one here who I feel like I can fall on if I need help. And he just gives me this feeling of protection whenever I'm around him.
Kinda like how Luke makes me feel.
I can't think about him right now.
I sigh, which cause Michael to look up at me.
That's when it pieces together.
It always pieces together when you look into his eyes.
Michael really needs this though. He's hurting inside and needs someone to help him. I mean, if he looses Calum or Ashton or Luke he might snap.
And I don't mean that in a way we're he would kill me.
I mean that in a way we're he would kill himself.
All of a sudden I hear an unsettling sound. I look down to see the door knob to the mirror room slowly turn. Me and Michael both look at each other in fear.
"It's him," I whisper.
"No, it's her" Michael corrects, then grabbing my arm and pulling me into the kitchen where we then both hide behind the head of the island.
Michael quickly shuts his eyes and covers his ears as he sits. I completely freeze knowing what's coming. I then hear the door slam against the wall.
I peek my head out to the side to see him.
Calum stands there.
His eyes rolled over, as heavy breathing escapes his mouth.
My eyes widen.
I've only seen Michael and Ashton like this.
Never Calum.
I almost scream at the scary sight. I quickly bring my head back so Calum won't see it, and slap Michaels arm lightly.
Which was a bad idea.
When I do, Michael's eyes shoot open and he screams, slapping my cheek hard. His eyes then widen when he sees he hit me.
"Shit! Adele I'm so sorry I thought you where Calum" he whispers.
"Shhh!" I snap in pain.
Michaels cheeks turn red in embarrassment.
All of a sudden we hear his footsteps.
Michael grabs my arm tightly and on our hands and knees we crawl to the other side of the island, I turn behind me to see the tip of Calum's shoe coming to  approach us.
I try to quiet my breathing as me and Michael circle to the front of the island for a perfect view of the mirror rooms open door. Calum stands where we first hid from him.
"It's only a game," I hear. Me and Michaels backs are pressed up against the island. "It's only a game," I hear again.
I'm almost 100 percent sure what I hear though, is coming from Calum.
All of a sudden I see Michael untying his shoelace, tugging hard on the knot that remains.
I then hear Calum walking again.
My heart starts to race even more.
Michael then slides off his shoe, and throws it into the hallway that leads you to the stairs.
Calum stops walking and me and Michael crawl to the other side of the island.
"I hear you" Calum whispers, then walking into the hallway.
I sign in relief, my back against the island.
That was a close one.
This is gonna be way harder than I thought.
"We need to follow him" Michael whispers. I look at him with wild eyes.
"Are you crazy? Why?!" I whisper yell back.
"Because obviously he's being led to Luke and Ashton" Michael states.
"How's that obvious?" I question.
"Because he didn't kill us, he played along. Or, she played along. It's simple,
They know we fight the most, so they figure that by just leaving us two alone will end up killing each other. So instead of them wasting there time on us, they go to toucher Ashton and Luke" Michael explains.
These boys are smarter than they seem.
"...True..." I simply respond.
We then both sit there, calming ourselves down from the fear of what just happened.
"I'm sorry for hitting you" Michael whispers looking down.
I go to feel my cheek, the stinging pain almost gone.
"It's fine" I whisper back.
"No it's not" Michael responds a little too quickly.
I sigh and look away.
"You're cheeks red and it's my fault" Michael states.
"And I said it's okay, we all make mistakes....Look at it this way, only a few hours ago I kicked you in the stomach. I mean, I guess that makes us even now" I reason. Michael forces a smile, his eyes filled with sadness.
"Okay, we're even then" he whispers.
I myself, then force a smile.
And it's really hard at the moment to do that.
"Let's go follow Calum" Michael says getting up.
"But what if he sees us following him?" I whisper, also now standing on two feet.
"....Well, that's a risk will have to take" he mumbles.
I scoff.
"Stop being cheesy."
Michael rolls his eyes.
"Whatever let's just go already" he says.
We then head towards the hallway, I hide behind Michael scared as we approach the opening to it. At the very end we seem Calum, who continues to walk with Michaels shoe in hand. He turns and starts to walk up the stairs.
I look to Michael and Michael looks to me, he nods.
We then quickly walk down the hall and then slowly make are way towards the stairs. When we approach the top step we see Calum, who is still slowly but steadily walking up the stairs. We try not to make any sound because of him being on the top step. I hold my breath, waiting for Calum to finally reach the top.
But right as we enter, he seems do stop walking.
His back to us, on the very last step.
He doesn't move at all.
I look to Michael panicked, he signals me to be quiet. We both stand by the first step, petrified to move.
If Calum turns around we might as well call ourselves dead.
All of a sudden I feel my nose tingling.
My eyes widen, knowing I'm about to sneeze.
Michael looks at me concerned as I pinch my nose and bend over. I squeeze my eyes shut praying and hoping I won't sneeze. Michael taps my side, and then all of a sudden-
It echoes through the house.
