Chapter Twenty Six

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Luke's eyes can barely stay open. His body that's shivering, that ever so often jolts in pain, looks worn down and beat.
It's been five minutes since Michael left. I'm starting to worry.
"Luke?" I whisper.
"Hmm?" He mumbles.
"Does it still hurt?" I ask.
"Yeah," he says through chattering teeth. I'm cold too, freezing actually. My chattering is louder than his and everything I'm wearing is still wet. My arms and legs are all covered in goosebumps and my hair is sticky and gross.
I then take my hand that Luke's not holding and bring it up onto his back. Not on the gashing long line of course, but on the side. When I touch it he winces.
"Sorry" I say.
"No, no it's not you it's everything else" Luke mumbles.
"What?" I giggle questioning him.
"My head.....I'm cold........" He says taking long pauses.
".....what's wrong with your head?" I whisper.
"It's spinning" he mumbles.
I wanna give him a hug so bad, but that would hurt him. He's in so much pain and it's actually scaring me, I don't want him to die. All I want is to tell him everything will be okay without lying.
"Adele your hand is freezing" Luke says.
"Sorry, I'm cold" I say shivering.
"I'm sorry you're cold" he whispers.
"I'm sorry that this all happened too you" I mumble back.
"Here, I have an idea" Luke mumbles, he then brings my hand close too his mouth and starts breathing on it hard. The warm air from inside his mouth heats my hand. I know that doesn't sound romantic, but if you were me right now, you would see why this makes me happy.
He then stops blowing and plants a kiss on my knuckle. I then lean down and kiss him back, but on the lips.
"Adele?" He mumbles, our faces close together.
"Yeah?" I whisper.
"Do you think I'm gonna die?" He asks.
"Luke-" I start, all of a sudden the door bust open.
"Take it take it take it take" Michael repeats, I see he has a bucket of water.
"Michael!" I exclaim jumping off the bed and taking the bucket. The handle hangs from his arm because his palms are cut. I take the bucket away and put it on the ground. "You're alive!" I yell.
"Yeah, no shit" he says out of breath.
"Where did you get the bucket?" I asks.
"It was on the counter when I went in the kitchen" Michael answers.
"Oh, weird...." I trail off.
"Luke? You okay?" Michael calls.
"Sure" he mumbles, half asleep.
"Michael....thank you" I say staring at him.
"Yeah" he mumbles, I then take the bucket and bring it closer to the bed.
"Hey Luke?" I say.
"Yeah?" He mumbles.
"This might hurt okay?" I say taking a pillow that's on the bed and removing the pillow case from it. I then take the fabric and dip some of it in the water.
Let me just be honest with you, I have no fucking clue on how to heal anyone or anything. I have absolutely no idea how to do this, leaving me to be scared to clean the gashing cut.
But I mean, you need to clean it right? I mean there's no way he can walk with this on his back....or maybe he can.
I don't know.
I'm scared.
I wish I knew.
I take the wet part of the pillow case and move to his lower back. I then start to dab around the cut, cleaning off some of the blood.
"Agh!" Luke exclaims, he grips the sheet tight. I then stop.
"I-I'm sorry" I say.
"Hey, Luke, you just gotta let her do this so it doesn't get infected, okay?" Michael says kneeling down in front of him.
"O-okay" Luke stutters.
Michael then nods to me.
"I'm sorry Luke" I say, then starting again.
I take the fabric and dab it on his bare back, making sure to be gentle. Luke cries in pain as I slowly keep cleaning the cut. He then winces again.
What if I'm doing something wrong? What if I'm just making it worse?
"Michael I don't know-I-I don't know what I'm doing" I complain.
"Your doing fine" he tells me.
"I'm hurting him!" I exclaim.
"Adele you're not hurting him. Here, do you want me to do it?" Michael suggests, I nod. He then sighs and we switch places.
I sit right by the side of the bed infront of Luke. He jerks his hand out to find mine, I keep a secure grip on his hand.
"It's gonna be okay Luke I promise you" I whisper. All of a sudden Luke grips my hand tighter and yelps in pain.
