Chapter Thirty Eight

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[Adele's POV]

My hands won't stop shaking.
"It's not gonna do anything to you, it's just an illusion," Luke says.
"We don't know that for sure though," I argue, gripping onto the knife so hard my knuckles turn white.
Luke, Calum, Michael and I all sit in the living room.
And what are we doing? We are basically all waiting for me to stab myself.
"Come on Adele, you're wasting time...." Michael mumbles.
"You know what? Just shut up! I don't like pain! And when I insert this knife into my body I'm gonna be in a lot of pain," I argue.
"You wanna know who else seems to be in a lot of pain? Ashton! You stalling could result to him ending up dead on that basement floor!" Michael yells.
"Michael calm down! If you're gonna be mad at anyone be mad at Calum," Luke defends.
"Right, because everything's always my fault," Calum grumbles.
"Well in this situation it is! If you could've just not been some sadistic bastard we could've avoided this huge mess we're in right now," Luke snaps.
"Hey Luke, who dared Ashton to sit in the basement for the rest of the game? Oh right,
it was you!" Calum says back.
"I'm gonna do it," I say.
"We've been over this already Calum I didn't think he would pick that choice!" Luke yells, ignoring me.
"Yeah and to be honest I thought Adele was gonna stab you instead of herself so we all make mistakes okay?!" Calum replies.
"Why the fuck would you think that?! That makes no sense Calum are you stupid?!" Luke says.
"Don't be such an asshole Luke-"
"Guys," I call.
"I'm not being an asshole you're just being stupid-"
"Well I'm fucking sorry okay?! Sorry for being the stupidest person alive-"
"GUYS!" I yell.
"What?!" Calum and Luke both snap.
"Count me down," I order.
Luke and Calum both glare at each other, and before either of them can speak Michael clears his throat.
"One," he says, voice shaky.
I squeeze my eyes shut and rest the tip of the knife against my shoulder.
I take a deep breath.
Here we go....
"Three!" Michael yells.
I dig the knife into my own skin, screaming in pain and stopping my feet out of anger.
"Shit. Shit! Pull it out!!" I shriek.
"W-What?" Luke trembles.
Calum cracks a smile, but when he does Michael slaps him with a scolding look on his face.
Luke then grabs the handle and yanks the knife out of my skin, right when he does I quickly press my fingers up on the wound to feel blood spewing out of it.
"Oh god. It's bleeding bad. I-I-What if I bleed out and die? I CANT DIE! Holy shit I-"
"You won't die, calm down," Calum mumbles, then digging through his pocket. He then pulls out a little potion bottle and hands it to Luke. "I found this next to the knife, thought it be a good idea to bring it down," Calum says, then leaning back and crossing his arms.
Luke then pulls the cork out from the bottle and pours the liquid all over my arm. I shut my eyes and feel a great amount of pain for only a few seconds, before it all stops and everything seems to go back to normal.
I slowly open my eyes and remove my hand from my arm to see no blood anywhere. Or, more importantly, no gashing hole on my shoulder. All of the boys stare at me with a somewhat terrified look, well, all except for Calum. I see Michael and Luke try to stop starting at me, but Calum just shrugs and clears his throat.
"See? That wasn't too bad," Calum says.
I look up at him scolding, "I feel bad for all your ex girlfriends. Do you force them to stab themselves as well or do you just do it for them?"
Michael chuckles as Calum rolls his eyes.
"Calum actually gets so pissed when a girl breaks up with him. It's hilarious, I mean, one time he got so mad he threw the TV out the window-"
"Michael shut up, no I didn't," Calum snaps.
Luke then adds in, "Yeah, you did Calum, and your selfish ass didn't even pay for the new TV. You were all like, lets spilt it up guys I made a mistake I'm sorry-"
"I was not like that-"
"OH YEAH! He made us all pay! Oh my god remember how pissed we all were? And me and you were texting for hours that night ranting about how we were gonna like, not be his friend anymore?" Michael laughs.
"Yes, that was hilarious. Calum why the hell did you make us all pay for the-"
"Will you two stop fucking attacking me?!" Calum yells, getting way too offended.
Michaels smile fades, "Were only joking Calum, calm down."
Calum clenches his jaw, his eyes starting to water a little. He then laughs with a look of anger and sadness stuck on his face, "Joking. Michael, I can't believe you. I can't believe you're making jokes right now. For christ sake- you're gonna die! And you know it too! So stop making jokes! Just stop with the fucking jokes...." Calum rants.
I turn to Luke and Luke turns to me. We both furrow are eyebrows in confusion before turning back to Calum and Michael who sit on the other couch.
"Calum...we don't know for certain Michaels gonna die. We don't know for certain if any of us are going to die-"
"Michael is going to die," Calum growls. "And he's fucking okay with it."
