Chapter Seven

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It feels like an entire weight is pressing down against my body. A wave of nausea begins to stir in my gut, the smell of titan saliva still etched into my senses. My eyelids feel sticky as they slowly separate to give way to my vision. Everything comes off as a blur as consciousness slowly comes back to me. My vision focuses on a familiar brick ceiling. The heaviness of my body weighs down onto a soft surface. After a few more blinks, consciousness fully returns. I quickly jump upward, the 57th Recon Mission coming back to mind.

"It's alright." A familiar voice speaks beside me. A gentle hand rests on my shoulder. As it does, my eyes meet stoic gray gems, a few black strands falling over them. "We're back in HQ."

I relax to the sound of Levi's voice and allow my beating heart to ease. I collect myself, thinking back to the fight between Eren and Her. "Where's Eren?"

"Waiting in the mess hall with the others." He rises from his chair and drags it back up against the wall near my dresser. While he does so, I notice that he's limping. "Now that you're awake, Erwin would like you to join us down there."

"What happened?"

He begins to avoid eye contact with me after I ask. A deep frown falls over my face as he does this. It means something is upsetting him. "Just get ready." With that, he leaves without another word to me.

A soft sigh escapes me as my eyes fall to my lap. He's so emotionless and he's very good at keeping his fake mask of solemnity in tact. But I know he's hurting. He lost his entire squad on our mission. I wish I could ask him how he's doing. However, it's not that easy. It's so simple for him to ask me, but as soon as I attempt to ask him something relating to himself, he turns it around and asks me something instead.

I slowly shake my head and bring my focus on what's next. I'm anxious to see what happened after I was eaten by Her. Glancing down at my skin, it shines in a different way than it usually does. I realise the stickiness I felt before is dried titan saliva. A disgusted groan escapes from me and I quickly slide out of my bed. I notice I am dressed in different clothes. My uniform rests neatly folded on my nightstand, smelling clean.

Fully dressed and cleaned up, I walk through the castle hallways towards the mess hall. My eyes fall onto Jean and Armin as soon as I step into the room. Seeing them, a massive wave of relief washes over me. Everyone sits around the table with grave expressions on their faces. A few other soldiers stand around the room, their focus on Erwin. A cloud of dread fills the room, mixed in with anxiety and fear.

I take my place next to Jean. I look across the table at Eren and Armin who stare down at a piece of paper with grave expressions. "What's going on?" I ask with hesitation. The words come out slowly. In the end, their answer makes me wish I didn't ask at all.

"We believe we have identified the Female Titan." Erwin responds.

Jean slides his sheet of paper in front of me so I can have a better look. My breath hitches in my throat. Her name is written within the report with several allegations towards her. Along with it is a carefully thought out battle plan Erwin has typed up that will be used against her.

The room is silent before he continues. He explains to us in thorough detail about the plan that will be launched tomorrow to lure Her out. He goes over the massive map of Stohess that is laid out before us on the table. My eyes fall onto Eren, his grave expression focused downward. I begin to grow more nervous after hearing Eren's life is running on thin lines due to the government's desire to execute him. I slowly shake my head as I listen to Erwin. He draws his finger along the map, showing us where Jean will go while he's disguised as Eren. He then draws his eyes to Armin, Mikasa, and Eren, telling them where they must lure Her.

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