Chapter Twenty Three

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Why can't I just stay awake?
Why must I always black out?
Every.Damn .Time.
My head beats like the sore heart in my chest, as my eyes start to open.
It's dark though.
It's really dark.
I can't figure out where I am because it's so dark.
I wonder what time it is?
I moan as I get up, even though I'm not in pain.
Well, now that I think about it, Im in a lot of pain.
My leg first off, that kind of hurts. My stomach is eating itself, my throat burns from whatever Ashton gave me-
Wait a second.
"Ashton?" I question.
Before I can hear it echo through the room, something gets clamped over my mouth making me scream.
"Shhhh, shhhh" someone behind me says. I scream again as I then bite whosever hand was over my mouth. "Hey!" They exclaim in pain.
My breathing becomes un-muffled as I crawl away from whoever was behind me.
"What the heck!?" I yell.
"SHHHH!!!!" I hear somebody else say.
"Be quiet!"
"No! Where am I! Where's Ashton?!" I yell.
"Are you trying to get us killed you dumb fuck?!"
"WHO ARE YOU?!" I scream.
"Adele, it's me, Calum. Just calm down. Your okay you just gotta be-"
I then hear something snap.
"Quiet" a voice that sounds like Ashton's finish.
I then follow there orders, making us sit in silence.
I try to examine the room in the darkness, but it's hard. It does look oddly familiar though. I see that there's a bed, tucked in the far corner. And near us is a desk, with a chair that's slightly pulled out, and a glass jar that used to have a pen in it. I remember this room now. This was the room, were Luke flew through the wall. This was the room, were the pen was writing by itself, and spelled out Luke's name. This was that room, were the first hour erupted. We're everyone agreed to never leave each others side.
"Guys what's going on? What time is it?" I question, but in a whisper tone.
"It's 10:00" Calum whisper back. I'm happy to see him but at the same time I'm not.
"Michael found out I saved you, and-"
"By save he means poisoned you" Calum snaps, "you met Mercy didn't you?"
"I saved her! You guys are insane! That drink you call poison? Yeah, that's called-well actually I don't know what it was called, but it was just supposed to knock you out for a just few minutes!" Ashton tries to explain.
"Then please tell me why Adele was knocked out for like thirty minutes! Thirty fucking minutes and not one" Calum explains.
"You know who Mercy is?" I question Calum.
"Yes" he answers.
"There's no such thing as Mercy guys ghost aren't real!" Ashton exclaims.
"Yes there is!" Me and Calum say at the same time.
We then hear a snap.
"SHHHH!!" Ashton says clapping his hand over Calum's mouth and grabbing my arm. I freeze every muscle in my body, until I hear absolutey nothing but are choppy breathing. I gulp loudly as Ashton's tight grip loosens from my arm.
"It wasn't him" he mumbles letting go of me and Calum.
" what's wrong with Michael?" I question in a hushed tone.
"Um....well, he's mad at us for saving you....and he wants all three of us dead now. He has a knife with him so we probably-"
"He has the knife?"
"Yeah, that's what I just said-"
"How long has he had the knife?" I question again.
"Um...I don't know, since-do you remember when you were freaking out in that room cause you were seeing illusions earlier? And it was like us, but if we had no eyes and..." Calum trials off. The memory of that moment enters my brain. I shiver.
"Yeah" I squeak.
"Well, he started going even more insane than before when he had it then" Calum finishes.
"But he had it when we were all playing spin a dare, and then he lost it-" Ashton starts.
"And that's when he went downstairs and I punched him" I say piecing it all together.
"You what?!" Calum exclaims.
"Punched him....and kind of kicked him...." I mumble, Ashton tries to hold in a laugh.
"You beat up Michael?" Calum questions smiling.
"Well I wouldn't of called it beating up, but he was being a dick so I thought why not smack some sense into him ya know?" I joke, Calum giggles. Ashton smacks his head.
"Well that's another reason for him to be mad at you..." Ashton trails off.
"What do you mean?"
"Well between that and the possession..." Ashton trails off.
That's right. I got possessed.
