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         Meme was trying to get his tasks done when he heard the voice.

"Prepare to die, human." The hoarse, layered sound of the voice made him shiver. Who... wait, no, what is that?

Meme cautiously walked toward the area he heard it coming from.

When he saw the source of the voice and the scene around it, he had to hold back a scream. A cloaked figure hovered above what looked to be a crewmate, suit stained red.

Tbh? Meme thought in shock. But it wasn't his new friend who lay injured at the impostor's mercy.

"What's going on?" Meme shouted. He felt his heart leap in his chest. What color suit is that...

Oh no.

Socks was the one bleeding out from a wound. Caused by the impostor. Utter helpless panic flooded Meme's senses.

"Humans. Always appearing in the wrong places," the impostor said coldly.

Meme felt claws of fear clutch his chest. He couldn't let Socks die. He didn't know what he'd do.

I can't live without him.

Please, please, don't make me have to. He thought to no one in particular.

"Stop that!" He yelled. "You're killing him!"

The impostor made a noise like a growl. "So I'd hope." Meme strained to see his face, but it was well-concealed under the cloak.

"Never mind, then. Don't think I won't be back." It hissed. Glancing down at Socks, it continued. "And don't think you are safe."

It stood, seemingly reluctantly, and began to walk away. "You won't escape next time." As Socks collapsed and Meme rushed to his side, it made a noise like a laugh. "Then, maybe I don't have to worry about a next time."

"Weak humans. Soon this planet will be mine, as it should be." Meme heard its footsteps fading. Thank goodness.

"Socks?" Meme shook his friend's shoulder, getting no response. "Socks, don't die! I'm getting you help, okay?"

The orange crewmate still didn't respond. But Meme saw the slow rise and fall of his chest, sending a flare of hope into him.

"It's going to be okay." He said softly, not sure which one of them he was talking to. "You're going to be okay."


"Tbh?" Meme called. "Are you here?"

The red astronaut poked his head out of the doorway to medbay, where he told Meme he was going to do tasks earlier. "Yeah, I'm-holy crap, did you carry him all the way here?"

Meme nodded, laying Socks down in one of the medbay beds. "What are you doing?" Tbh asked, eyeing him skeptically.

"Saving his life." Meme wasn't going to let him die, and he definitely wasn't going to give up. He grabbed a box of medical supplies off of one of the medbay shelves.

Numbness flooded over him. He couldn't even imagine what he would do if Socks didn't make it. So don't think about it.

I'm going to save his life. I have to.

"Wait, are you qualified to do this?" Tbh asked, eyeing Socks's wound warily.

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