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         There were many things Socks regretted doing or saying over the past week, but the one he regretted the most was definitely sending Meme away.

Why did it seem impossible to not fight with him?

But it was Meme's own fault. He obviously liked Tbh more than he liked Socks. And it hurt, even though he'd never admit it out loud.

"Socks!" A familiar voice shrieked.

Socks whipped around, expecting someone was getting murdered by his friend's tone, but he was almost knocked over by Blaza hugging him tightly.

He grunted, hugging Blaza back gingerly. "Careful!" He said, fighting back a laugh. "Still kind of injured."

"Sorry," Blaza said, taking a step back. "But you're okay!"

"Yep." Thanks to Meme. Nope, it still didn't feel great to think about him.

"I saw what happened on cameras, and I went out to find you as soon as I saw he was going to hurt you, but you were gone when I got there! I looked everywhere, and when I found you here you were unconscious."

"It was Meme." Socks said. "He brought me back here and... and saved my life."

Blaza laughed. "Of course he did." Scanning the room briefly, he continued. "Where is he?"

Socks looked away. "Specimen labs."


"We, um, sort of had a fight." 

Blaza groaned. "Is that all you ever do?" He elbowed Socks, careful to avoid his injury. "You need to make it up to him. He can't be alone, it's too dangerous."

Socks shrugged. "He isn't alone. He's with Tbh."

Blaza gave him a questioning look. "Can you trust Tbh?"

"Meme seems to think so."

Blaza still didn't look convinced. "You should probably still check on him."

"Fine." Socks said reluctantly. "But I'm not going with you. You're just going to tease me the whole time."

"Nice to see you too!" Blaza called as Socks left in the direction of specimen room.

He's wrong. Meme is safe.

He's probably happy, too. With Tbh.

Socks clenched his jaw. I don't care. It doesn't matter.

An ominous feeling settled over Socks. Rain was pouring down outside. It can rain here? He supposed so, since it could snow.

And the lava seemed unusually restless, bubbling over the sides of the pits.

Socks shook off his concern and stepped into specimen lab, and ice flooded his senses.

Meme was on the floor, blood staining his face though Socks couldn't see the wound. His green eyes were wide with shock, and the person holding the knife was Tbh.

And he wasn't planning on holding back anytime soon. Meme, shaking, tried to back away still on the floor.

Socks didn't remember making the decision to move. His legs carried him across the lab and he barreled into Tbh, knocking him to the floor. Even if he had stopped to think, he would have chosen to save Meme a thousand times over.

It was his life or Meme's, but he didn't care.

"Socks!" Meme yelled, struggling to get up. Socks didn't look away from Tbh, but he felt a pang of relief. He's okay, at least for now.

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