Season 4

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I do what I can to fit in Angel. If I can't fit Angel into an episode, I will probably develop a short story about part of her life or a random fact as a replacement.

I used the wiki for the order.


1. Miss Dimmsdale

Angel says her congratulations to Mr. Turner on the phone for winning Miss Dimmsdale. It was an interesting sight to see a one-act performance so quickly.

2. Mind Over Magic

"Well, class. There is only one minute left before the school's out," Mr. Crocker announced from his desk as most of the kids were ready to leave. "Which means...Pop Quiz! How many seconds are there in a year..."

(31,536,000 seconds)

[365 days * 24 hours * 3600 (60 mins * 60 seconds = 3600)]

"Pick me."

"Pick me."

Many of the kids were ready to answer the question.

"On Mars!"

(59, 356, 800 Earth seconds)

[I used 687 days...the answer should be about 59.4 million]

"Uh...uh...I don't know," AJ said as he was clueless.

Everyone doubted to answer the question.

"F for all of you!" Mr. Crocker said as he pulled a string to release a bunch of F papers from the ceiling.

It was lunch, and everyone was enjoying their meal or waiting in line.

"Is it me or Mr. Crocker has gone crazy over these pop quizzes?" Timmy asked.

"Pop Quiz!" Mr. Crocker surprised the group as he popped out in front of them.

"I'll take that as a yes. Angel, I admire your strength to deal with this guy," Chester said.

"Quick, what is the daily dosage recommended for vitamin intake of Vitamin B-12?"

(The daily dosage can vary on age, a diet like vegan or vegetarian, or health conditions.
However, most can satisfy the B12 through the foods they eat.)

Angel, Chester, and Timmy just stared for a few seconds. 

"Too late, F! F for everyone! It's an F feast!" Mr. Crocker said as he pulled a string and F's were released in the lunchroom from the ceiling.

The next day, Mr. Crocker was having fun introducing Super F to the class.

"Hola amigos, examen sorpresa, which is Spanish for Pop Quiz! Now, can anyone answer this? What is the capital of Botswana?"

He pointed at Chester, AJ, and then Timmy, who answered correctly. Gaborone is the capital of Botswana.

Pop quizzes weren't a thing for a few days.

After AJ's turn in Battleship, Angel took his place and won despite Timmy's mind-reading abilities.

(Angel doesn't think of strategies during a game)

"Yay! Now, do you know what that machine your dad has in the room?"

"It's supposed to be an anti-mindreader. I think he has a plan but he will probably fail with the fairy capturing."

"Oh really, and what gave that away?"

"Timmy's birthday is March 21."

"Oh, the surprise party isn't even an actual birthday surprise. I still don't understand, but I shall be there for the food."

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