₊❏❜ 🥛⋮[ chapter 8 ] ⌒⌒

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Sunoo's POV

woah, myunghee has so much clothes to pick from! i dont think she knows, but i like wearing skirts sometimes. i should call jungwon and ask him for help. 

accept | decline

hey sunoo hyung whats up?

so im here at my friends dorm-

WAIT. DONT TELL ME ITS JIWOO. that girls a psychopath. 

yeah not her, we met her a while ago though. im with myunghee,
she was assigned to tour me for 2 days. 

wow, 2 days!?! anyways why'd you call? 

okay so um im at her dorm right now and im gonna take a shower, and
i dont have extra clothes to wear so she let me get anything from her
closet, should i..?

yeah go for it! shes going to be fine with it, i promise

u sure?

yeah go for it hyung! dont worry she will like it 

okay thanks wonnie byeee! 

no problem hyung, im gonna go play
with heeseung hyung. bye!

call ended

i went to the shower and took a quick shower. wow her shampoo smells good! i proceed to take a shower. after a shower, i went to dry my hair and put on the clothes jungwon recommended me to wear. i put on a light purple skirt and i threw on a yellow hoodie that i found inside her closet. i looked at myself in the mirror. i look pretty fine, good enough right? after that i got my phone that was on her bed and i went outside her room to look for her. i saw her sitting on the couch. 

Your POV

i was watching poltergiest (if you dont know what that is, its a horror movie), back rested on the couch. i already watched this movie multiple times, so it wasnt as scary as before. i was watching the movie until i heard my bedroom door open. is sunoo done? i'll wait for him.

but suddenly i felt someone clinging onto me, it was sunoo. woah hes wearing my purple skirt and yellow hoodie. i like to wear that too, so i was happy and surprised. 

"hey sunoo!! i like your outfit, very cute" i said while smiling at him.

"wait really you like it?" sunoo looked at me confused but still happy. 

"yeah, i wear that a lot actually. its comfy and i like the colors" i said. after i said that, he just hugged me like i was a pillow.

"wahh thanks! i dont really dress up like this infront of other people because they might judge me, but i trust you soo.." he said while his head was buried in my shoulder. i felt so happy. after a few minutes he asks,

"what you watching?" sunoo said while sitting back down. 

"oh im watching poltergiest, its horror though" i said

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