Chapter Five

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We all know exactly what to do, Calum leads the way jolting towards the stairs. Glass is spread out all over the halls, making us constantly hear cracking as we hit the steps. We stumble down the stairs, but quickly all plunge back as Calum curses loudly and grabs his forehead. He crouches down in pain. I then see that in front of him, Ashton falls down the stairs.
"Watch where you're going!" Calum screams.
"Ashton!" I yell. Michael then runs in front of me.
"Where's Luke? We heard him screaming his head off!" Michael says.
"This house is insane! Bloody insane!! There our knifes flying and hitting us!!! Luke especially, and I heard you guys screaming and I went to go get help!" Ashton yells.
"Luke!" Michael yells, the running into the other room, Calum then runs down the stairs and follows him down the hall.
"Adele, your head holy crap" Ashton says as he gets up, I feel my head, when I take my hand off, it has drops of dark red blood on it. I wipe it off on my leggings.
"Are you okay?" I ask walking down the stairs.
"Yeah I just got cut on my arm" Ashton says, his voice is shaky, so is his body. I look at the cut in his arm, it's huge but not deep.
"Oh my god ..." I say, Ashton's eyes our glassy.
"We were in the kitchen and-and all of a sudden the knifes and pots and pans started to move and shake and th-they started to fly around the room and- and Luke is still in there's and he's now gonna die because of me" Ashton says quickly.
"No he's not please don't say that" I whisper.
All of a sudden we hear a bloodcurdling scream from Calum.
"Holy crap, guys!?!" Ashton says, he then takes my arm and we walk into the hall, from the other side I see a object fly across the room.
"Michael duck!" I hear Calum scream.
"Guys!" Ashton says again. He then runs down the hall and turns right disappearing from my sight.
"Ashton!" I yell as I stand in the middle of the hall.
I just stand there.
I just stand there as I hear the boys screaming orders to each other.
I just stand there like an idiot, as my four favorite people in the world our in danger. I'm such an wimp, I need to do something.
All of a sudden I feel my hand buzz. It feels like one of those chairs that our always at theme parks to massage your feet. Confused, I look down and see a small back objects that I grasp. I scream and drop it on the floor in fear. It was Calum's phone, which he threw across the room upstairs. Now it's in my hand. I get a shiver sent down my spine, how did I not notice it in my hand? Am I that stupid? There's a text from someone with no caller ID, like before. I start to breathe heavily and shake as if it was negative degrees outside, my hands can barely pick up the phone 'cause their trembling so bad.
I then read the text: an hours half way up...
I throw the phone down the hall which collides with a pan that was flying out of the room. It buzzes again.
"Stop! Stop doing this!" I scream, as if I was going to get an answer, or a 'ok sorry'.
All of a sudden my feet start to slide against the wood floor. Without even moving to walk, I get closer to the end of the hall, sweat drips down my face. It's like some force is pushing me.
"No. No no stop! Stop!" I scream getting louder and angrier each time I say 'no'. I then spread my arms out and flatten my palm against the wall, which didn't help. "Stop! Stop! Please! Why are you doing this!" I scream, my face feels warm, full with anger and sadness. I hear screams from the other room, then my worst nightmare appears.
As I look to my right, I see a kitchen filled with four boys.
One lays on the ground covering his head, other is kelt down by one that isn't moving at all. Then one more stands with a knife in his hand as bowls, plates, pots, pans, silverware, and other knifes all fly around him. The one standing stares at me as I slowly glide infront of the room. A look of fear crawls across his face.
Then a white plate starts to hurdle towards me. I can't stop myself from moving in front of it. My feet aren't working, its as if I had roller blades on. Except, my feet our glued in the rollover blades and I can only go forward. I can't even curl my toes.
The plate gets closer and closer to me. Sweat drips down my face. I try to duck but I can't, my back is frozen. My whole body is stiff. The plate becomes inches away from my face. I scream as the plate then crashes into my head making me collapses on the floor. My head hits the ground hard making the corner of my eyes darken.
I then see right next to me is the phone. I try to move away from it but I can't, my vision grows blurry as I hear someone scream. Pieces of the plate then land on the floor around me. It's almost like it was all in slow motion. I feel sharp pain on the right side of my face by my chin. I watch one piece of the plate dance in a circle until it then like me, falls to the ground.
Then I hear two low beeps. My vision comes back and everything go's in regular speed again. I look beside me to see three texts on Calum's phone. From the same number with no caller ID:
I wouldn't of done that...don't want the phone to break
Stop complaining join the fun
Fine. Will go easy on you at first, but then after that it's do or die
As I try to get up, a skinny objects lands right in front of me blocking the view of the phone. I adjust my vision to see its a sharp, dark, red knife. When I sit up quickly I realize that the red, is intact blood. I gasp at the realization and then turn towards the kitchen.