I see in Calum's face that something changes. Instead of there just being an annoyed look there is now some sort of fiery in his watery eyes. He makes sure to avoid eye contact with everyone by staring at Luke's feet, while Michael on the other hand only stares at him, waiting for Calum to look up.
Michaels jaw drops and eyes widen, "Calum..."
"Calum, what the hell are you talking about?" Luke questions.
Calum doesn't answer, he just continues to stare at the floor.
Me and Luke both then give up on Calum and look to Michael. Michael looks up to us with a worried look. He then joins Calum by looking at the floor.
And that's when I realize somethings wrong.
Something is terribly, horribly, wrong.
Michael clears his throat, "Um, okay Adele it's your turn," he says.
I look to Luke once more to see we both have the same weirded out vibe. He raises his eyebrows at me and nudges his head towards Michael. That's when I understand what I need to do with the amount of power I have right now. I gotta force Michael to tell us all the secrets him and Ashton have been hiding. All the secrets it's seems now only me and Luke are oblivious too.
"Okay," I finally say. Michael looks up with the most fake half smile in the world, knowing what's coming. "Michael, your choice. Tell us-"
But, before I can even give out my options something strange happens. My heart rate quickens and my hands start to shake as one by one all the lights go out. Me and Luke continuously exchange glance of fear, as Calum finally lifts his head to look up and Michaels breathing quickens.
"Shit," Michael whispers as the house become dark again.
But, for once, I noticed it wasn't all that dark because a certain lightness coming from the closed shut windows by the door. I tilt my head a little more to see a dim white light that covers both the windows. Before when the white light came it went away quickly and outside the window you could just see, well, absolutely nothing. It was like on the other side there was just blackness. But now, there seems to be a little light.
Does this mean it's daytime again?
That we're getting closer to getting out?
"Hey guys, look at the window," I whisper as they all then tilt there heads and lean there bodies to try and see them.
"Whoa," Michael exclaims.
"The windows weren't always like that, right?" Luke asks.
"No, definitely not," I answer.
Then, out of no where, the basement door creeks open. All our heads snap to the sound of the obnoxiously loud door in fear, waiting for something to happen. After a few dreadful seconds of silence and no movement, Luke lets out a huge sigh.
"Alight, I'm only gonna ask you guys this one time. But, Calum, do you by any chance think that this happening is because you and Michael know something Adele and I don't?" Luke asks.
Calum and Michael both slowly turn and look at each other petrified, before then slowly looking back at me and Luke.
"Maybe," Michael faintly responds.
Luke rolls his eyes, "I can't believe you too. If we get out of here alive, I want you to know I'm never trusting you again.  And I quit. I quit are stupid fucking band I hate you."
"Luke, shut up! You're not quitting the band," Michael snaps.
Luke glares at him, "Okay, I'm not gonna quit but I still hate you guys, and I'm never trusting you ever again."
"Wow Luke, I'm honestly so offended by that. I lost your trust? Oh boy, this has been the worst part of my day for sure," Calum says sarcastically.
My eyes then widen at a sudden realization.
"GUYS!" I scream.
All the boys jump in there seats, clearly alarmed.
"What?! Are you okay?!" Luke replies.
"I'm fine, but- I- we- ASHTON! He's in the basement. The basement doors open. See what I'm getting too?!??" I spit out.
"Oh yeah, Ashton, I totally forgot- wait....." Michael trails off.
Luke then jump out of his seat and so do I as we quickly make our way to the basement door that's wide open. Behind us I hear Michael and Calum make there way to the door too.
We all stare down into the black abyss the stairs lead too, I hold my breath out of fear as my stomach twists and turns. The basement, in my opinion, is the scariest room in this whole house. So many dark and horrible things have happened down there. Every time I see those steps the image of Ashton stabbing me enters my brain.
Suddenly, I don't wanna go down there anymore.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Michael asks.
"Maybe we shouldn't," I say.
"What?" Luke asks.
"Maybe we shouldn't go down," I clear up.
"Are you insane? Ashton's probably down there scared out of his mind! We need to save him," Michael says from behind me.
"But..." I trail off.
"But what?" Luke says.
"But what if we go down there and Ashton isn't....Ashton," I say.
"You mean like...He's possessed?" Luke asks.
I look up at him with worried eyes, "Yeah."
"He's not gonna stab you, not ever again," Michael says.
I turn my head towards him, "But..."
"I know he won't. I won't let him do it. Don't worry," Michael whispers.
I nod my head and smile at Michael before turning back around.
"Plus," Luke starts, "Didn't they say they were done with all that possession shit?"
"Yeah, they did," Michael replies.
