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Blaza took a sip of coffee, trying to wake up. Each individual room had of course the essentials, but a few luxuries as well. For instance, coffee makers.

Blaza was a bit worried that he would run out. He had a slight coffee addiction problem, and drank at least two cups every morning. It was lucky Polus had coffee makers, as Blaza didn't know if he would have survived without it, impostor or not.

Impostor. The word sent shivers down his spine. It was still weird getting used to the fact that one of the crewmates had been brainwashed with a crazy murder virus and now was trying to kill every person in the crew.

That was definitely a fine thought to fall asleep to. Maybe that was why he had to drink so much coffee.

Finishing his drink, Blaza decided to complete some tasks. He had kind of been procrastinating on them, and with luck Socks or Meme would be able to help him focus, though their presence would most likely have the opposite effect.

He walked down the hallway, coming to Socks's room. The door was closed but since it was morning it was unlocked. Blaza knocked a few times. "Socks?" He called.

No response. He opened the door slightly, finding the bed made neatly and no one inside.

Cracking a smile, Blaza closed the door behind him. Forget boring tasks, he would get down to the bottom of this.


Socks woke slowly, groggily realizing where he was. When he did, he felt a rush of panic.

Meme was still fast asleep on his shoulder. Socks calmed down at seeing his peaceful expression, and almost didn't want to get up.

But what if Blaza comes in? Questions would definitely be asked about why he was in Meme's room, but Blaza would be more than suspicious if he saw both of them how they were then.

Careful not to wake Meme, Socks inched his way out of the bed and immediately yawned widely. He didn't have the heart to wake him up, but now he needed something to do.

He spotted a small journal on one of the tables in the room. What's this? He wondered, smiling slyly.

Socks picked up the book and flipped it open. Inside were countless entries about wanting to go to space, some about the eventful days in training, and one even about the day before they left, all with dates marked at the top of the page.

Meme has a diary! Socks thought giddily. I can't wait to tease him about this.

As he continued looking through the book, a more recent entry caught his eye. He began to read.

July 7

         Well, I'm on Polus, but it's nothing like I expected. For one, there's an 'impostor' within the crew who has been infected with this weird virus that takes them over. They are picking us off one by one, and it's kind of terrifying. If I don't make it, I'm writing this so people will know what really happened. Just kidding! (I hope)
But there's another thing on my mind, and it has nothing to do with impostors or space. Socks has been weird lately, and I think part of it is my fault. I kind of saved his life at a meeting, and we never talked about it.
We have been joking around like usual but it's still not the same. I kind of miss the old Socks, as weird as it sounds.
I'm kind of busy right now in Polus. Writing soon! (Hopefully)

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