Season 7

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I do what I can to fit in Angel. If I can't fit Angel into an episode, I will probably develop a short story about part of her life or a random fact as a replacement.

I used the wiki for the order.


1. Anti-Poof

It was night and Angel woke up due to her Dad being chased by a cow on a pogo stick.

"Gah, why are cows always chasing me?" he shouted as he continued running down the street.

"Magic baby fight?"

"Yeah, Poof is versus Foop, but we need to make Foop go to sleep soon. Good thing it is near his naptime."

After the announcement of the plan to stop Foop by Timmy, everyone present started to sing a lullaby.

"Go to sleep... go to sleep... Close your big baby eyes...La, la, la, la, la."

Successfully, Foop fell asleep and landed in his mother's bunny arms.

"Whenever Poof cries, bad things happen. I wonder if Foop cries, then good things happen."

Poof tested the theory by taking away Foop's bottle wand.

"How dear you disturb my naptime? And you took my baba away from me. Wah!"

Everything terrible happening started to return back to normal. Everyone was happy.

When Angel returned back home to find her Dad, she sees her Dad chasing a cow on a pogo stick.

"Look who's the boss now, cow!"

2. Add-a-Dad (Fact)

Mr. Crocker only has a teaching job, so he isn't that business to ignore any father and daughter moments. If he did ignore Angel, then she wouldn't have wished for another Dad because she loves the original.

3. Squirrely Puffs (Fact)

Angel refused Tootie's offer to join her girl scouts group.

4. Micecapades (Fact)

Angel likes the cartoon Sleazy and Cheezy. The physics makes no sense but that's the point.

5. Formula for Disaster (Fact)

Sometimes Angel would attend her Dad's detention or summer activity class sessions because she's curious about what happens during them. She isn't in trouble or failing, she is just there as a visitor. 

6. Bad Heir Day

"Happy birthday Dad!"

"I wish I could get out of this high chair."

After listing what Mr. Crocker got and wants, he found out he is going after a son.

"Nice to meet you, Crockbot 9000!"

Crockbot 9000 pointed the laser toward his stealer of a parent.

"I guess I'm not having a brother." Angel watched as her new brother rolled out of the house.

Later in the day, after the stork quit attacking Mr. Crocker, Crockbot 9000 officially became a part of the Crocker family.

"Hello dear sister, I love you!"

"I love you too, DJ!"

7. Freaks & Greeks (Fact)

Angel attended a Greek party with her brother before he went to college.

8. Fly Boy

"Are Dimand and Marie alright?" Angel asked as she saw the spiders being flung back into their cage from the web.

Angel CrockerWhere stories live. Discover now