"Adele! Duck!" I hear Calum, who's on the floor in the kitchen scream. I do as I'm told as a woosh sound fills my ears, in front of me a pot falls.
"Calum the phone!" I scream as I then grab it and crawl into the kitchen. Constant crashing sounds and screaming fills my ears. I force myself to look at the floor, which changes to tile as I enter the room. I then look up as see Calum who's head is covered by his hands. He lies on his stomach. Something falls behind me, I feel pieces of glass land on my legs.
"Guys we need to get out of here!" I scream over the chaos. Calum looks at me.
"Holy crap! Your face!" He screams.
"Jeez! I know I'm not a vogue model or anything but..."
"No! It's bleeding like, everywhere! Wait-why did you bring the phone?!! Do you want us all killed?!" Calum screams. Another plate crashes.
"It appeared in my hand!!" I scream.
"That makes no sense!"
"Neither does any of this!"
Then I feel something land on my back, it's heavy and makes me feel like I'm gonna throw up breakfast. I then look up and see all the objects aren't spinning out of control anymore. But there crashing down on us. I cover my head as spoons and forks fall on top of me. I hear shattering of more plates around us and screams from the boys. But I don't dare to open my eyes.
"Ashton get down!"
"Adele the phone!"
Buzz buzz
"Make the phone stop sending texts!"
"Dose it look like I can?"
"Holy crap"
*another scream*
*I scream*
"Calum! Oh my god!"
*spastic coughing*
"Stop! We're sorry!"
"We're trying to play the game right! We're trying!"
Buzz buzz
"Oh my god!!"
"What game?!?"
*sound of a spinning plate*
Buzz buzz
the noise stops.
What. Is. Going. On.
I slowly get up, and see everything has fallen. Michael then stands up too, he stands across from me, the island in between us. We stare at each other.
Heavy breathing is the only noise now, no more plates or pots crashing. Michael's eyes widen as he then points to me.
"Wh-what?" I choke out.
"Y-your f-f-face it's- oh my god-are you okay?" He whispers. I then touch the side of my face, near my chin. It feels jagged, the side of my face is covered in blood. I look down at my white blink-182 shirt to see that blood drips off my chin onto it.
Drip, drip, drip.
"What the heck?" I whisper. My body shakes as my hand runs across my face whipping off blood. I gulp loudly and grab the counter. My poor blink- 182 shirt, ruined now.
Michael walks over too me, my legs feel wobbly, my head is pounding. I fall backwards a little but Michael grabs my side for support. I get the butterflies but they vanish quickly as the pain hits. My right side of my face screams in pain while the other side stings. I have to bite my lip hard to stop myself from crying.
Michael then turns me around so I gave him, the island counter is cool against my back. He examines my face. He then looks around him until he sees  something by the sink. He grabs the paper towels that our covered in dust, and then hands them to me, his hands shaking like mine.
"It's not that bad just....bloody" he says, I then take it and wipe it across the right side of my face. Michael looks at me and then moves my hair out of the way, tucking it behind my ear. My whole faces and head scream with sharp pain. I then take a few deep breaths. But seriously, ow.
"Thanks" I whisper. He nods.
All of a sudden Calum slowly pops up next to Michael. He instantly grabs his back as he gets up. But he looks okay. Aside from the cut he has from earlier by his eye, he looks fine. He glances at me, then Michael, and looks down next to him.
"Ash?" He says. He then bends down and disappears from my sight. I then hear Ashton winces. Calum and Ashton now both pop up. Calum then helps Ashton out of the kitchen and to a wooden table and chair just outside the room.
By that time my paper towel is basically a wet, red, clump. I use my shirt to wipe off the rest. So now the bottom has little circles of blood on it. This ain't gonna come out. I hate it when I ruin band merch.
Michael then moves to were he used to stand.
"Luke" he says sighing. I then look behind me to see him hugging Luke who stands up right. He has holes in his shirt and his ear bleeds. He then wobbles over to were Ashton and Calum are. Michael then walks over to me and nods.
"You're all good" he says.
"Thanks" I whisper.
"Are you sure your okay?" He asks.
"None of us our okay" Luke says.
"What happened down here? We heard you screaming..." I ask Luke.
"When we first entered...knifes were the first thing to come out and know they were flying everywhere. My shirt got pinned down too the wall from the knifes coming after me. So it scared me...." Luke says. "Then I ran and the knifes that were holding me down ripped my shirt, I ran into the kitchen where Ashton used to be and then got hit with a pot" he finishes. We all sit there in silence. "What the hell happened to you?" He asks looking at me.
