₊❏❜ 🥛⋮[ chapter 7 ] ⌒⌒

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sunoo stretched his arms.

"what time is it..?" sunoo asked me.

"oh its 3pm~" i asked while smiling

"awhh okay well lets get up and roam around for a bit" sunoo suggested.

"alrighty sure lets go" i said before i get up. but sunoo saw me still holding my hand. embarrassing for me, i let go.

"oh, no its okay you can hold my hands i don't mind at all" sunoo said while jumping around.

i smiled and nodded. we were going to go to the gym next, which was just need the garden area.

"ooh are we here?" sunoo said while looking around the gym.

"yup, this is where we do some school activities or where you can play sports" i told sunoo. after hanging out in the gym for a bit, we started going on again. i was going to bring him to the school bathrooms, but someone bumped into us.

"hi I'm so sorry" a girl said while looking at sunoo and i.

"wait sunoo? is that you?" said the girl, im confused huh?

"wait- jiwoo is that you?" said sunoo while going to her and hugging her.

"i thought you left me forever sunoo" said jiwoo while smiling. are they um childhood friends..? i feel bad for being a third wheel..

"okay sunoo you can go with her if you want, i dont mind. it seems you already know her so maybe you two can reunite again." i said, i was lowkey sad but its alright. i was basically nothing to sunoo at the moment. he looked back at me.

"huh? maybe we can go together..?" sunoo suggested, but before i could say anything jiwoo interrupted.

"no sunoo you're going with me and not her, alright?" jiwoo said strictly while grabbing sunoo away.

"jiwoo please- let me go..." sunoo said as he tried to get away. i was about to leave but sunoo called me.

"myunghee please don't leave me" he said.

i went back and told jiwoo to move for a while. then sunoo and i left her. we ran as fast as we can to get to my dorm. we soon lost her..

"t-thank you myunghee" sunoo said while hugging me. he's so sweet.. but what if that was his friend?

"no problem sunoo, I'll always be here for you remember? anyways this is my dorm, I'm currently alone. kinda sad i get lonely sometimes. but you could be my new roommate if you want to" i said while looking at him.

"oh yes sure!" he said while jumping around.

"alright I'll tell the principal tomorrow so she could help us out and give you keys." i said patting his back.

"oki thank you myunghee!" he said. i asked him if he was ready to go roam around the school again.

"oh yeah it's fine we can go again, but can you hold my hand? i wanna feel safe.." here said while looking at the floor. he feels safe around me? woah.. im honored lol

"oh sure no problem, lets go?" i said while holding onto his hand.

sunoo and i circled the school for quite a while now. i checked my phone

"hes sunoo its already 6pm, where do we sleep?" i asked sunoo as we paused walking.

"hmm maybe we can stay at your dorm first since we haven't asked for teachers permission yet" sunoo said.

"alrighty let's go!" i said as we go back to my dorm.

we both arrive to my dorm.

"sunoo you can take my bed, its alright" i told sunoo as i put my bag down. 

"are you sure..?" sunoo asked while sitting on my bed. 

"yeah its fine i can sleep on the floor, i have a pullout bed under my bed." i said while showing him.


if you dont know what a pullout bed is.. 



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"okay sure ty hee" sunoo said. he called me something else but myunghee.. my heart??

"no problem" i said while smiling at him patting his back. then sunoo looked at me

"um hee, i dont have any clothes to change into" he said while pouting at me. right i forgot that he just came here so he doesnt have much stuff with him.

"oh yeah, i mean i have extra clothes you can borrow!" i say as we walk to my closet. 

"oh wow you have a lot of clothes.." sunoo said while smiling and looking around.

"you can pick what you want to wear i dont really mind" i said while i let him look around in my closet. after a few minutes, he finally got to choose what he wanted to wear. 

"oki i found what to wear!" he said while smiling and jumping. 

"alright i'll leave the room to give you privacy" i said as i left the room. i went to the couch and watched tv while waiting for sunoo.

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