Chapter Five

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Three days pass in this old castle.

I sweep along the floor of the hall outside of my bedroom. A harsh memory from the first night here flashes before my eyes. I can still feel that foul beast creeping along my skin with its six tiny legs. "It won't ever happen again." I grumble to myself. One catches my eye as it travels along the stone wall. I slam the broom into it, murdering it.

Glancing out the row of windows along the hall, I notice the horses of Levi's Squad have left. "They've been gone for a while too." I mention to myself. And I still haven't seen Levi since arriving here. I wonder where he could be. I waited patiently for three years just for him to leave me. He better return soon.

I step outside into a hot day. The wind is still, leaving heavy heat waves in the air. It takes me only seconds to duck inside the shelter of the stables and relieve myself from this dreadful heatwave. "Hi, miss lovely." I greet Hoshi. I gather water from the well and fill her water trough. Due to the immense heat, even the water is warm to the touch.

The sound of hooves come our way. Levi's Squad finally returns. My eyes grow wide as they meet a pair of familiar emerald ones. "Eren." I whisper.

He rides up beside me and quickly dismounts. "You're here too!?" He exclaims. His face lights up with joy. However, under all of his excitement, I see heavy exhaustion. Under his eyes, dark sockets rest.

"Are you alright? What happened?"

He loses his smile. As his lips curve downward, his brows furrow along with them, causing a heavy frown to form across his face. "A lot. I hope you're not afraid of me when I tell you this..." He pauses and averts his gaze. "I'm a titan. Don't bother asking me anything about it because I have no idea. All of us are left in the dark. They put me up on trial to decide whether or not I should be executed." He sighs with relief and returns his eyes to me. "But things worked out in the end. I'm joining Levi's Squad."

A small smile forms on my lips. "I'm really happy you're alright."

His cheeks flush with red. "Me too–I mean–I'm glad you're alright as well. What happened to you, anyway? We were all so shocked seeing you depart with the Survey Corps."

"I um..." My voice drifts away and I hold back the desire to tell him the truth. "They wanted me to join early because I was top of my class. They were impressed."

Eren's frown returns, distorting his striking features. "I don't buy it." He turns to his horse and begins undoing their tack. "I wish you wouldn't lie to me." He mutters softly, almost in a whisper.

"You disgusting swineherd!" Petra suddenly yells. She viciously locks eyes with Oluo.

Eren watches them with an intense gaze. His focus then drifts to Gunther and Eld who pass us by. "We're really standing before the best of the best." His brows furrow deeper. "They're my executioners if I lose it." He quietly says to me.

"You're what!? Executioners!?"

"I'm not always in control when I'm in titan form." His gaze falls to the ground. As it does, I begin to realise all of the hardships he is carrying on his shoulders. "I tried to kill Mikasa when I transformed to plug the hole in Trost's gate. And the worst part is, I don't even remember."

"No chit chatting!" Levi's sharp voice cuts through the stables which causes a wave of ease to wash over me. Eren quickly straightens up and salutes him. I follow in suit and look up at him on his horse. A small smile tugs at the side of my lips now that Levi has finally returned. "Start cleaning," he orders sharply. "I want this castle spotless by the end of the day."

Eren and I both respond together. "Sir!"

I walk with him inside the dusty corridor. He slips his coat off and hangs it on a chair. I hand him a scarf to wear over his face. "Trust me, you'll need it." I tell him.

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