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Tw: Blood, literally body parts being cut off, angst

Logan woke up at his desk. Recently he was cutting back on his sleep and focusing more on his work, leading him to fall asleep spontaneously. His hard plastic chair scraped against the floorboards as he got up to get ready. A new day of being ignored. A new day of being the least favourite side.

After putting his suit on he walked over to the bathroom. Logan looked at the mirror. Oh, I look really disheveled. Logan thought to himself, grabbing some toothpaste. He placed it on his toothbrush and opened his mouth to start brushing his teeth. That's when Logan noticed something.

What the hell- Logan dropped the toothbrush and leaned closer to the mirror, opening his mouth wide. There was no mistaking it however. It looked like a deranged toddler tried to cut his tongue off, and with a lot of effort they succeeded. Blood dripped down from Logan's mouth and fell in a puddle on the floor.

Logan unleashed a soundless scream. The other sides weren't supposed to have any impact on him... He clutched at his throat. Something welled up inside of him and he spewed out blood, and something that appeared like... Vocal cords! Logan clutched his head, collapsing to the floor. Why is this happening...

Logan cried for a while on the floor, aware that no side could hear him. No one could hear his suffering now. The least favourite side was now voiceless. He just curled up there, lying in his own blood, just him. Logan's memories flooded back to him; Roman calling him Nerdy Wolverine, Patton telling him to be quiet...

Logan got up, muffling the rest of his sorrows. He grabbed some paper towels and started cleaning up the mess. Logan grabbed the vocal cords; he might need them later. He attempted to laugh at the joke, but no sound came. Logan knelt on the floor, collecting blood from the floor.

After Logan had disposed of the blood, he sat on the bed. How on earth can I explain this to the sides? He pondered. I know! I'll just say I'm sick. I'll just communicate using a phone. Logan knew deep down the sides didn't really care. He grabbed his phone and typed these words.

Hey everyone, Logan here :D. I'm feeling rather sick so I might not speak, as my throat is horse.

Logan smiled. Hopefully Patton won't figure it out. He thought to himself. Unfortunately for Logan, a knock sounded on the door at that moment. "Logan??" Patton's voice sounded. Logan got up and opened the door open for Patton. "Logan??? What's wrong?" Asked Patton, sitting on Logan's bed.

Logan showed Patton his phone. Patton nodded sympathetically. "You need anything kiddo? Some soup maybe?" Asked Patton, patting Logan on the back. I won't really be able to taste it, will I? Okay Patton, I'd really appreciate that. Logan replied on his phone. Patton nodded and exited the room.

So he didn't notice? Fair enough. No one would notice if perfect little Logan was dying inside. Logan thought to himself cynically, making himself wince. What is with all these damn emotions? Logan wondered, hugging his legs close to his chest. He walked over to the mirror and opened his mouth. All he could see was a bloody mess where his tongue used to be.

Logan tried to poke his tongue out. Tendrils of tongue went forward, more mangled than homework getting run over by a steamroller and then eaten by a dog. Logan moved his tongue back inside of his mouth. God, that's disgusting... Logan thought to himself, going and sitting back down on the bed.

Eventually Logan worked up the courage to work out where Patton went. He went upstairs cautiously and peered around the corner. The sides were there, taking, as Patton made soup. Roman noticed Logan there. "What's up nerd?" Asked Roman, placing his hands on his hips. Patton smiled. "Logan has a sore throat, he might not be able to speak." Patton spoke for Logan.

"Is this true Logan?" Asked Janus, looking concerned. Logan nodded, feeling awkwardness taking a hold of him. Roman laughed and turned to Virgil, before whispering something to him. Logan rolled his eyes and took a place where he normally stood. Is it possible for Janus to catch unspoken lies? What if he exposes me in front of all them? Logan asked himself.

Logan stood there for a while, observing the sides. Eventually Patton finished making the soup. "Logan, the soups ready!" He exclaimed with a flourish, holding the soup above his head as if it was a trophy. Logan smiled and took the bowl of soup from Patton's hands.

He carefully placed it down and typed on his phone. Thank you Patton. I might eat this in my room if that's okay with you? Logan gave the phone to Patton. "Sure Logan! See ya!" Patton waved goodbye as Logan sunk out, taking the soup with him.

Logan sat on his bed, working out how to eat the soup. I'm missing my tastebuds, but do I just have it the normal way? Logan mused. Logan sighed. He picked up a spoon and started eating. The soup was completely flavourless; the shreds of tongue were not enough to retain feeling. Logan let a tear trickle down his cheek.

He could never speak again, never taste again. Logan was affectively a robot, just like the other sides thought. He picked up the soup and put it on the table beside his bed. Logan was shaking with rage and disappointment that someone would do this to him purposefully.

Logan was screaming without making any noise. He was shouting without disrupting the fragile silence. His world was caved around him; all he could feel was panic and pain. When suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder. "Logan, look at me." A voice sternly said, bringing Logan's face to meet his.

Logan let out a sob before he could stop himself. He quickly covered his mouth with his hands, but it was too late. Patton saw Logan's tongue. Patton shrunk backwards. "Logan. What did you do to your tongue?!" Patton asked. "I came here because you left your phone with me..." Patton took out the phone and passed it to Logan.

Logan continued to cry. He took his phone and started typing. I just... woke up this morning and someone had cut my tongue off. To add insult to injury, they took my vocal cords too! Logan passed the phone to Patton, sobbing. Patton read the text before looking up at Logan.

"This is so serious! Do you know who??!" Asked Patton, giving the phone to Logan. Patton bit his fingernail, waiting for Logan to finish typing. Pretty sure it's the whole 'Thomas wants me to shut up, the mindscape makes that happen'. Patton read the text before giving into tears.

Patton wrapped Logan in a hug. "I'm so sorry Logan! We have got to heal you! Should we tell the other sides?" It's for the better if they don't know. If they just ignore me like always. :D

Like I said in the previous chapter, if you have any ideas just put em in the comments!

Word count: 1213 words

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