Chapter Three

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Wooden titans jump into sight. "Just like with Levi." I tell myself, gripping tightly onto my blades. Spinning around, I slice a clean cut through the fake nape. Annie, Bertholdt, and Jean charge for the wooden titan's neck after me, each of them slashing it with perfect precision, along with a perfect landing beside me. Annie nods at me with approval before she moves along with Bertholdt.

"Did you see that, ______?" Jean cheers with a teasing smirk.

I roll my eyes. "Yes, yes. I see." My eyes set on another wooden titan. The cables launch my body forward, allowing me to slice its nape clean off.

"I got this one!" Jean zips past me, a strong draft of wind stirring up from his speed. His eyes remain locked on another wooden titan. Before he can make a perfect cut, Eren appears out of nowhere, stealing his thunder and slicing the nape away first. A nasty scowl slowly forms across his face. "That one was mine, Jaeger!"

"Too slow, Horse-Face!" Eren sneers and Jean growls at him as they continue to argue. Immediately, they both start throwing punches in mid-air.

"Boys!" I yell, feeling like their mother who is constantly trying to get her two sons to get along. My cries go unheard, the two idiots continuing their childish fight in the air.

Eren presses too much on his gas and collides into me. The wires on my ODM gear begin to shake viciously, causing me to lose my balance. Horror strikes, my eyes widening as my wire suddenly unhooks from the tree. My body begins to plummet towards the ground. I extend my hand towards Jean's but we miss each other. I shoot my cables out again, securing myself. My jaw grows dangerously numb as the back of my head slams into Eren's. The pain shoots down my spine as the air is knocked out of me. My entire body falls limp, darkness taking over.


"This is all your fault!"

"You started it!"

"You were the one who ran into her!"

My head throbs, their yelling causing it to feel worse. My body rests on a soft, cool surface. My head feels tightly wrapped, resting on a softer surface.

"I'm sorry." Eren quietly says to me. A deep frown of worry distorts his face. He sits in a chair by the bedside in a small room, Jean sitting next to him in another chair. "It was my fault."

"At least you admit it." Jean mumbles.

"Shut up, Horse-Face!"

They fall dead silent as monstrous footsteps approach the door. By the sound of them, all three of us know exactly who it is. He enters the room, a surprisingly gentle expression on his face. "Glad to see you're up, Cadet." His eyes turn vicious, landing on Eren and Jean. "I DON'T BELIEVE I TOLD YOU TWO TO STOP SCRUBBING THE FLOORS, MAGGOTS!" I cover my ears, his bellowing bouncing off of the walls, reverberating throughout the room. Jean and Eren quickly flee out of the room. His scowl eases as he looks at me again. "Try and get some sleep." Quietly, he closes the door behind him, leaving me alone.

I narrow my eyes at him as I watch him go, his voice still ringing in my ears. Such a thing is impossible now after hearing his ridiculously loud voice.

Eren slips back into the room, a deep frown on his face. "I'm really sorry..." He sits down beside me on the bed, staring down at his knees as he clenches them tightly with his hands.

"It's alright, Eren. It was an accident." I tell him. However, if it weren't for Jean and him constantly fighting, I wouldn't have ended up here.

He lets out a soft sigh. "How do you do it? You're so strong. I worry...." He narrows his eyes at the ground, quickly turning his face away from me. "If I don't improve soon, I won't accomplish a damn thing."

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