₊❏❜ 🥛⋮[ chapter 12 ] ⌒⌒

550 15 19

TW: murder, suffering,
swearing, kidnapping

Time skip - at school

Your POV

sunoo and i are at school right now to get his student id. we walk through the halls going to the principals office and on the way we met up with one of sunoo's friends

"hey sunoo! where ya going?" jungwon asked while tapping on sunoo's shoulders.

"oh hey wonnie! were gonna go get my student id, wanna come?" sunoo asked while smiling at jungwon. cute, wonnie.

"if you dont mind, sure!" jungwon said while coming along with us. 

sunoo, jungwon and i got to the principals office but before i could go in, my friends pulled me away.

"okay bye sunoo bye jungwon im gonna go with my friENDSSSS" i said while my friends were still pulling me.

i was dragged into a dark room in the school, i think it was the janitors room. i snapped back to reality not realizing that it wasnt actually my friends that pulled me in. the dim lights opened up and the door quietly opens. i saw a shadow towering me afraid to look back. i saw...

Sunoo POV

i dont know why but when myunghee left us, i had a bad feeling. its like shes gonna die but shes not. ugh im overthinking. i walk in the principals office along with jungwon.

"oh good morning sunoo! weren't you just here earlier? do you need anything?" the principal said.

jungwon looked at me signaling we had to talk about something after i get my id.

"good morning maam. and yes im here to get my student id, please" i said kindly and bowing i looked at the principal and she looks confused. uh oh, shes not gonna say it right

"sunoo i just gave you your id card a while ago, did you already lose it?" the principal said while sighing

"you know we only have one copy of each students id card" the principal said while drinking her morning coffee.

"oh okay, thank you maam" i said as i left the room. 

holy shit.


"hey i heard everything, i need to tell you guys something" jay said. he was walking with heeseung. was he looking for me?

"yikes, i dont like the sound of this" i said while we walk to jay's house. it was lunch break anyways and who cares if were gonna be late

"you really wont. remember your twin bro? the one that was missing for almost 2 years?" heeseung said as we sit down on jay's couch making sure all the doors are locked and windows closed.

"um.. yeah?" i said softly but enough for them to hear.

"so hes in our school and he might be impersonating as you right now." jay said while taking out his phone, showing me the photos of my twin brother. 

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