₊❏❜ 🥛⋮[ chapter 16 ] ⌒⌒

509 16 7

3rd person POV

*closes book*

"Well, that was an interesting story isn't it? Kind of tragic though." the teacher said to the 3rd grade students.

"That sounds kind of identical to the story Myutji always tells!" Heenyu said. 

"Yeah, they also have similar names! You too, Yunoo. Your name is like Sunoo's!" Nahwa said while laughing. 

Soon after, Myutji's dad knocked on our classroom door and called Yunoo and Myutji.

"So Myutji, do you remember now? Your past life that you always told everyone about? You are Myunghee. He is Sunoo. I hope you two grow together. I'll always be here for the two of you" Myutji's dad said while hugging the two students.

Yunoo came back home to tell his twin brother happily about his day.  

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