"Shhhhh....." I say rubbing my thumb back and fourth on his hand. He starts to breath heavily.
"M-Michael, I don't think I wanna do this" Luke cries.
"Luke, just give me five minutes and then will have it all cleaned up, okay?" Michael says soothingly. Luke let's out a whimper.
"Okay" he mumbles.
Michael then goes back to cleaning it, leaving Luke to squeeze my hand tighter than before. He winces in pain, arching his shoulders up and shutting his eyes.
"Luke it's okay, it'll all be over soon" I say sympathetically.
Michael then reaches half way up his back, that's when Luke jumps in pain, yelping at suddenence. He bites his lip hard and his hand becomes so tight around mine my fingers loose color.
"Okay, I'm done!" Michael says, Luke let's his shoulders drop. "See? Wasn't at bad" Michael says sitting down next to me.
"That hurt" Luke whispers.
"But it's over now, think about it, having to deal with that thing later would've hurt way more" Michael says shaking his hands, it must've hurt to use them.
"So we just leave it as it is?" I asks.
"Saying we don't have band aids or whatever, I guess so" Michael says, he then looks down at my leg. "How can you walk on that?" He questions.
"It's kind of numb, from my knee down, feels weird" I whisper, not wanting to make a big deal of it.
"Do you wanna-"
"No it's fine" I say, lying. We don't need anymore injuries to take care of. I don't Wanna be a hassle.
"Okay, if you insist" Michael mumbles annoyed.
"I'm cold" Luke says.
"Same" I whisper.
"Me too" Michael adds on.
"What time do you think it is?" I asks.
"12:00?" Michael answers.
"Do you-" I then stop myself, "never mind" I mumble.
"What?" Michael asks.
"Nothing, I-I was-its nothing" I stutter,
"Bullshit Adele, now you have to tell me. Can't keep me on the edge like that" Michael mumbles.
"It's not like you're gonna know the answer or anything" I respond.
"Just tell me what you where gonna say! I just wanna know" Michael says getting paranoid.
"Okay! Okay....Um, do you think think Ashton and Calum are alive?" I stutter, Michael looks down at his cut up palms.
"Um...I-I-I don't know" Michael mumbles wincing at his hand.
"Are you okay?" I asks.
"It just stings" Michael says.
"I feel your pain" Luke mumbles, his eyes are closed now as he lays on the bed.
"Here, maybe I can find something to bandage them up" I say getting up, but almost falling because of my numb leg.
"No, Adele sit down" Michael commands, but I just ignore him.
I then start to walk further into the darkness of the room, which is where I see the desk. On the desk, I see nothing but a pair of scissors. Thats when an idea pops up in my head.
I grab the scissors from off the desk, and bring them over to Michael.
"Look," I say examining them.
"No. You are not gonna cut off my hands-"
"That's not was I was gonna do!" I yell, rolling my eyes.
I then take the bed sheet and cut two strips of the thin material off.
"What are you doing?" Michael asks.
"Hold your hands out" I order, Michael sighs and does what he's told.
I then take one strip and start to wrap it around his hand, he winces at first making me stop.
"No, just keep-its fine" Michael stutters, I get the message and continue to wrap his hands up.
When I finishes, Michael examines his hands and nods.
"Thank you" he simply says. I smile in return.
And that's when the choas starts.
I blink once and bam, the phone is in Michaels hand. He quickly drops it because of the pain. I pick it up, the brightness of the screen burning my eyes.
This one especially goes out to the liars and the cheaters, you know who you are.
I have to re-read the text a few times to get what she's saying, but then it hits me.
"Um, Michael?" I call.
"Yeah?" He responds, I then show him the text, right after, he looks to Luke.
"Ash and Luke" he whispers.
"Wait, what did Luke-" but I then cut myself off, remembering Luke's the reason we know all the information.
All of a sudden I hear Luke cry in pain.
My head snaps to his attention as he gets up and starts to cough hard.
"You okay?" I ask Luke, but he just keeps coughing. Michael then goes on the edge of the bed and sits next to Luke who coughs.
"Hey, Luke are you okay?" Michael asks again, Luke nods no as he the coughs one last time.
