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         Meme opened his eyes, blinking back blurriness. It took him a moment to remember where he was, but when he did he was immediately awake.

His head was on Socks's shoulder. Socks's shoulder. And he had slept there. All night.

It was coming back to him now, even though it was all a little foggy still. Meme remembered the fierce cold, and how Socks had gotten him a blanket-well, a towel, and they had both fallen asleep.

Meme stood up and rubbed his neck with his hand. It ached from sleeping in such an odd position all night. When he left Socks's side, the orange astronaut woke.

He seemed confused for a moment before sitting up straight, looking startled. It was kind of adorable.

Must be tired, Meme decided. It was the only explanation his thoughts were being so weird right now.

Though Polus was a naturally dark planet and day was usually about the same light level as night, he could definitely tell it was morning. First of all, he was awake. He also felt the heater in his suit was back on, thank goodness.

Meme scooped up the towel, leaving Socks on the ground processing his thoughts. While he was returning it to the showers, he let his mind wander despite himself.

He was just trying to keep me warm.

And even though we fight, we're still friends. Meme couldn't help but think how they hadn't fought in a while. Possibly because they were excited to be on Polus, but an unavoidable part of Meme's brain reminded him how it started when he saved Socks's life.

And... if all that was was trying to stay warm... why do I feel like this?

He didn't know. It was weird, it was confusing-and as much as he hated it, he wanted to hold on to it.

When Meme got back to the hallway where the individual rooms were, the doors were already open. Socks had stood up, and was speaking with Blaza. Meme joined them, pushing back his worries. When I wake up more I'll feel better.

"Were you out here all night?" Blaza asked skeptically.

Socks scoffed. "No. I just was quicker to get out of the rooms than you all." He glanced down the line of awake crewmates, seeming distracted.

Blaza turned around to face Meme. "Where did you come from?" His banana peel had fallen off his head at some point during the night. The tired look in his eyes had evaporated from his curiosity. There was something going on. He knew it.

Meme shrugged nonchalantly, hiding his nervousness. "I just woke up, like you." Socks stifled a laugh, and he shot him a glare.

Blaza nodded slowly, eyes narrowed. "Right." Thankfully, the yellow astronaut let go of the matter.

"We need to do more of our tasks." Socks said, happy to leave the matter of last night behind.

Blaza nodded. "Good. Sounds fun." He remarked drily.

Socks glared at him. "What else do you suggest we do?" There was a hint of hostility in his voice that made Meme nervous.

He's probably just stressed or something. Meme thought as Blaza sent Socks a wounded look.

"Let's just go." Meme said, trying to distract the two. "We don't have forever."


"We're not lost." Socks lied. They were very lost.

Why, oh why did Polus have to be such a big planet? "Okay, so we don't have the slightest idea where we are, you lost the map at some point, and we're stuck in the snow with no buildings in sight means we're not lost? Yeah, makes sense." Meme said.

Meme had gone back to teasing with Socks. It felt natural to him, but different somehow. Like he wasn't actually trying to make him upset, just to annoy him a little.

Socks rolled his eyes. "I have the map memorized anyway. If we just keep going this way, we should end up back near electrical."

Meme nodded insincerely. "Right, or end up wandering through an unfamiliar planet with no resources."

Blaza had been quiet for most of the walk. Meme guessed he was still angry about Socks's outburst, which had yet to have been addressed.

"Fine. I don't need you guys chattering. I'll find my way on my own." Socks stormed off, and the snow began to fall. Meme watched him leave, hurt, then looked away. Stop that. He commanded his brain.

Blaza sighed, but his expression quickly changed to determination. "Okay. You guys aren't fighting as much and he's all weird. Tell me what's going on? Does it have something to do with this morning?"

Meme shook his head, startled by his charge of questions. "No, and no. There's nothing going on." Is that a lie?

Blaza snorted. "Right. Tell me what's happening or else."

Meme played along. "Or else what?"

"Or else... you'll find out what I mean by or else."

Meme laughed. "Right. Well, I'm not saying." Maybe because I don't know! Right?

"If you won't tell me, I'll just ask Socks." Blaza said stubbornly. Meme rolled his eyes. "Okay, go ahead." He was pretty certain Socks wouldn't give Blaza an answer either.

Blaza walked a little ways in Socks's direction. But before he left completely, he turned around. "I think I know what's going on," he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Meme folded his arms. "Do you?"

Blaza grinned like an idiot. "Someone has a cruuuush," he teased. Meme felt his face redden, and willed it to stop.

"I do not!" He practically screamed. Blaza giggled and raced off, and Meme grunted. He didn't really feel like chasing Blaza through a snowstorm.

But he might be right.

No! He's not!

He pushed back the thoughts. I really need to get more sleep.

Think about that later.

"Socks?" Meme heard Blaza calling. "Socks, come back!"

After a bit, the yellow spaceman returned to Meme. "He's too far away, I don't think he heard me."

His frustration with Blaza melted a bit. "Shouldn't we find him? It seems like a snowstorm is starting."

"He can take care of himself." Blaza asserted. They had approached a building, to Meme's relief. "Where are we?" He asked.

"Looks like electrical." Blaza said. "Let's go in. I don't care if we found an alien's camp, we need to get out of this cold." Meme nodded in silent agreement.

Pushing back his worries about Socks, he entered the building. Blaza's wrong. When I sleep, I'll feel better.

And he can stop teasing me about it.


1088 words

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