₊❏❜ 🥛⋮[ chapter 3 ] ⌒⌒

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please dont say it jaehwa...

"guys my car keys arent here..." jaehwa said while still looking in her bag thinking it may have dropped somewhere in her bag.

"are you sure it isnt there hwa?" minah said while lowkey panicking.

"im not sure, we should check the car windows." jaehwa said while closing her bag.

"hwa if its inside the car were never going out again" i said jokingly, but still wanting to check inside the car.

we went outside and looked through the car's window. and guess what, there the car keys were.

"HWA HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO LEAVE THE CAR KEYS IN THERE?" minah said while walking around the car to make sure shes not hallucenating.

"hwa do you have any duplicate of your car keys?" i asked while still panicking, i still have to do something for school.

"well yeah i do, except-" jaehwa said but got cut off.

"EXCEPT WHAT BESTIE" minah said to jaehwa while drinking water.

"its in my house, which is quite far from where we are right now" jaehwa said while looking through her phone.

"well cant you just go and call your brother to get his car here with your car keys?" i said to jaehwa who is still on her phone looking for her brothers contact.

"sure i can, but we wouldn't make it to school in time if we do that. then again we cant leave my car... i'll just wait for my brother here. you two can go to school now. besides myunghee dont you have to do something?" jaehwa said to minah and i before she calls her brother.

"well alright, minah and i will just take the bus on the way to school. just hit us up if you need our help" i told while checking my bag if i had any money enough for the bus. which i did have enough money.

"alright bye hwa good luck getting ur car back" minah said while we were going to the nearest bus stop.

minah and i waited for a bus to come, but it's been 10 minutes already. i was getting anxious. but then suddenly a bus came just in time. minah and i got inside the bus and paid the driver for 2 seats. minah and i then sat down beside each other and the bus started moving again.

"hee whats so important today? like what are you gonna do?" minah asked. minah was always curious about little things.

"im not supposed to tell anyone yet, and it'll ruin the surprise bestie" i said while laughing a bit.

"fineee i'll just wait. were getting to school anytime soon now" minah said while she looked outside the window.

i looked at the time on my phone, "9:21am". time was ticking and we were almost at school anyways. i still felt stressed because i might be late. i put on my earphones and listened to music to distract me.

"hello? bestie we're already at school come back to your senses, classes starts in 3 minutes" minah said while getting her things.

"oh okay, thanks. we should consider running its almost time" i said while getting my bag and standing up. minah and i ran to the classroom so we wont be late. we ran through the hallways and a lot of people were looking at us. there was 1 minute left. is this a countdown? nah its just because im not usually late and i was always class representative and activity representative. minah and i soon got to our classroom just in time.

we were panting inside the classroom. we were lucky that teacher wasn't there in the classroom yet. minah and i sat on our seats. except minah sits on the other table in front of me. i had no seatmate because there was an extra seat. soon then teacher came inside the classroom. the students went quiet because we need to show respect.

"Good morning students. Please show your student ID before we start the class announcements." teacher said while putting his things down.

everyone stood up in a line in front of the teacher's desk showing their student ID. after everyone showed teacher their student ID's, teacher spoke again.

"Okay thank you students for showing your student ID. It's time for the class announcements." teacher said before standing up.

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