I hurt these guys.
I'm the monster.
"What did I do to you guys?" I ask in a hushed tone.
"You just pulled my fingernail off, like I said before" Ashton says showing me, I cringe at the side and look away.
"Oh god!" I exclaim grossed out.
"You....kissed me...and stole the knife from Michael and uh...just you know..." Calum trials off looking to his arm, my eyes widen as I see it. 3 long slashes that go up to his elbow.
My eyes start to water.
My breathing starts to quicken.
"I can't believe it I'm so sorry" I stutter, Calum give me a sad smile.
"You fought it though," he says.
"What do you mean?"
"You tried to resist whatever took was pretty obvious" Calum finshes.
"Yeah, that's why when you heard Calum scream from pain you dropped the knife and kissed him. And that's why when you realized it was Luke, you stopped choking him, and-"
"You didn't kiss Luke you just-"
"He doesn't know you kissed Calum so don't tell him" Ashton says.
"Where is Luke?" I ask. Ashton and Calum both think.
"We don't know" they both say. My mind then swarms with thoughts
Where's Luke?
Why did I kiss Calum?
We're Michael?
What did I do to him?
How did I fight off the possession?
"Why are you guys being nice to me if I did all that stuff to you?" I asks.
"Because....." Calum trails off.
"Well, I felt bad. I tried to kill you and that just-wasn't good. At all. So, I kind of understand where you're coming from" Ashton explains.
"But you said you remember hurting me...." I whisper. Ashton sighs.
"Well....I mean, I think I do" he says, "but I'm not sure."
"Michael has kind of lost his mind, he's been telling us all this stuff that could be true but I doubt it" Calum chimes in.
"Like what?" I asks.
"I don't know, he's saying things like, there are no ghost and were doing this all to ourselves out or hunger, thirst, and lack of sleep..."
"He saying that were showing are 'true colors'" Ashton finishes.
"But I have nothing against you guys" I say.
"What about Michael?" Ashton asks.
"Well....I mean I'm mad at him at the moment-but it's not like I want to kill him!" I exclaim.
"Exactally, it makes no sense-"
"But at the same time, it kind of does...I think we might all be insane!" Ashton says cutting off Calum.
"So you're saying you hated me so badly-you wanted to kill me" I ask Ashton.
"No but I was mad at you at the moment, and between that and all the stress and a
all the-" Ashton then pauses.
"All the what?" I asks.
"All the illusions" he whispers.
"Nothing. Just between everything-it could of been that"
"So.....why are you being nice to me, if you're now telling me you don't believe in ghosts and you believe I'm mental" I now asks confused.
"Ugh, I don't know what to believe!" Ashton says putting his head down.
"I believe it's ghost" Calum says shyly.
"Same" I respond, he looks up at me and smiles. I give him a weak smile in return.
Ashton and Calum freeze in utter fear.
"Oh god oh god oh bloody god" Ashton repeats in a whisper tone, his back is straight up against the wall and he breathes fast. Calum sulks down with a look of fear, waiting for Michael to enter.
"Guys we have to grab the knife from him and everything will be okay" I say.
"What?! He gonna kill us if we try!" Ashton whisper yells.
"It's the only way to get him back to normal" I respond. Ashton looks at me confused, but before he can answer the door shoots open.
"I know your in here guys" I hear Michael say. We all stop moving, hiding in the very corner of the room. Easy to be spotted by Michael.
Michael stops moving, I can't see him that well because it's the darkest it's ever been in this house, but I can see the outline of his body, limp towards us. "I can here you assholes breathing" he snarls. Nobody responds to him. "Ashton, I can see you. And Calum I can see you....and-Adele?" Michael says.
"Michael," I say slowly standing up, Cal and Ash look at me as if I was insane.
"You're done raging I see" Michael mumbles.
"I wouldn't of exactly called that raging, possession I think is the correct term" I respond. Michael laughs.
"You are so stupid you know, thinking that there are 'ghost' in this house. No Adele. That's wrong. WERE FUCKING LOOSING IT!" Michael yells, I glance to his hand to see he tightly holds onto the knife.
