
406 17 13

Tw - minor gore, death scene


         Meme was just finishing tending to the tree when the lights went dark.

What's going on?

He didn't know why the lights would've turned off. This isn't on purpose.

Did the impostor do it?

Meme felt a chill down his spine. Of course. We'd be easy targets, blind in the dark.

Panicking, he took a step back, hiding behind the tree. He would have stayed there had he not realized Blaza and Socks were alone.

I can't let Blaza kill Socks, if he did this! He couldn't see anything, but Meme felt his way over to electrical where someone immediately grabbed him.

Meme yelped but was hushed by Socks. "Just me! Just me." Meme calmed down, immediately feeling safer in Socks's presence.

He tried to calm his racing heart, hoping Socks would assume it was from the startle instead of how close he was standing to him. He could feel Socks's heartbeat, almost as fast as his own. "Where's Blaza?" Meme asked, trying but failing to keep the tremor out of his voice.

"Right here." Blaza's voice said from close by. Meme jumped, but quickly calmed down.

"The impostor must have done this," Socks said softly, backing away from Meme. "They could've hacked the lights system."

This is bad, Meme thought. The impostor could do whatever they want now, when we can't see anything, and we would never know.

"Where can we access the controls for the lights?" Meme asked. "Maybe we can turn them on from there."

Blaza snorted. "If we can find that."

"I think that would work," Socks replied. "It should be this way, follow me." Meme, whose eyes were just now barely starting to adjust to the dark, was able to faintly see Socks's silhouette and hear his footsteps. He followed him to the outside.

The white snow of Polus was barely visible in the planet's dim light. They had entered a fenced-off area filled with the hum and whir of many electrical machines.

"Over here," Socks said. Blaza and Meme followed him to a panel dimly glowing a green color.

The controls looked fairly complicated, but Socks stepped forward and pressed a few buttons. He flipped a switch, then pressed more buttons. This went on for a while before the lights overhead flickered softly, then turned on.

"I'm impressed," Blaza said while looking up at the lights. Socks shrugged. "They taught us a lot of stuff in the training that I thought would never be useful."

Because no one thought we'd have to deal with something like this, Meme realized.

"We should check for... for anything else the impostor might have done." Socks said. Meme winced. He knew he was talking about anyone who might have been killed while the lights were down.

Blaza understood as well. "I'll check through the cameras." He offered.

"We can go look around." Meme said. Socks glanced over at him. "Sorry, did you not want to?" He asked.

"No, I'll go." Socks replied.

They left the building and stepped into the freezing cold. Snow fell down in a dizzying rush, blurring the buildings around them.

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