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"Socks?" Meme turned a corner. Still no sign of the orange spaceman. "Socks, are you there?"

He began to run. Part of him knew this was a dream, but he still felt fear clutching his senses. "Socks?"

Meme knew what he was going to see when he looked around the building, but nothing prepared him for the sight of Socks's body limp in the impostor's hands-or rather, claws.

"Socks!" He screamed. Meme started to run toward the impostor, tears streaming down his face. But invisible hands seemed to grasp his feet, holding him firmly in place. He writhed in an attempt to release himself, but the hold didn't break.

"It's too late for your little friend." It hissed, somewhat mockingly. "And you're next."


Meme woke suddenly, with a sensation of being jolted out from underwater. He found himself gasping for breath.

To his relief, he was still laying next to a sleeping Socks. At some point his head had shifted from his chest, but he was still close enough to make his heart beat faster.

Really? Meme asked himself. You sound like a lovesick teenager.

Besides, there's no way he feels the same.

When he looked up he was startled by Tbh. He got up hastily, still being careful not to wake Socks. "Um, good morning." He said sheepishly. How long was he there?

"We need to talk." Tbh said gruffly. "Come on."

Meme, still a bit flustered, followed his friend out of the room. When Socks was out of hearing distance, Tbh turned to Meme.

"What are you doing? You're getting pretty comfortable with him." He said accusingly. "And don't lie. I know you were there all night."

"Fine, mom." Meme said sarcastically. "What's the problem?" He was blushing by now, but pretended not to notice.

"You can't trust him!" Tbh snapped.

"Why not?"

Tbh shook his head. "Do you have any proof he's not the impostor?"

"He can't be!" Meme said. "He's had more opportunities to kill me..." he trailed off, knowing that it still wasn't certain that it wasn't Socks.

"Um. Hey guys?"

Meme and Tbh turned around to see Socks who had finally woken up.

"What were you talking about?" Socks asked after a short silence.

"Oh, nothing important." Tbh said, giving Meme a cold glance. "I'll be going now. Want to come with?" He asked Meme pointedly.

But I want to talk with Socks... he realized Tbh was trying to get him away from the orange spaceman, but Meme replied with "No thanks."

Tbh gave a small eye roll, leaving the room. "I'll be in the labs." He said as he was on his way.

"What's his problem?" Socks said, glaring in the direction Tbh had gone. Why are they both being so weird? Meme wondered.

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