₊❏❜ 🥛⋮[ chapter 5 ] ⌒⌒

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as sunoo and i walk along the halls going to the dance practice room. i saw that he was just looking at my hands which was holding the bracelet attached on his backpack. should i try starting a conversation? mmm yeah i guess let me try.

"so sunoo.. whens your birthday?" i asked while looking at him.

"huh... oh my birthday?" he asks with a confused face looking at me. 

"why do you look so confused..? did i say something wrong-" i said but he cut me off.

"oh no you didn't, its just that... thats not what people usually ask me first" he said while looking down.

"ohh what do they ask?" i was curious so i asked. i hope it doesnt bother him.

"o-oh.. they ask whats wrong with me.. like why am i so shy and if i have anxiety. it kind of bothers me now" sunoo said while we were still walking to the dance room. we were pretty near. i was confused on what to answer but before i even got to think of what to say, sunoo answered my question.

"anyways my birthday is on june 24.. how about y-you?" sunoo asked while smiling. BYE HES SO CUTE? sigh. anyways i answered him

"oh my birthday is on october 25" i smiled back because cmon i gotta- and so he feels fine like not awkward. 

"anyways were here, you look tired. wanna rest first?" i asked sunoo as we go inside the dance room.

"wow this dance room is nice! also no thanks im fine, d-do you have your phone...?" sunoo asked while looking at me. why was he asking for my phone? i'll give it anyways

"oh yeah i do, here you go" i said while giving my phone to him. he acts like a child when he gets to watch on their moms ipad

"yayy thank uu!" he jumped and smiled. HES SO CUTE?? but i just met him... anyways what will he do with my phone? i look at him scrolling through my phone, hes opening... youtube? boy what is he gonna see in my search history 😭

"hmm hey myunghee pick 1, 2, or 3" sunoo said while turning his face to me. what was he talking about? 

"what is this for?" i asked curiously.

"secrettt! you'll see" he said while giggling. ahh what will this kid do?

"okay i'll pick 3" i said before i sit down, a bit scared on what he will do and why he asked me.

"okay thanks myungheeee" he said while putting my phone down and facing the mirror. he- hes dancing? woah i thought hes shy around people? i feel so... SPECIAL! anyways hes dancing to dance the night away. hes so cute and wow i didn't know he was that good at dancing. especially when i see males covering female groups choreos, it feels a bit stiff or something. but sunoo was really good at it.. dear lord why do i feel like this.... i'll cheer on him maybe he'll feel good

"YES SUNOO YOU'RE DOING SO GOOD" i said while smiling. he stopped dancing and looked at me smiling.

"heyyy what do you mean?" he said while lazily walking to me. 

"you're good okay, and i really like your dancing" i told sunoo as he sat down beside me. wow hes brave. 

"really? nobody ever told me that.. thats why i dont like dancing in front of people..." he said while looking down at his hands. it was shaking?

"dont worry you're good at dancing. also are you okay? are you tired? want me to get you water?" i asked sunoo while looking at him, he looked at me like 👀bestie wdym-

"huh...?" he asked. wdym huh? bestieeee im confused😭

"i can see your hands, do you want water?" i asked sunoo 

"o-oh um well.. this is kind of normal, especially if i meet someone new. so dont be too worried.." sunoo said while he looks back down at the floor. he looks like hes wanting to say something but he cant. 

"h-hey myunghee you might find this weird but like um.." he stayed quiet for a while. what??

"yeah its okay you can tell me, i wouldnt find it weird" i look at him confused because what does he mean? 





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