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Meme ran back to where Blaza was standing, with Woolf and Nadwe close behind him.

The stablilizers had been fixed, after the remains of the crew split up. It was a relief to not hear the blaring alarm going off repeatedly.

"Still no sign of Socks?" he asked, trying to keep the worry out of his voice.

"Nope." Blaza replied.

Meme let out a huff of frustration. Where are you?

He tried to keep out the bad images. Socks in the impostor's claws, Socks lying dead on the edge of a lava pool.

He's fine, Meme tried to convince himself.

"Um. Meme?" The nervousness in Blaza's voice worried Meme. "Wha-" he began, turning around, but quickly saw what his friend was looking at.

A purple creature, one of the impostors, stood on top of a snow mound. And behind it were more. All their eyes glistened with malice and some's sharp tongues flicked in and out.

"What the heck are those things?" Nadwe whispered.

Blaza gave Meme a confused glance. "Impostors." He said, voice shaking. Thoughts swarmed around mercilessly in his head. There are more of them?

Did Socks... fail?

"They're um. Getting closer." Laff pointed out.

He was right. The creatures were indeed closing in.

"How do we kill them?" Woolf asked, looking at Meme.

How am I supposed to know? But everyone was looking at him now.

Meme took in a breath and looked back at the approaching impostors. They were walking so lightly over the snow as if they weighed no more than a feather. But one slipped and its tentacle was submerged into a mound of snow.

With a hiss, it pulled out the tentacle and revealed a burn mark that spread across its slimy purple skin.

"Snow." Meme blurted. The others looked at him skeptically.

"Rocks." Blaza said. Meme gave him a weird look, and he shrugged. "What? I thought we were naming random things we saw."

"Wha- no." Meme said with a snort. "No. Snow hurts them."

"How?" Laff asked skeptically. "They live on a planet full of it!"

Meme shrugged. "Maybe it's because they are adapted to the lava somehow? I don't know. Just- throw snow at them or something."

Blaza sighed. "You're not very good at this." But he reached down to pick up a clump of snow, and began to roll it in his hands. "You guys are lucky I have good aim."

He threw the snowball at the nearest impostor and it sailed directly over its head, making a soft thump noise in the hill behind it.

Meme stifled a laugh, and probably would have failed in a less serious situation.

Then the snowball fight began.

They quickly found hitting impostors in the eye caused them to go blind. So the hideous orange orbs quickly became targets.

"Got one!" Blaza shouted in excitement.

"That's adorable." Meme commented. Another impostor crumpled over, tentacles flailing wildly for a grip with no sight to aid it.

It seemed that for every impostor they killed, five more emerged from wherever they were coming from. Meme strained to see, and caught a glimpse of a dark cave with a fiery glow emitting from it.

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