"So let's go, it's not like we got much to lose anyways," Luke mumbles.
I nod my head as Luke then makes his way down the stairs. I follow him, taking deep breaths on my way down as Michael who's behind me pats my back to try and boost my confidence. He ends up patting me a little too hard though making me oddly uncomfortable. I try to shake it off, knowing he's only trying to help.
"ASHTON?!" Luke calls as we seem to reach the final steps.
"Ash?!" Michael calls.
I try to call out as well but my stomach gets a sickening feeling.
"ASHTON!" Luke yells again as he walks further into the pit of blackness.
"I-I don't see him where is he?" I ask, looking to Michael for answers.
"I don't know...I wish I did though..." Michael responds with a worried tone.
"ASHTON!" Luke yells once again.
"He can't be....Dead, right?" Michael asks.
"No...well I mean, yeah but....then the game would be over. The game can't just be...over," Luke says, turning towards me and Michael.
"What if the game is over though? What if that's why all the lights went out?" Michael says with fear in his voice.
" it can't be over....this game can't be over we're so close to getting out of here," Luke says desperately. "Plus, they would have told us, right? If it was over?"
Me and Michael look at each other quickly before looking back at Luke, "I don't know...They never said that they would tell us."
"They never said they wouldn't tell us either. Come on, Michael, stop trying to scare me. We're fine were totally fine," Luke says as he walks backwards, and then tripping over something on the floor.
"Luke!" I shriek as I hear not one, but two different groans.
"Oh thank god," Michael gasps.
Michael and I race over to where Luke was to see that he lies on top of another moving body. Luke screams loudly as he hops off this other human and scoots as far away from him as possible.
"Luke! Calm down! It's Ashton! He's alive!" Michael squeals, bending down next to Ashton who seems to be shaking.
"Stop! Don't touch me!" Ashton cries.
"Ash, it's me Michael you're fine-"
"FUCK OFF!" Ashton screams in pain scaring both me and Michael.
Michael slowly stands up with his hands up in surrender. I then grab Michaels hand and pull him back to where I am. That's when I notice surrounding Ashton completely is paper and blood. Ashton shrivels himself back up into a little ball as he lies on the floor. He's crying extremely hard and breathing funnily.
"A-Ashton..." Luke says as he stays on the ground, too afraid to move.
Ashton doesn't respond, he just continues to cry hysterically while covering his face with his hands.
Michael then kneels down and goes to try and pick up one of the papers. As he's inches away from one sheet Ashton completely snaps.
Michael then stands up, "What is wrong with you?" he growls.
"You were too late guys, too fucking late. It's over now. You guys didn't save me you selfish pricks. You sat up there on the couch and argued probably over some stupid make out session with a girl you just met. So, guess what? Fuck all of you. You're not the heroes you thought you'd be when you came down here," Ashton rants.
"Dude...we were trying are best to finish as fast as we could..." Luke trails off.
"Oh my god, Luke SHUT UP!  Sorry to break it to you but your best wasn't shit compared to what I needed. So just take the blame for once in your life and leave me alone," Ashton says.
There's is complete and utter silence between all of us. My heart is racing as I witness Ashton is his weakest position ever. Seeing him like this makes me feel sick. He's so beaten and in so much pain it physically hurts to look at him. I wanna cry seeing him like this, but there's  no way I'm going too. Not when he's this mad, and not with Luke and Michael around.
Ashton sniffles loudly and rubs his face again as he clears his throat. "She had no eyes," he starts. "And, her whole body was bruised and cut up. The scariest part about it was that she was a little girl. She looked about eight? Nine? I don't know, pretty young though."
My eyes widen, "Serena..." I whisper so only Michael seems to hear.
"All the paper on the ground came from out of me," Ashton says. "All of it. I kept gagging on page after page of her ripped up diary entries. Diary entries that I needed for that stupid deal. The deal that's now off."
There's a long pause filled with silence before Ashton says his next shocking words.
"I'd never thought I'd die like this. I never thought I'd die in such pain," he whispers.
Michael and I exchange glances once again. He eyes the paper and shrugs as in response I nod no. Michael looks at me with no expression before then bolting towards the ground and picking up a piece of wet, soggy, paper.
"HEY!" Ashton yells sitting up, "PUT IT DOWN! PUT IT DOWN NOW!"
Michael reads the paper and it is in fact, a journal entry from her diary. Suddenly anger fills Michaels face as he crumples up the paper in his hands.
"You know what isn't fair? HOW THEY CAN BREAK THE RULES WHENEVER THE HELL THEY WANT!" Michael screams the going over the the wall and kicking it.
I jump a little when he does, startle at this sudden burst of anger.
"Michael," Ashton calls in tears.
