Chapter Six

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Rays of sun hit the skin of my closed eyelids. I raise my hand to shield them. My body rests on a soft surface. My head is wrapped tightly in what feels like bandages. Someone shifts next to me, closing the curtains against the wall. A soft breeze blows in from the open window, the curtains flapping like wings. I lower my hand and see Jean sitting in a chair by the bedside. Seeing him causes my mood to drop completely.

"Why are you here?" I begrudgingly ask. My lips curve into a deep frown. My injuries add a heavy weight on my body, causing my voice to come out in a very quiet, low tone. "Where are Gabi and Falco?"

He softly sighs, a deep frown growing on his face. "They're in a safe place." He inhales sharply, a hint of tears forming in his eyes retracting. "You really remember nothing?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

He sits back in his chair and stares out the window. His chest rises and falls as he takes heavy breaths. "I've known you for a long time, seven years." He blinks, his eyes setting back onto me. "You spent five years here. We trained together, you, me, and...Eren." A heavy look of distress falls onto his face from the mention of Mr. Kruger's name.

Listening to him causes my heart to race. I seize control of my emotions and shake my head. "I don't remember a thing. Therefore, we are not friends." I blatantly tell him. "I want nothing to do with you island devils."

He scoffs at my words. "They've really gotten to your head, haven't they? You really think Marley wants what's best for you?"

"That doesn't matter..." My eyes set on the old, wooden ceiling. I close my eyes, trying to calm my beating heart. The last thing I need is my amulet to start burning me.

"So you're okay with them breeding you like a dog?"

I cringe at his words, causing him to fall silent.

Seeing my reaction, his harsh expression is replaced with a pained one. "We would never do something like that to you." He whispers, like his breath has been taken away.

I slowly sit up. As I do, my heavy brain slams against my skull like a rock. I hiss in pain, placing a hand on my forehead.

"I know you don't remember, but we're the ones you pledged your loyalty to."

"I think not..." I grumble, staring down at my lap. "Good people don't destroy an entire city and kill thousands of innocent people."

"They did the same thing to us. They're the ones who started it. You don't remember, but you were there when Shiganshina fell. The chaos that reigned down in Liberio looked exactly like it did when Shiganshina fell nine years ago."

My body suddenly begins to tremble from the mention of Liberio. The sound of rumbling stirs up the ground beneath us. A sharp pain cuts through my head. A massive, humanoid monster peers down at me from above. My amulet can take it no longer. It sends harsh sparks throughout my body, forcing me into a neutral state.

"See?" Jean's figure comes back, the giant humanoid monster disappearing. He remains in his chair, leaning over me. "You may not remember but your body clearly does." He sighs and places a hand on my wrapped head. "Are you alright?"

I slap his hand away. "Don't touch me!" I turn my face away from him, staring at the wall the bed rests against. My trembling body doesn't seize. Hot tears begin to burn my eyes, a heavy block rising in my throat.

There's a knock on the door. Hange pokes her head inside. "Knock knock." She swings open the door and steps in. Beside her is the tall man with the blonde bob. "It's been a while."

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