₊❏❜ 🥛⋮[ chapter 6 ] ⌒⌒

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i looked at sunoo, he was still shaking. what did he want to tell me? 

"u-um usually when this happens, people hold my hands and it'll s-stop..." he said then looked at the ground. do i?? 

"oh okay sure.." i said while contemplating. i scooted over to him a bit and i held his hand. god dammit this is making me feel different feelings. his hands are so soft? i just went on my phone for a bit. i scrolled through instagram and all that stuff, and i felt something fall on my shoulder. its sunoo? oh he slept. and hes on my shoulder sleeping, why do i feel like this? well i'll let him be. i'll just wake him up at 11:45 a few minutes before lunch. i went to the camera of instagram and chose filters, like a not so weird looking one you know? anyways i got one, it was cute. i took a selfie of sunoo and i. hmm this photo is nice, i'll take like 3 more and ill leave him alone. i kept all 4 photos in my gallery. i realized i was still holding his hand. i put down my phone and i pat his head softly so he wont feel it. i looked at him and unknowingly smiled. i went back on my phone after. 

i scrolled on my phone for long enough that it was 11:45. i should wake sunoo up now. 

i lightly tap sunoo, enough for him to feel it. "sunoo, wake up.. its almost lunch time" i whispered to sunoo. he opened his eyes slowly and looked at me surprised. 

"o-oh okay sorry that i accidentally slept, i was tired from my trip today..." sunoo said while getting off my shoulder. 

"no its okay, i dont mind." i said while smiling at sunoo. we both stand up from the floor.

"mmm..." sunoo said lazily. he still looks tired, then he just plopped himself on me. hes hugging me now- boy hes really testing me 😭 hes so cute.. i hugged him back. he feels so comforting...

"okay lets go to the cafeteria now..?" sunoo said while breaking the hug. he yawned.

"sure sure, lets go sunoo. just pretend that we went to a bit more places okay?" i said laughing while holding his bracelet thats attached to his backpack.

"hehe sure no problem" sunoo said while smiling happily. we then reached the cafeteria, i lead sunoo to the tray area and we went to the counter table thing (i dont know what u call it 😭). i saw sunoo was nervous again, i see that he doesn't really like meeting new people too much. he was shaking a bit again. i held his hand again, hoping that it would be fine. he smiled at me after i did that. hes so cute bye-

"sunoo what do you want to eat?" i said while walking with sunoo. 

"hmm.. oh pizza!" he said while pointing at cheese pizza. i smiled at him.

"alright lets get that!" i said while getting 2 slices of pizza. 1 for each of us. i got us some water too. 

"can we sit here?" sunoo asked while looking at a window seat. 

"sure lets sit here!" i smiled at him and we sat down. we ate our pizza, but hes so cute hes distracting me.. am i catching feels for him? we finished our pizza feeling full. sunoo looked outside and smiled.

"wow this reminds me of my old house.. i remember we had some sunflowers outside our house window along with other flowers and a tent.. i had a lot of fun there, but we moved. thats why im here now" sunoo said still looking outside.

"ohh thats nice! well do you want to go outside? we could do that if you want to" i said as i look at sunoo smiling. 

"really? yay lets go!" sunoo said while happily giggling. its nice to see people smile and be so happy. especially him. sunoo and i walk outside until we reach the tent and garden.

"you see, some of us sleep here at night for sleepovers if we wanted. we just need teachers permissions so we can stay the night here. it's really nice and peaceful, i tried it with some of my friends before" i said as i sit down with sunoo. he suddenly became so happy.

"really?!? can we stay here for the night? just one night is okay" sunoo said while looking at me. his puppy eyes are so cute how can i say no? bro this feels like a date wtf.. its alright i mean im not complaining

"oh yes alright! i'll ask teacher later. we can take a rest here for a bit then tour a bit more. i can show you our dorms later on" i said while i lay down on the grass body facing sunoo. 

"oki sure" sunoo said while looking at the clouds. i took my phone and took a pic of the sky, it was really pretty today.

 i took my phone and took a pic of the sky, it was really pretty today

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sunoo looked at me after i took the pic. he smiled at me very happily.

"h-hey myunghee?" he asked while turning his body facing me. 

"yeah sunoo?" i asked looking at him.

"thank you f-for making me happy today.. n-nobody really made me this happy when they first m-met me... i really appreciate what you did, can we be friends...?" sunoo asked while blushing, which makes him cover his face. i turned into a fucking red yarn ball. 

"aww no problem, and sure we could be besties! im happy you had a good first day here." i smiled at him, where as he is still covering his face. then he suddenly hugged me tight while we were still lying down on the grass. i felt so many feels 😔 i hugged him back obviously. we stayed like that for 10 minutes. i realized he fell asleep again.. hes so cute can i hit myself?

i just kept hugging him, i didn't let go. i played with his hair for a little bit. and later on he put his leg on me. and his cheeks are touching mine, i thought i was attracted to girls?? 

after a few minutes, sunoo woke up again. he yawned then looked at me, he gave me puppy eyes again 😭 he's so cute...

"hi sunoo you're awake?" i say as i pat his head.

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