Michael then looks at me with wide eyes and pushes me into the hallway, he goes the opposite direction near the basement door.
I hear Calum laugh.
"This isn't a game of hide and seek you know" he whispers.
I cover my mouth and squeeze my eyes shut.
Why why why why why why why-
I then hear him walking down the stairs.
I wanna cry.
I huddle up into a little ball, waiting for him to stab me, or beat me up, or kill me. I pull on my hair and my hands won't stop shaking. I'm gonna die. This is it. My final hour.
All of a sudden I hear a loud crashing sound.
"You idiot!" I faintly hear from upstairs.
It sounded like Ashton.
"I'm sorry!" I hear Luke cry.
Oh my god.
Luke and Ashton.
Luke and Ashton are alive
Luke and Ashton are definitely alive.
They're breathing, hearts thumping in their chests.
Thank god.
Calum stops walking. He then sighs extremely loud, and groans after.
"I'll be right back" he whispers, then heading up the stairs again.
I then stop holding my breath and lift my head up again. Michael crawls over to me cautiously.
"Oh god, oh shit, we could've died-"
"I'm so sorry, I couldn't control it" I say cutting him off.
"Did I hurt you? I pushed you-did that hurt?" Michael asks worried.
"Are you kidding? Michael you saved my life back there" I respond.
Michael nods.
"No I didn't" he mumbles.
I scoff.
"Michael-come on! Yes you did! I know this whole things been rough on you but I mean-its only a few more hours until we're outta here. You can't be hard on yourself like this" I say. Michael rolls his eyes.
"You don't understand what I've been though Adele. Me and you have two completely different stories about what's happened here" he says, then getting up. "Let's just go save Ashton, Calum, and Luke before it's too late."
I sigh and get up, then quickly following behind Michael who slowly heads up the stairs.
Step by step we cautiously make our way to the very top. When we reach the final step Michael stops, then peering down the hall.
"He's going into the secret room" Michael whispers. 
"Which secret room?" I asks.
"The one with two entrances. Where you can crawl under the sink or use the door and stairs" Michael whispers back.
"Well which entrance is he using?" I say curiously.
Michael sighs, but doesn't look back to me.
"The stairs," he responds, then biting his bottom lip.
I know what Michael's thinking.
And I don't wanna do it.
"I'm not going in that stupid passage way again-"
"I know, I know...that's what I figured. But how are we gonna get down there then?" Michael says.
"We'll just go in the same way he did-"
"No, are you crazy? No fucking way. They already know what we're up too" Michael mumbles.
"Michael, the only way I ever went down was by sliding down. If I slide down, when I reach the bottom everyone will see me clear as day. I'll just fly right out of the tunnel and crash on the floor" I say, Michael rubs his eyes.
"Well he'll obviously find you if you just quietly follow him. And if that happens you die-and dying is not good. It equals death for everyone and-"
"Michael he's probably done using the stairs by now though-"
"Adele it's too risky, I'm not going down the stairs-"
"Fine! Don't! I'll go down by myself then! Take the stupid tunnel" I yelled annoyed, then pushing past Michael. Before I can walk much further he grabs my arm and spins me around. "Let go Michael-"
"Why do you do that?" Michael asks.
"Do what?"
"Get annoyed with me so easily" he says, more sad then mad. I look down embarrassed.
"Michael it's not just you-I'm just...I'm just tired" I admit.
I then look up into his eyes, and right then and there, I know he knows what I mean.
"Me too" he whispers.
We then both stare at each other in silence.
looking down at my arm, I see Michael's tight grip start to loosen.
Sometimes I forget, that even though he can be such a violent thing, he's really just trying to survive like all the rest of us.
Not trying to kill, or hurt.
Just trying to live.
"I'll go down the stairs, you go down the tunnel. I swear he won't see me" I finally say.
"Okay just....promise me you won't sneeze" Michael says, I nod as a reply.
Before I go though, I quickly hug Michael. Both of us scared and both of us mentally loosing it, I'd say we've become better companions.
His grip is tight, strong, not what you would expect. But his hands stay flat on my back, probably because of the five slashes on both of them.
Man those must hurt.
"Good luck" Michael says letting go.
"You too" I whisper.
I then quickly turn around and make my way towards the door Calum went though, which is right next door to the bathroom. Before I touch the door knob I turn behind me, shockingly Michael's already gone.
For some reason I start to feel sad.
And really, really, anxious again.
"Pull yourself together Adele," I whisper then facing the other way. "He's fine" I mumble. "Well-actually-he might not be fine...I mean he did leave super quick" I reason. "Oh shut up you idiot, he's fine he's-"
And that's when I realize I'm talking to myself again.
Which is something I never, normally, do.
To distract myself I slowly open the door, getting back on task. When I open the door it reminds me of the basement, stairs going down into a dark, dark, room.
That is until I hear crying.
And very, very, faint talking.
