Day 0

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"Shuzo," she whispered, tears cascading down her cheeks as she clutched a photograph of two hugging figures smiling. Her trembling hands loosened their grip on the photograph, letting it fall to the ground.

"I'm sorry."

The girl shook her head. "Please don't do this. We don't have to break up."

The boy wiped away the tears on her cheeks before pulling her into a tight hug. "I'm leaving tomorrow. We won't see each other anymore."

Loud sobs filled the room as two figures embraced each other, too afraid for tomorrow, too afraid to let go. The clock watched the two with sorrow, wishing that its ticking could be stopped even just for a while. Time was cruel to those who forget how little they have left. Time was cruel to those who take for granted its existence.

"I wish we had more time, Mae," said the boy, his voice shaking.

"You're the only one I have left, Shuzo. Why do you have to leave? Why does everybody keep leaving me?" asked the girl, desperately clinging to the light. She was almost at her breaking point, and the chasm of darkness was waiting.

"Please don't say that, Mae. You don't deserve every painful thing that happened to you."

"But you're also leaving me."

The girl tried to hold on. Believe her, she really tried. But the chasm of darkness was becoming impatient. It had waited for her fall for years and it had little patience left.

The boy removed his arms, grabbing the bag next to him as he stood up. The girl held his hands, shaking her head, telling him not to go just yet.

A sigh escaped the boy's mouth. "The more we stay here, the more we can't move forward. Please don't let yourself suffer for me or anyone else anymore. I want you to be happy."

"I'll be happy if you don't leave."

"Don't waste your happiness on me. I'm a broken man, Mae. I'm desperately clinging to the hope that my father will live. I can't make you happy."

And so, he let go. As painful as it was for him, he walked away. The chasm of darkness smiled. It was over. The light she clung on had disappeared. And the night wind had never been colder.

The girl cried harder and harder. Until there was nothing. Nothing made sense anymore. And the call of the darkness had echoed its loudest scream. It was time. She had nothing left anymore. She felt nothing. The chasm of darkness opened itself to those who had nothing. And she fell. She fell to its open arms.

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