₊❏❜ 🥛⋮[ chapter 4 ] ⌒⌒

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the teacher coughs, and then speaks again.

"Alright so you have a new classmate. He should be here any moment. Let's just wait for him for a bit. For now you can talk to each other." teacher says as he waits for the new student. 

there was a lot of chatting and gossiping because of this. 

"hey hey u think the new boy will be cute?" minah said jokingly as i hit her arm. 

"hey dont worry im kidding, i like girls dont worry" minah said while texting someone.

"hey who are you texting?" i asked minah while looking over her phone.

"oh im texting hwa, she isnt here yet-" minah said but got cut off. there was silence in the room until teacher spoke again.

"Well students, hes here. Keep your manners please." teacher said before walking away to open the door. 

"You may come in now" teacher said reassuring the new student. he comes inside the classroom and all eyes were on him. he wasn't your average looking boy in class. you know, the depressed, broken sleep schedule, basketball, dumb asf, jock type of guy. he looked different. before we got to talk again, teacher interrupted.

"Okay, you may introduce yourself now." teacher told the new kid. we all looked at the boy and he looked too scared to talk. maybe its because he doesn't know anyone here yet and the fact everyone was looking at him too. i lowkey feel bad, maybe he has anxiety.

"Since he's probably scared, I'll introduce him instead. Is that alright to you?" teacher asked while looking at the boy. the boy approved and nodded at teacher, still in front of the whole class.

"Okay. Well his name is Kim Sunoo. He's 16 years old, just like the rest of you. He used to have a twin brother, we dont know where he is now. He likes to dance and sing. He's kind of shy though. That's all I have to tell you about him I guess. Well since I have told you all stuff about him, he needs to be toured around the school for the whole day. Therefore he and another student has to skip class for a day, but they're excused." teacher said before looking around the class. 

i lowkey panicked because for these types of events, i have to be called. and there teacher said whos gonna help him.

"How about our class representative? She looks like she can handle Sunoo. I'm giving you both the whole day to tour the school, so you can take your time. But Myunghee, I need to tell you something real quick. Come here." teacher said before bringing me outside the classroom for privacy.

i was lowkey scared i hope he doesnt get mad at me.

"Myunghee, just a little heads up, Sunoo has anxiety so go easy on him and you know what else to do. Don't make him feel uncomfortable either. Thanks Myunghee good luck" teacher said. 

teacher then told Sunoo that he can go out the classroom for me to tour him around the school. I panicked because what if he doesn't want to be around me yet? either way i had to do it anyways.

"so sunoo should we go?" i said softly because i was kinda scared too because i don't know how he acts like.

he nods in approval. i wondered if he didn't want to talk to me. it's fine because it's just the first time we met. i start walking with sunoo, until we stopped.

"w-whats your name again?" sunoo asked while looking at the floor. 

"oh, its myunghee" i said while smiling, i needed to be kind so he could have at least a bit of trust in me. 

"okay thank you.. well um is the school big?" sunoo asked. i kind of laughed. i don't know why i laughed its just he's cute so- no i need to stop i just met him. 

"well yeah kinda, why?" i responded. 

"well um can you hold this?" he showed me a kind of long bracelet attached to his backpack. is this so he wont get lost? thats cute- ANYWAYS. 

"sure sure" i said. he then handed me the bracelet attached to his backpack and we started walking towards our grade levels locker hall. 

"well this is where all my classmates lockers are at. teacher will probably give you your own locker and key later on this week. this is my locker" i walked along and pointed at locker 87. 

"o-ohh okay thats.. nice" he said while looking at my locker. i forgot i put stickers on it. here you can put stickers on your locker, just dont put too much and teacher's fine with it. 

"those stickers are c-cute" sunoo said while looking at it. i found it cute- OH shut up.

"thank you, anyways lets keep on going?" i said as he nodded. we then went to the cafeteria, which is just next to the locker hall. 

"heres the cafeteria, usually lunch is at 12pm." i said. he looked around.

"wow this is a big cafeteria.. this is nice" he said while smiling. i brought him around to tell him where to go later when its lunch time so he wont get scared all by himself not knowing what to do. after bringing him to the cafeteria, we walked on along the hallway about to go to the bathrooms. but then a little bitc- i mean doseol came to the hallways looking at us. he was an annoying basketball player and hes older than me, hes in a higher grade. he always wanted stuff his way which made me hate him. 

"doseol, not now for the sake of the lord." i told him. sunoo just froze there not knowing whats happening.

"m-myunghee??" sunoo said while looking at me. i felt bad sunoo had to experience this for the first few minutes of being in this school. sigh

"mhm hey myunghee what you doing with that guy? pft on a date? cute. anyways just so you know im going to pass through so move." the older said while looking at me

"why do you always do this? oh and no were not on a date. stop acting like your the only one in this school. you dont always get your way. fix yourself you should be a good example to us." i said snapping back at him.

"u-um myunghee we should-" sunoo said but he got cut off by doseol.

"yeah listen to sunoo. move. now. or else." doseol said while getting mad.

"mhm mhm or else what? go speak." i said while yelling at him.

"well- just move will you?!" doseol said. 

"dear lord for the sake of sunoo not seeing this, i'll move." i said rolling my eyes. the elder finally moved away and went on with his day. i feel bad for sunoo that he saw this.

"sorry sunoo you had to see this. are you okay?" i asked sunoo while looking at him. he didnt respond. "hello..?" i said again. 

he went back to his senses. "o-oh yeah im... okay dont worry lets keep going" sunoo said while looking a bit scared knowing that he might see that guy again later on.

"okay well lets go!" i said enthusiastically to brighten up the mood. 

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