Day 54

16 1 0

Aoki Maeko is online.

Maeko: Hiiiiii

Teppei: Maeko-chan!

Teppei: How are you?

Maeko: Doing well 😊 You?

Teppei: I played some cards with sensei a while ago.

Maeko: Cool!

Maeko: ^_^

Teppei: Do you still have anything to say?

Maeko: Nothing really. I'm just bothered by something.

Teppei: What is it?

Maeko: I'm wondering about how I'm feeling lately. My heart's been beating faster and my mind gets fuzzy around someone.

Teppei: Wow, that's shocking!

Teppei: You're in love?

Maeko: I don't know.

Teppei: Ahhh, I'd like to talk about this, Maeko-chan but I'll have to go now since the nurse is telling me to rest. Talk to you again!

Teppei: Good night and sleep well 😊

Teppei: Don't stress about your feelings. Things will be clearer in time.

Maeko: Wakatta. Arigatou, Teppei 😊 Good night as well!

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