"Well, you might be loosing it. But me? Michael, I'm fine. So, the only rational answer is-"
"Ghost? You think ghost are haunting us you no good slut-"
"Michael, let go of the knife" I whisper cutting him off. He's only saying these things because of the knife. I can't take it personally.
"What? What did you say?" He questions.
"Let go of the knife" I say louder.
"I said, let go-"
"No I heard you! God stop being so stupid-"
"I'm not stupid-"
"And why would I do that huh? To let you stab my leg again? To let you have another 'possession session.' Adele, the last thing you're gonna make me do is let go of this knife" he responds to me.
"Do you hear yourself? Michael drop the knife before you-"
"DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" He yells, I jump back scared.
"Michael please" I whisper.
"No. Never."
We all stand there in silence.
"Well, since you're not gonna kill us and you're just gonna just yell at the beautiful young lady-" Calum starts, he then jumps to his feet and runs towards Michael, pinning him to the ground.
"HEY!" Michael yells.
"GRAB THE KNIFE ADELE!" Calum yells, I rush over to the boys and latch my hand around Michael wrists which swings in the air.
"STOP!" Michael yells. I then try and grab the knife, as I do Michael angles it to make dig into my skin. Dark blood trickles through the cracks of my fingers and down my arm.
"exactly" Michael says digging it deeper and deeper, but I don't dare to let go. The rest of the knife slowly gets dug into my hand, leaving me to the release Michael and scream in pain. Michael then goes to stab Calum's back, but before he can, I push Calum off him.
"ADELE WHAT THE HECK!" Calum screams.
Michael then lunges toward me, I quickly get up on my two feet, only to feel his hands wrap around my ankle. I use my other foot to kick the side of his head. He yelps in pain.
Calum the runs up to were I am and grabs the part of the knife that Michael doesn't hold. Which was utterly stupid because it's the sharp part that's coated in my blood. Calum releases his hand right as he puts it on, leaving Michael to get up. Me and Calum back up as Michael stands with his knife held high.
"You guys are so stupid!" Michael laughs, I noticed that he seems to have blood running out of his mouth. Calum must of punched him or something. He spits blood onto the ground.
He then runs towards me. I freeze. I shut my eyes tight and wait for the pain as I stay flat against the wall. I wait for the knife to plunge into my stomach like it did last time. That numb pain. But instead I feel heavy breathing on me.
I open my eyes to see Michael's face so close to me it's uncomfortable. He had stabbed the knife into the wall and stares at me with wide, crazy eyes.
"Michael back away or I will kick your balls" I whisper. Michael smiles, "this isn't you! Michael let go of the knife and you will be back to normal I promise you!"
"I can't, sorry" Michael says, "goodbye Adele" he whispers.
"THIS IS NOT HAPPENING AGAIN!" I scream. Before Michael can do anything I push him away, he stumbles back pulling the knife out of the wall.
I then look to Calum who's right next to me in shock, he takes my hand and grabs onto it tight. It calms me down. His hands are shaky though. I feel bad.
"Oh Adele, Calum, it's funny how you forget certain things isn't it?" Michael exclaims. We both look at each other confused.
Michael then turns around and flings the knife out of his hands to a body that we had almost forgot about.
"ASHTON!" Calum yells and we see his body tumble back and fall to the floor.
Michael sits there laughing.
"DEAD! FINALLY ONE IS DEAD!" Michael exclaims. Calum runs over to Ashton who lies on the ground. Michael turns to look at me.
"Don't you love me?" He asks.
I don't say anything. A tear trickles down my face.
"BECAUSE YOU SEEM TO LOVE EVERYONE ELSE WHO MURDERED SOMEONE!" Michael exclaims. "ADELE YOU ARE PSYCHOTIC!" He yells walking up to me. "I should kill you. Just for the fun of it to see you in utter pain and to see you finally break. You are unbroken and I don't like it. I don't like it one-" I then slap him hard across the face.
Michael doesn't respond.
He shuts his eyes tight and then opens them again. He then goes and feels the side of his face.