I quickly but carefully walk down the stairs, quietly shutting the door behind me. One step at a time, I cautiously make it to the middle step, where I then get a perfect view of them.
My attention first goes too Luke, who is standing up. His faces has more starches than before and his ripped up flannel is back on his body. Wet, and missing a sleeve, it's his only protection. He shivers, still wet from before. And his eyes are red from crying as he  stares ahead in fear.
Then, next to him, who is sitting, is Ashton. He breathes heavily and is crying in pain. I notice he holds his leg, and he as well, is more beaten than before. His face contains a look of fear, tiredness, and regret, all mixed in one. He looks much more tired than Luke, and seems just about ready to give up.
I then look forward more and see Calum, who stands infront of both of them.
Eyes rolled back.
Twitching ever so often.
Michael's shoe is in his right hand.
And in his left hand, holds the knife.
Calum has the knife.
"The choice is yours," Calum whispers. "Either kill yourselves now, or we kill him."
Calum all of a sudden brings the knife up to him chest.
I slap my hand over my mouth.
They're gonna kill Calum.
Nonono this isn't a part of the plan-
"No, please. You-you can't do that" Luke pleads out of breath.
"You broke the rules, so why can't we?" Calum whispers in response.
"You can't kill one of us. That would end the game, and keep the rest of us locked up in here forever" Luke says. Calum laughs.
"It also means, we win" he croaks, Luke's on the verge of tears.
"It also means you cheated" Luke growls.
"But who started the cheating game? Oh, I think it was...Calum? Breaking one of your original rules. Do you remember those? The ones your team made up?" Calum whispers.
I remember those rules.
"Those rules were bullshit-"
"One, we won't ditch each other, two, we help each other if we're in danger, and three, our meet up spot if we get separated is the steps" Calum hisses.
Are rules.
The very rules that we made up.
"But we won't get separated because were gonna follow rule one" Luke whisper, saying exactly what he said when we first made up the rules.
He looks so sad.
"And what did Calum do? He ditched you didn't he?" Calum whispers. Luke gulps and nods. "So, who cheated first?"
"Calum," Luke whispers.
"But those weren't real rules!" Ashton exclaims, only to then get Michael's shoe chucked at his face.
I wince when it hits him, Luke looks at Ashton with wide eyes.
"So who should die first?" Calum whispers.
All of a sudden Michael flies out the secret entrance and bear tackles Calum to the ground.
"Michael?" Luke says confused.
"MICHAEL!" I scream running down the stairs.
"Adele?" Luke says, yet again, confused.
"LUKE SHES PERFECTLY FINE NOW!" Ashton exclaims pointing at me.
"What?" I asks.
"Half your face got ripped off" Luke says overwhelmed.
"What?! What are you talking about?!"
"ADELE GRAB THE KNIFE!" Michael screams.
I quickly turn from Luke and run near Calum and Michael. Calum is pinned to the ground with Michael on top of him. He tries to stab whatever surrounds him. This of course makes it hard for me to grab the knife, so I have to grab Calum wrist before reaching the handle of the knife.
All of a sudden I find myself gripping the handle of the knife. My eyes light up as I rip the knife out of Calum's grip and run to the very back of the room, and throw the knife on the ground as hard as I can. I then continue to step on it and starch it on the floor, just wanting to demolish it more than anything. But this being a knife, it becomes hard for me to break.
I mean, how do you break a knife?
I don't know how too.
Then again, I was never a Girl Scout, did they teach you that in Girl Scouts?
"COVER YOUR EARS!!" Michael yells.
Suddenly that high pitched deadly scream echoes though the room. I look forward to see Michael fly off Calum, and Luke collapse to the ground. I end up falling too, the ground feels as if its shaking beneath my feet as the scream continues. I cover my ears and close my eyes, waiting for it to all end.
"Just a thirty minute break, that's all I want, a thirty minute break" I whisper. 
That's when it all stops.
I look up to see this:
Calum lies in the center of the room, on the floor, unconscious.
Michael's slammed up against the wall, whimpering in pain.
Ashton in the same position he was before, crying, and still covering his ears.
And Luke, eyes wide open, breathing heavily, and aware of his surroundings.
I then see only a few feet in front of me, is the phone.
Like always, it's opened up in texts. But this time I only see two simple words.
Thirty minutes.
Sorry for the wait, had a lot to cover in this chapter...
But I'm not joking like wow, it's just like everyone's so supportive of my writing and the fact that you actually like what I write makes me so happy.
im considering anyone who reads this one of my besties cause you're all really nice and funny and have good music tastes.
maybe u like mayday parade maybe u don't
Lol jk everyone loves mayday parade.
Unless u don't then I'll respect ur opinion.
As long as u don't hate on them bc......
^^ genius ik
Okay well I'm gonna stop writing now.
Maybe go on tumblr.
Sorry for grammar and spelling errors.
Sorry for weird a/n's all (time low) the time.
Okay byeeee :)

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