"No. Don't 'Michael' me. Ashton they treat you so unfairly. And you wanna know why? Because your weak, and you give in easily. It's not fair! You're getting so beat up for something that isn't even your problem anymore!"  Michael yells.
"Michael the only reason a problem exists is because of me," Ashton cries.
"Ashton, remember when I told you I wouldn't let you hurt yourself?" Michael says.
"Y-Yeah but Michael-"
"So, this isn't fair! You're just a kid that made a mistake! This needs to stop!" Michael yells, then hitting the wall once again.
Suddenly, Ashton shrieks loudly as in his hand the phone appears. "NO! I'm done!!" He yells then throwing it towards luke. "Michael I can't do this anymore! I CANT DO THIS NOW! THEY'VE BROKE ME, OKAY?! I CANT DEAL WITH THIS!" Ashton yells then crying hard again.
Michael then walks over to Ashton and sits down next to him, wrapping his arms around him as he cries.
"Ashton, I'm so sorry," Michael whispers. "You don't deserve this."
Luke then gets up from where he sits and goes next to Ashton. He stares at him with a sympathetic look for a long time before finally putting his hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, Ash. Listen, we're gonna survive this together, okay? We're gonna make it. You're one of my best friends and, I don't know, living in a world without you would suck. So we're gonna make it through this, don't give up," Luke says, trying to cheer Ashton up.
Ashton lifts his head and looks to Luke, "Thank you, Luke. That means a lot to me that you said that."
I crack a smile and my heart melts, but in the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of the phone and it ruins the moment for me. I slowly walk towards it and pick it up, pressing the home button to see yet again, a simple text.
Come and find me.
I look at the text in confusion, and then I look back up at the boys to see they haven't even noticed that I picked up the phone.
And that's when I realize, that there's only three boys.
"Holy shit," I gasp as dread fills my face. "Guys, Where's Calum?!"
Luke looks up and me with wide eyes, "Wasn't he down here with us?"
"I don't know! I thought he was," I say, "Guys we need to go find him!"
"NO!" Ashton yells, "I don't- I can't do this anymore," he cries.
I start to breathe heavily, "Luke! He's missing! He's could be in danger we need to- help me, come on!!"
"Adele, calm down its okay. We'll focus on that in a minute, alright," Luke glares at me.
"Adele, what the hell?! I thought you hated Calum! He just made you stab yourself!!" Luke snaps.
"I DON'T HATE HIM! He's just angry right now! You can't hold a grudge forever Luke!Why are you not caring that he's missing?!" I say back.
Luke rolls his eyes, "I don't get you! How can you like him?! After everything he's done to you?!"
"People make mistakes! Okay?! He made a mistake, I made a mistake we all make mistakes-"
"AND SO DID YOU!" I yell back. "You know what? I DON'T NEED YOU GUYS! I'll find him on my own!"
I then storm towards the stairs.
"ADELE!" Luke yells. I just run up the stairs though, too angry to deal with them.
To be honest, I can't believe I'm this angry about it. Or that I just left all of them for Calum. For some reason though, deep down I feel like I'm doing the right thing. Luke's right, Calum's done a lot of bad. But he can't die. We need him.
When I reach the top step I am open to an empty, dark house. I quickly walk as far away from the basement as I can and towards the front door. While I'm there I look at the knob, and in a split second I grab it and try my hardest to unlock the door. Of course, it doesn't work. I then go and bang on the dimly lit windows to see they are still unbreakable.
"DAMNITT!" I scream, then taking a deep breath before realizing the situation I'm in.
I'm all alone, with no source of protection whatsoever, surrounded by things that want to kill me, as I look for a guy that hates my guts.
Adele, why the hell do you put yourself in these situations?
I take a deep breath and look around, "Calum?!" I call.
No answer.
I glance at the hallway towards the kitchen, and before I know it my feet start moving me towards it. I walk down the narrow hall, looking behind me ever so often, and not blinking once to make sure I don't miss anything. If I make a mistake now there's no going back.
When I reach then end of the hallway I see Calum.
Okay, that was way easier than I expected.
I let out a breath of air I've been keeping in for a while as I examine him. Calum sits on the ground with his back against the island, lightly crying as he stares into the distance not even acknowledging me. He tries not to cry but he just can't help it.
"Michaels not gonna make it out of here alive," he says.
My heart races a little when he says that as I then scoot a bit closer to him, "Calum, why do you keep saying that?" I ask.
"Because they told me," he whispers, "The ghosts told me."

How's life, good ??? Not good????? Okayish???
Anyways Ahhh we are getting down to some of r final hours!!!! I'm so pumped omg.


Ps a new book might be coming out soon idk

Sorry for spelling and grammar errorsss

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