Chapter Eighteen

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Adele's POV
I had forgotten what had happen. But the last thing I could remember, was sitting with Calum, crying my eyes out about the illusions that tricked my brain.
After that everything seemed to stop.
I could only touch vibrations.
I could only hear muffled pleads.
I could only see dark.
I could only smell blood.
I could only feel pain.
I couldn't control anything that was happening to me.
That was until my throat started to burn, and my eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets. My breathing began. My heart pumped.
I find myself staring at a ceiling.
A lightbulb missing from the lightbulb holder.
A celling with a dust covered surface and chipping paint.
An old ceiling, an old house.
A confused girl.
And 4 dying boys.
That's when I realize I'm in fact laying down, so out of instinct I sit up.
When I do I scream.
My leg, which I had folded up to try and get on my feet, had a gashing cut
on it.
It started right below my knee, and tore though my leggings down to my ankle, were my shoe becomes drenched with blood that soaks my sock. This injury obviously wasn't an accident.
This injury I obviously didn't do to myself.
This injury was on purpose, someone did this to me with meaning with a sharp weapon that they dug into my smooth skin.
And then this got me thinking.
This got me remembering who I was again.
Making questions run through my head.
The first thing that popped up was:
Where am I?
Second order of business was:
We're are the boys?
Third I asked myself:
What happened?
And I had not one answer to any of these questions.
"Help" I whisper, because that's all my voice allows me to do. It burns to try and talk, my whisper is so faint, so weak, a dog would be lucky to hear me. My itchy throat causes tears to fall.
Tears of confusion, and sadness, and pain, and loss. Tears of help, tears of no hope.
"Help" I try again, still that same, cracked tone. "Help, help me" I whisper, my whispers are even cracked. I then clear my throat. "Help," I say, my voice now at full volume, but extremely horse. "Help! Hey! Someone!" I yell, my voice raspy. A tear slides down my cheek.
What's going on.
Why am I here?
What did I miss?
I was just sitting with Calum.
Just a few seconds ago.
Now I'm here?
What's going on?!
"Help!! HELP!" I scream, then letting out a sob, as I try to move but the pain overwhelms me.
"What's going on? WHATS GOING ON?!" I yell, my hands start to shake. "Wh-why am I here? Why am I alive? why am I here?" I mumble.
All of a sudden I hear it.
Heavy footsteps.
I turn my head behind me where the door lays.
The footsteps get louder and louder until the door knob quickly turns and the door swings open.
The tall blond boy who kissed me what seemed like almost a half an hour ago, slams the door, and sinks down to his knees.
"DAMNIT!" He yells slamming his fist into the wooden floor.
His face flustered with anger, he doesn't even seem to notice me. He then rests his back up against the door and covers his face with his hands.
I sit there with my mouth open, licking my lips to find them covered in what taste like blood. I gasp as I feel all the cuts among my lips. I lick off the blood that coated them like lipstick, sliding my tongue against my teeth to make sure there still there. Thinking maybe my teeth had fallen out and that's why my mouth was glazed with blood.
But that's not it.
And in that moment of realization, Luke lifts his head slowly until his eyes meet my gaze. When they do, his breathing becomes rapid, like my heart beat.
He then presses up against the door as hard as he can, squinting his eyes shut, looking ready for pain.
"What?" I whisper in confusion as Luke opens one of his eyes.
"Aren't you... gonna kill me?" He whisper making both his eyes wide with fear.
"What?" I repeat, more overwhelmed then ever.
"Ashton's dying!" Luke cries, eyes watering.
It stays quiet for quite a while.
I don't understand.
I am more confused than I've ever been in my life.
I am more tired than I've ever been in my life.
And I am in more pain than I've ever been in my life.
Mental pain.
"Adele?" Luke whispers, tilting his head. I purse my lips as my eyes water.
"Help" I whisper.
Luke shifts closer to me, crawling on his knees to reach me.
"Adele, is that actually you?" Luke says scared, like he was in the first hour.
"Yes," I answer nodding.
"Adele?" Luke repeats.
I keep my elegant glaze as Luke sits in front of me. That's when I examine his neck, it's bruised in the front. And his face has little droplets of blood near his roots. His eyes still bright, glimmering with hope. "You're back?" He whispers.
"Yes," I respond, wondering were I was back from exactly. Luke then sighs.
"Adele it's been an hour and a half," he says.
"Luke," I choke out. He raises an eyebrow. I point to my leg in let out a sob, Luke's jaw drops.
"You can feel it?" He asks. I nod."It's my fault I'm sorry," Luke says. "If you weren't choking me, Michael wouldn't of sliced your leg and..." he then trials off.
"What?" I ask, hearing the words 'Choke me' made my eyes widen.
"You don't remember do you?" Luke says.
I nod no.
Luke then looks down, " got possessed."
I choke on nothing, my mouth drying up in a instant.
"Or whatever you call it..." He mumbles on. "For what seemed like an hour."
"Wh-wha-I-did I..." I squeak out at a loss for words.
Luke looks down.
"I did that to you?" I say in the verge of crying, pointing at Luke's bruised neck.
"Yeah," Luke mumbles. I let out a sob.
"Oh my god. I'm-I'm a killer," I choke out in shock, my hands going fuzzy.
"Adele it's okay..." Luke trials off. I shake my head and let the tears pour down my face.
"Luke I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I would never-I can't believe this house has made me hurt you-Oh god I'm...I can't believe this!" I say then crying. "You-must hate me" I sob.
"No, Adele no, stop" Luke orders. "You were there for me, in that room after I tried to kill Calum. And you were there and helped me through it. So in return I'm gonna help you, don't worry. I'm on your side" Luke says.
"I'm sorry-I'm sorry I-" Luke then puts his finger up against my mouth to silence me.
"Adele, it's okay. I mean, you barley hurt me compared to the others."
I cover my hand over my mouth.
I am now the deadly one.
I am now the killer.
That was my hour.
Hour 7 and a half.
Now it's hour 8 and a half.
Now I am the main target.
Now I am the monster.
IM SO SORRY I HAVE BEEN SOO BUSY!!! That was another really long time for a wait for a chapter. I promise I'll try and get them to come quicker I've just been really busy...:/
ANYWHO...wasn't that a major plot twist! Like WHOA what did just write...
Anyways thanks for reading!!
Sorry for grammar and spelling errors...I am a fail with that stuff.
Love you guyzz 😘
Bye :)

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