He the clears his throat, breathing heavily.
"That's blood" he says looking into his hand he just coughed into. He then coughs once more. "I'm coughing out blood" he gasps, and then goes back to coughing.
"Oh shit" Michael mumbles.
Luke then takes his other hand and snaps if up to his ear, clutching it hard.
"What? What's wrong?" Michael says taking a closer look at his ear. I still sit on the floor confused. "Is that blood?" Michael says, Luke continues to cough. "Luke your ears are bleeding" Michael says nervously. "You ears are bleeding and your coughing out blood" he repeats.
Luke then gets up and stumbles over to the wall in the room.
"Luke?" I call. He crouches down and basically lets blood pour out of his mouth.
That's when I know it's her.
Two special friends.
"Stop" I whisper, wanting them to hear me.
"Jesus, oh my god that's blood" Michael says in awe, hurrying over to Luke.
"I-I can't-I can't breathe" Luke says in between coughs.
"Stop it" I say louder, wanting Mercy or AnnaBeth to stop.
Give us a break! They are killing us all I think.
"Stop hurting him!" I yell at the phone this time, Michael gives me a weird look but I just sit there staring at Luke. In frustration I throw the phone across the room.
Luke keeps coughing and coughing. His ears have blood coming out of them, trailing down the sides of his face, and he can't seem to catch his breath. He's also arched over, which must bring extreme pain to his back.
All of a sudden the phone flies back, but instead of hitting the person who threw it, it hits Luke. I hear him cry in pain, making him spit out more blood. My breath quickens.
"STOP IT! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I scream, crawling over to Luke who has blood dripping down his chin and down the sides of his face. I snatch the phone and open it up in texts.
They are killing him, they're killing Luke. He's gonna choke on his own blood if they don't stop soon. Luke can't die, if anyone dies first it should be me, I'm less important, I'm the reason we're in this mess, I'm what caused this. Luke's too important, he's saved thousands of lives, can you imagine? Luke Hemmings, young guitarist in an all time famous band found dead in a haunted house? No one would believe the stories! Everyone would be mortified, crying for days. Luke can't die, Luke shouldn't die. He deserves better.
I take my shaking, weak, body and with my hands I start to type in the text box. I know I tired this out before and it didn't work, but it's the only way I can think of being able to speak with the ghost.
Please stop
You're killing him
Take me instead
Don't do this to him
I know your mad but please stop
do something to me instead
You can lock me up instead
Kill me I don't care
Just stop hurting him
I wait a few seconds.
But to my disappointment, none of the texts deliver.
I look to Luke who looks face begins to drain and he's still bleeding badly.
I then take the phone and repetitively smack it against he ground hoping to break it, each time I do it cracks even more, pieces of it fly off, and it buzzes like crazy.
"ADELE!" Michael yells, he then grabs my hand that holds the phone."CALM DOWN!" He screams.
"MICHAEL WE CANT LET THEM DO THIS TO US!" I yell back, wiggling out of his grip, the phone vibrates again and again in my hand. "IM SO SICK AND TIRED OF THIS FUCKING GAME!" I scream.
"ADELE CALM DOWN!" Michael yells as I throw the phone across the room, yet again. "ADELE!" Michael yells again yanking me so I face him.
"HES GONNA DIE MICHAEL!" I yell pointing to Luke.
It then gets quiet.
All you can hear is Luke coughing.
Michaels face fills with anger.
He then pulls me in closer, I try to fight back but he's too strong for me to escape his grip.
"I swear to fucking god, if you say that again I will slit your throat" Michael threats tensely.
His grip is so tight. I can feel his damped bandages on my bare skin, bleeding more when his grip keeps tightening and tightening. How does this not hurt him? How is he still holing on so tight? It's like when we were by the stairs...
Michael then let's go, pushing me away.
"Oh please, I wasn't even holding on that hard" he spits as I scoot away from him.
All of a sudden I feel something hit the back of my head.
"Ow!" I exclaim, I turn to see its the phone.
"Oh my gosh, I wasn't holding on that-"
"I WASNT TALKING TO YOU!" I yell in annoyance. Michael looks at a loss for words.