"You slap hard" he whispers.
"YOU SHOULD BURN IN HELL MICHAEL CLIFFORD!" I yell. Michaels face then grows a look of fear upon it.
"I just stabbed Ashton" he whispers. "I just stabbed someone." I stare at him as he seems to realize what he did. It all pieced together. Now that Michael doesn't have the knife, he's back to normal. And by normal I mean not feeling as if its right to kill someone.
He then sinks to his knees. "OH MY GOD" he yells. "I JUST STABBED SOMEONE! Oh god I swear I didn't mean to it just felt so right at the time I-I-I-" he then looks at his hands. "Why did it ever feel like a good idea? I swear it wasn't my fault-well it is my fault but something just came over me when I held that knife and I-" he then starts to breath hard. "I THREW A KNIFE AT ASHTON AND KILLED HIM!" He cries helplessly.
"No you didn't" Calum groans. Michael freezes. "He's fine."
"Bloody hell this is gonna leave a scar" I hear Ashton mumble, I move past Michael and sit on the ground next to Ashton who sits up now. He has a cut of his head that bleeds badly. His fingers lightly brush it as he winces. Blood trickles down his face in weird areas thanks to the angle. Me and Calum-who's on the other side of Ashton-just stare at him. "Is it really that bad?" Ashton asks. Calum shakes his head "yes" as I shake it "no."
"Ashton you scared me so bad" I whisper, Ashton smiles.
"I noticed...." He smirks, I let out a breathy laugh.
"Yeah I guess I kind of made myself clear...." I trail off.
There's a awkward pause.
Ashton seems to think.
"Can we just be cool now? Fresh start maybe?" He finally asks. I can't stop staring at the bloody cut on his forehead.
"Yeah. I think that be good" I whisper.
There's then another awkward pause.
"Can I just say I'm sorry? For kissing you, calling you insane, poisoning you on accident, and everything else I did in the basement and the kitchen. Michaels theories were just messing with my mind and-I was just being extremely stupid. So I'm sorry..." Ashton continues.
"I'm sorry for being a bitch to you when we were playing that weird spin the bottle game...I just-I need to accept that physically you tried to hurt me but mentally you weren't there. So....I mean, I shouldn't of been so mean to you" I spill.
"But you had all right too. I mean I tried to-well I didn't want to try and kill you-but it still happened. And I mean Michael told me everything that happened-from the mirror room, to me stabbing"
"Let's just call it even okay? And be friends?" I compromise.
"That sounds perfect" Ashton smiles.
"It's good to have you back" I say.
"You too." He responds.
It's then quiet again.
Everything is so awkward.
"Wait. You kissed Ashton?" Calum asks.
"Don't worry Cal, it's not what you think. I kissed her for a really stupid reason that's irrational. Trust me there was no spark or whatever you call it in between us whatsoever" Ashton says, then finishing it off with a yawn.
"That is very true" I admit, Ashton laughs.
"Okay good," Calum smirks, my cheeks burn. But it's too dark for anyone to notice it.
"Michael?" Ashton calls. Michaels back is too us as his dark figure sits in the ground.
"Hey Michael, come over here" Calum orders.
"No" Michael whispers.
"Michael I'm fine-"
"But I'm not! I'm not okay! I'm fucking insane!" He exclaims. I can then hear him crying. I feel bad for yelling at him now. Like really bad.
"Michael, you're okay" Ashton whispers.
"The knife was messing to your brain it's happened to all of us. You see me and Luke-wait....guys where has Luke been? Last I saw him was when there was two of him and....then you and Michael came down and.....what did you guys do to him?" I ask.
" one was down in that creepy bathroom secret passageway thing when we went down" Calum says.
"What? But that makes no sense" I exclaim.
"Does anything make sense anymore?" Calum whispers.
He's right. Nothing does make sense anymore. But, that's just how this game works. This brutal, mental, killing, scary, game. 24 hours.
Anyways, thank you for reading!!
And I know I say this like every chapter, but sorry for grammar and spelling errors :/

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