₊❏❜ 🥛⋮[ chapter 2 ] ⌒⌒

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credits to the owner of the pic
[ twt : ksnhun ]


we arrived at the mcdonalds we always go to. we walked inside and we sat down near the big window. "okay so whos ordering?" i asked my friends.

"minah's ordering" jaehwa said while laughing at minah knowing that its minah's turn to order.

"okay fine but just give me the money first so we can pay for our food" minah said while standing up to go to the cashier.

"sure sure wait" jaehwa looks into her bag and gets her wallet. she pulls out enough money to buy all 3 of us food. she gave the money to minah and minah walks away from our table to go order.

while minah orders food, jaehwa and i started talking.

"so hows the school work? is there like new activities or anything?" jaehwa asked while closing her bag and placing it beside her.

"bye- hwa you sound like a mom saying that" i said while laughing at her.

"i mean you did say i was your sugar mommy.. look at me spoiling my girls" jaehwa said while busting a lung.

"ayO HWA WE DONT TALK ABOUT THAT IN PUBLIC" i said and scolded her in a soft yelling tone.

"cmon its just us here and the other employees, its so early thats why barely anyones here yet." said jaehwa looking around to make sure nobody is actually with them.

"okay pop a lung bestie" i said while laughing along with jaehwa.

soon minah came back after ordering our food.

"anyways yeah so hows the activities going?" jaehwa said again waiting for a response.

"well i guess its going okay. though somethings coming up later, it's not a big priority to me." i said

"AYO SPILL THE TEA WHATS GONNA HAPPEN LATER?" minah said yelling and looking at me.

i looked at her and i rolled my eyes as a joke. i told her "why would i tell you? that would spoil the whole fun come on"

"fine fine i'll wait vERY PATIENTLY" minah said while all of us were laughing.

we were all chatting and taking photos. it was fun like usual. after a good 5 minutes, the food came. we thanked the waiter that handed our food.

minah was the one that chose what to order too. well im going to eat now, this looks good. the feeling of eating with your best friends while having a nice view outside is very nice. i took a sip of the drinks and went on my phone after. i looked at the time. it says "9am".

"hEY WAIT LETS GO ITS ALMOST 9:30AM I STILL HAVE SOMETHING TO DO" i yelled to my friends while packing away.

"ughh why so early?" minah asked while laying her head back on the chair.

"i have to do this thing, teacher will explain later." i said while standing up.

"alright lets go then, let me just get the car key gimme a sec" said jaehwa while digging in her bag.

no this shouldn't happen now... my thoughts got cut off when jaehwa said something.

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