"I guessing I'm bleeding because of the lightbulb and the plate. A lightbulb fell on my head and a plate chrased into my face and I landed in all of the broken pieces...." I say.
"So your not dying?" Luke asks.
"I seriously hope not" I say.
"Obviously she's not dying" Calum spits out.
"Well... you know what I mean" Luke says sighing.
"Is my face still messed up-well I mean aside from what I actually look like?" I say.
Michael then approaches me, I stare into his bright been eyes as he wipes the side of my face. His thumb bloody now. He wipes it on his skinny jeans. He stares at me. He stands so close I bet he can hear my heat beating. He looks down at me opens his mouth to speak.
"What to you mean aside from what you actually look like?" He questions.
"Well..I mean my face was already messed up without the blood and cuts..." I mumble back. My heart beats one thousand times per minutes. This is Michael Clifford, Michael FUCKING Clifford. The real damn thing.
"No it wasn't, I think your beautiful" he says.
"You think so?" I say biting my lip.
"Absolutely" he says.
"Well I think your beautiful too" I say.
Shit, why did I just say that? He's a guy you don't say that. Do you? Maybe you do.. Oh god. Oh goddy god
He laughs though.
"Why thank you" he whispers.
"Alright enough. You guys our getting too cutesie for me and I don't approve of it" Luke says.
"Oh really Luke" Michael says then turning towards him.
"Yeah," he responds.
"And why is that?" Michael asks.
"That's not very good reasoning mate" Ashton says.
"Because....I hate....cute stuff" Luke says, Calum laughs.
"What do you mean? You sleep with like 80 stuffed penguins that you bought because you thought they were cute" Calum says.
"No I didn't" Luke says, Calum stares. "I sleep with 2 stuffed penguins because I thought they were cute not 80"
I laugh. Luke smiles, Michael doesn't, Ashton runs his hand through his hair, Calum stares at me. I'm pretty sure my cheeks were bright red.
"Michael, what were you talking about when you said we were in a game?" Ashton asks, Michael then explains everything that's happened in the dark room. The phone, the door, Michaels hand, me flying across the room, the text, Calum's cut, Luke screaming, and so on. At the end Luke and Ashton look at us in fear. Then we all jolt back, eyes wide open as Calum chokes out a scream and the phone flies out of his hand.
"I-I-I swear I d-di-didn't touch it" Calum says. I then pick it up.
"Adele..." Michael says.
I read the texts.
Get up Adele or else someones gonna die....
Fine will make it stop
Hours almost up....gonna make our last'll then figure out who it is.....and who's gonna be next
And since were nice, we will give you a short break before the chaos starts
I then drop the phone. I try to choke out words but can't. Michael then picks it up and reads them out loud.
"Adele get up.... What.....?" Michael says.
Get up Adele or else someones gonna die....
Get up Adele or else someones gonna die....
That sentence races through my head, because it brings up this possible answer:
Whoever this is, they're watching us. They know my name. They know what were doing every moment. The text was sent five minutes ago, which was when I was on the floor.
"You guys...I think this shit is real" Ashton says.
"So do I" Michael agrees quietly, he then looks down at the phone.
"So....were gonna die" Luke says.
"No" Michael says cutting off Calum.
"Oh..." Calum says shocked.
"No. We're not gonna die" Michael says.
"So that means, were gonna have to defeat the game" I say.
"We can spend 24 hours in this hell like house right?" Michael says.
"I'm gonna die...." Luke says.
"No your not"
"I am though!"
"Luke listen, I can't 100 percent guarantee anything but I promise that I'll try to keep you alive, we all will" I say.
Where did that come from!!! Why did I say that? I have no self defense skill whatsoever. I sit in front of my computer everyday eating candy. Yeah, so prepared to save a blonde tall god.
"Alright...can't deny help from a pretty girl" Luke says quietly, he stares at me with his blue glassy eyes. He then tugs on his lip ring.
Maybe I'm not that ugly.
I look down and bite my lip smiling.
"Told you you're pretty" Michael says.
And then my cheeks turn bright red. My eyes light up, I stare at the floor so they don't see my supposedly "pretty" face. I'm acting like a six year old.
"Alright can we think of a plan?" Ashton says, "we need some strategies for this game"
Still stuck in a paranormal activity infested house.
Let's do this.
Yay!!!!! getting interesting. OHMyGod I'm sooooo exited to keep righting this. This is going to be fun :))) again, Srry if there's grammer errors....and thanks for reading!!!! Love You lots for reading it!!!! Thank you!

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