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         Socks trusted his plan. Sure, it was dangerous. Maybe a bit rash. But he was sure it was the only way to catch the impostor.

He also needed help to do it, and he needed to fully trust his plan to convince someone else to help him with it. Which he definitely did.


Socks shook off his doubts. He'd normally go to Meme to help him, and he almost did except he remembered their fight.

I probably shouldn't bother him right now. I shouldn't apologize yet.

No, he had to remind himself. I'm also mad at him. He couldn't just give up on his argument for the sake of making things right with Meme.

So Blaza would have to be the one to help him, the only other crewmate he felt he could wholly trust. I guess I have to apologize to him, then.

The plan would have to work.

Socks had to do it.

There was no other choice. This was it.

Then why was doubt still tugging him? Socks shook it off angrily. This is how you make up for letting Muffin, Dino, Joocie, and TBVG die.

"Blaza?" Socks called. He hoped his yellow-suited friend must still be around cameras.

"Socks?" He called back. Socks breathed a sigh of relief. "I need your help for something."

He saw Blaza's skeptical face and stopped himself. "Fine, I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"And?" Blaza pressed.

"And what?" Socks asked. He ran through the past few days in his mind. What else had he done to aggravate Blaza?

Maybe I haven't been a great friend or a great crew leader.

"And sorry for keeping secrets and being rude and denying that you're totally in love with Meme, because you definitely are."

Socks fought the blush that threatened to creep over his face. "I'm not saying that!"

"Fine. I know you are thinking it," Blaza said in a singsong voice, spinning in the cameras chair. Socks shoved his shoulder as he spun by. Stop thinking he's right. He's not.

Stop! He must have been as red as a tomato now. Stupid feelings.

"So, what do you need from me anyways?" Blaza asked, turning the chair to face Socks.

Socks sighed. This was the part he wasn't looking forward to. "Well, I sort of have a plan. To stop the impostor."

Blaza looked him in the eye. "This doesn't involve you potentially hurting yourself, right?" He asked. Socks avoided his gaze. "No-well, yes. Hear me out, okay?"

Blaza sighed. "Fine. But I can't promise I'll like it."

Socks nodded. It was the best he was going to do. Okay, now tell him.

"I'm going to use myself as bait."

"As what?" If Blaza had been drinking tea, he would have spit it out all over Socks. "You can't be serious!"

Socks sighed. "I knew you were going to react like this." He said. "Seriously, it might be the only thing that would work."

"Explain how that could even possibly work," Blaza replied shortly. He didn't look like he was going to budge.

"I would go out, by myself. The impostor has only killed people who are alone so far. I'll make sure I am in front of a camera, and you would be watching through that camera while it happens."

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