"God-you're-such a...bitch!" Michael stutters frustrated.
"Look who's talking asshole!" I yell back.
I then angrily swipe the phone screen, only to get at the instant I open it a bright light that blinds me.
I scream at the startling burst.
It's bright everywhere.
Brightness has token over, causing me to shut my eyes and pray for it to go away.
It's just white.
Even when I close my eyes I see spots, and it stings to have so much pressure from the light put on me.
Was I dying?
That doesn't make any sense.
How can I be dead?
I hold onto the phone tightly, wanting to open my eyes again, but the brightens stops me.
And that's when it starts to feel dark. I don't know how you feel dark, but when my eyes stopped beating it felt....well, dark.
I open my eyes, only to see I'm not in the same room I was in before.
I was in the mirror room.
I sit on the floor, adjusting my eyes and looking at myself through reflections.
All the mirrors were fixed from last time I was in here.
When me and Michael were arguing.
They are all perfectly clean, not one starch on them.
I then feel my hand buzz making me look to the extremely busted up phone. I'm surprised it's still working.
You're being too much of a distraction, same with that Calum kid.
Silly you two think you have power to stop us.
Hope you two have fun being together for awhile.
Oh, and your other friends?
I hope you said goodbye to them.
Especially Luke.
Wish him luck.
Two special friends.
Oh no.
Oh nonononononononononono.
And Ashton.
Oh no.
"Adele?" I hear someone weakly call.
I turn behind me and gasp at the sight of him.
"Calum?" I say getting up, but with struggle because of my leg.
"You're alive" he says, I can't tell if I'm talking to him or his reflection.
"What happened to you?" I say in shock. He sits, his back against a mirror, struggling to find the right words.
"I-I-I-" he starts, but he can't seem to speak.
Everything about him looks like it hurts, he has a black eye now and blood running down his right arm. He has even more bruises than he did before, and his eyes look red and watery from crying.
"Calum it's okay" I whisper, I the walk towards him, and thankfully not his reflection. When I finally reach him I sit down, surprised I didn't run into any mirrors.
"Adele....whatever Ashton did, the-ghost didn't like it.....I tired to save him but they just-they-they're too strong" Calum tries to explain, his lip quivers.
"Where's Ashton?" I whisper.
"I don't know, I just have a strong feeling he's not gonna make it" Calum says weakly, his voice cracks from trying not to cry. I try to think of something sympathetic to say.
"Calum, I'm really sorry" I whisper. "What did the ghosts do to him?" I ask.
"They-they just-they just kept hurting him" Calum says letting a tear slip out. "And I-I tried to save him but they kept hitting me when I did."
Calum then buries his head in his head, he starts to cry hard making my heart hurt.
"He can't die Adele, Ashton has been one of my best friends for such a long time, he can't die" he cries, I rub my hand on his back. I've never seen Calum cry this hard, to be honest with you I've never really seen Calum cry. I don't like that he's crying, it honestly makes me wanna cry. How can someone who was so happy at the beginning of that day, become so broken by the end of it?
Something then pops up in my brain.
"How long do you think we have to save him?" I ask, surprised with what just came out of my mouth. Calum looks up at me with weepy eyes, surprised too.
"Save him?" He says still crying.
"Yeah, I'm not gonna let someone that's so important to you die and be gone forever" I whisper.
"Adele, I don't want them hurting you though-because-because-" he tries to say words but his crying stops him.
"Calum, it's okay buddy just calm down" I say sympathetically. Calum tires taking a few deep breaths to calm
his crying down. "How long do you think we have?" I quietly question again. Calum takes one more deep breath.
"S-sunrise if he f-fights" he stutters, "Sunrise if he doesn't give up."
SORRY FOR THIS TAKING SUCH A LONG TIME LIFE HAS BEEN CRAZY HERE FOR ME!! Finals have been making me loose my mind!!! Agh! But I should be getting back on track soon.
And sorry if that chapter was kind of eh, the next ones I have planned out better :)
I Love you all!!!
Sorry for le spelling errors....

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