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         Meme opened his eyes, yet again, to Socks's warmth wrapped around him. As much as he liked it, he shoved Socks awake.

He made a sleepy noise of protest and wrapped his arms around Meme tighter. "Socks, ugh- get up! Blaza's going to wake up!"

This finally caused him to wake a bit and roll over. "Whyyyy." Socks wasn't a morning person.

"Why did you come in here again?" Meme asked. The three friends had gone on a vacation, and decided to share a house. There were three bedrooms, but one of them had mostly gone unused during their break.

A lot had happened since the remaining crewmates returned from Polus.

Socks only shrugged as a response. "I wanted to?" He tried, sending a playful glance at Meme that never failed to make him blush.

"Just go back to your room. Blaza's going to freak if he knows we're actually together." Meme said, looking away.

A lot had happened.

After the impostors had been defeated, Socks and Meme returned to Blaza, Nadwe, Laff, and Woolf. They had finished their tasks, because most of them were done with the cold, barren, planet at this point, and the Skeld had come back to bring them home.

They explained everything. They had no choice, even though they knew word would spread like wildfire. Actual aliens? Ones that could literally possess people? Oh, the movies that could be made.

When they had finally returned to Earth, they wasted no time taking a vacation. Laff, Woolf, and Nadwe were one door down, in a slightly bigger beach house that they always made a point to mention.

Apparently Polus had been deemed 'too unstable' for further research there. Plus, plenty of data had been collected as it was.

The lava sphere was like the heart or the core of the planet. After its destruction, lava pools had become restless, and some even drained themselves. Earthquakes happened more frequently.

The people at Mira HQ had apologized profusely, saying they never knew anything about alien life living there. But there wasn't much they could do, so the crew was sent on their way home.

They did build a hall of photos and descriptions honoring the crew members killed by the impostor. Meme and the others had walked through it once, but it was hard for all of them.

They were closer, now, that they had survived that together.

A lot of things had happened since returning home.

Finally Socks had become alive enough to get up and walk to his room down the hall. Meme practically held his breath, expecting Blaza to be outside, but there was no sign of their friend.

Meme checked the time. 7:14. He still had a little time, before they would leave for the day.

He pulled out his journal, and began to write a new entry.


Blaza had dragged the two around all day, to various shops and ice cream places and restaurants.

"Come on, just one more!" Blaza asked, wistfully looking at the candy store that was seemingly waiting for them to enter.

"No! We have to get to the docks at six or they're going to leave without us." Socks replied, frustrated.

Blaza cast another longing glance before being yanked in the opposite direction.

When they arrived at the docks, the rest of the crew was already waiting. "What took you guys so long?" Nadwe asked impatiently, like the child he is.

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