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         The doors of the Skeld opened, and Socks stepped outside into the bitter cold. Snow covered the strange, purple-hued earth and a few small sheds and buildings that had already been constructed dotted the vast landscape.

Socks shivered, but not just from the cold. He now knew an impostor of sorts was on the loose, determined to wipe out every member of the crew. It scared him to think it could be literally anyone and he wouldn't have any idea.

I should have known there was something wrong. I should have protected Dino better. I should have made sure everyone was with other people so they were safe.

Meme stepped out next to him, and Socks was startled. He hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings. As the cyan-suited astronaut paused to take in the landscape, Socks remembered how he had lied to save him being ejected.

Why would he do that? Socks wondered. We hate each other. We never get along. I'd have thought he would take any chance to get rid of me.

But he also knew that Meme would never purposefully send another person to their death. Socks didn't know why or how he knew; he just did. That was one of the things he liked about Meme.

Unless he's been 'infected'.

Socks chuckled to himself, but quickly realized it was an actual possibility. What if... what if that's why he's been acting weird?

He shook off the thought. Explore Polus now, think about the person trying to kill everyone later.

Laff got the crew's attention. He seemed to have been feeling better since the meeting, when he looked distracted and sick. Socks guessed he was having the same nagging thoughts that he should have been able to protect Dino.

"The sleeping rooms are in the building by electrical," he said, pointing out the small area. "Be sure to be there by dark, or else the doors will lock to conserve heat. It is dangerously cold out here, and even though your spacesuits keep you warm the heaters shut off after dark because you would be in your rooms." Socks wasn't quite sure what Laff meant by 'dark,' because Polus was already a dim planet, but he got the gist of his message.

Laff went on to explain the layout and tasks, and handed each crewmate a map and task list like before. "Make sure to stay in groups. It will be safer that way." He didn't mention the impostor, but everyone was thinking it.

Socks looked down at his paper, and walked over to Blaza and Meme. Meme was avoiding him, and he didn't like it. I need him to pick a fight. Say something that assures me he's himself.

The astronaut looked up at him, but said nothing and looked back down at his map again. Socks's spirits sank.

He was about to ask Blaza where he wanted to go first, but he was already going off with two other crewmates. Socks looked back at Meme. At least now I can try to make him go back to normal.

"I have a lot of tasks in medbay," Meme said. "We should probably go there first."

Socks grinned. "Of course you do." It was a jab at how Meme always seemed to be interested in medicine. Socks was sure he would have been a doctor if he couldn't have been an astronaut. Meme always joked that he had a medical degree, while Blaza and Socks actively denied it.

Meme didn't reply to Socks's comment, instead turning in the direction of medbay without another word. Socks huffed in frustration, his puff of breath clearly visible in the cold air.

They arrived and the doors opened automatically, sensing them. Equipment lined the shelves, most of which Socks had no clue what it was, and there were several unrecognizable machines. Meme's eyes widened, but he didn't say anything.

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