Season 1

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I do what I can to fit in Angel. If I can't fit Angel into an episode, I will probably develop a short story about part of her life or a random fact as a replacement.

I used the wiki for the order.

If you were here before the edited chapter, then you will probably noticed that I used Netflix at the time. Apparently, Christmas Every Day was just an add-on episode in Season 1 on Netflix's part. It was meant to be in Season 2, but then it would make Season 1 have like 6 episodes.


1. The Big Problem (Short Story)

Start of 5th grade

"Okay, class, welcome to 5th grade. Before anything else, I would like to say something. YOU WILL GET DETENTION AND A PHONE CALL TO YOUR CARETAKER IF ANYONE OF YOU BULLIES MY DAUGHTER! This will be a long year."

"Cool! Angel, we are in the same class! What do you think will happen this year?"

"Well, I still have short term memory loss in some subjects. However, I am glad to have a notebook to write information I think is important and maybe forget easily. I hope my memory condition improves."

"Me too! I wish for you to remember the fun places we would go to or the times we hung out."

"Maybe after school, we could... play... um... fairy wands!"

"Sure! Just be careful of my sister."


"I'll get the wands and come to your house. Sounds like a plan?"

"Sure, I will write it down in my agenda."

2. Power Mad! (Fact)

Vicky will never be Angel's babysitter as Croaker lives with his mother.

3. Spaced Out (Fact)

Angel believes aliens exist like fairies and other supernatural beings/myths.

4. TransParents!

It was Show & Tell day.

Francis brought in a dog.

"And what is the letter that dog starts with?"

"Uh. . . D?"

"Yes, here is your grade." Mr.Crocker said giving Francis a D letter gra

Timmy brought in a dinosaur.


I tried to search it up, but not sure if the Octosaurus Rex was real)

Angel brought in a model of an aardvark, or something similar to an anteater.

After school, Timmy and his parents have to meet up.

"Did you see that Angel? It is a dinosaur. If I could show proof that it is real, then I wouldn't be considered crazy to everyone here."

"But I love you as you are. Everyone is unique, but I consider you as my favorite most wonderful parent I could ever have. You're fun, intelligent, and I enjoy spending time with you."

"You're right! I am so happy to have an understanding child like you. I am just wondering when would be the time that we could rule over the people that ever misjudged us."

"I don't like that idea of being a ruler over others. Well, I will be with Tootie for the afternoon. We are going to stroll around the park together!"

"Have fun!"

"You too with your plan to see if you can catch the fairies!"

5. Chin Up (Short Story)

"Hey Angel, do you want to read these comic books?"

"What are they about?"

"I don't know, they are pretty much things I confiscated from the students because I wanted to. Mostly a distraction in class, but I wonder if you want to read them with me."


"Cri-crimson Chin..."

6. Dog's Day Afternoon

"Hey, Tootie! I heard you got a dog. How is he...she...they?"

"He. His name is Doydle."


"Yeah, my sister will bring him to the vet so he could be fixed."


"I don't know, but many pets seemed to dislike the vet after being fixed."

"Ok, so a pain removal or inspection of diseases."

"Yep, that makes sense to dislike a doctor."

7. A Wish Too Far! (Fact)

Angel doesn't care about popularity but is put into the other category. She isn't much to have a judgment on other people. She is happy being best friends with Tootie.

8. Tiny Timmy!

Croaker helps Angel understand her work assignments before she does them.

During Timmy's presentation of the microscopic world, she was confused like the rest of the class. However, it was fun hearing about tiny beings inside the human body.

9. Father Time! (Fact)

To stay fit, Angel does gentle exercises or practices her balance. When her father get a chance to have a break, he would go on walks with her.

As long as Angel doesn't take a fall or damage her head Denzel will be happy to see her in good health. Also, it was recommended by her doctor and therapist.

10. Apartnership! (Fact)

There isn't much of an Anniversary celebration the Crockers could celebrate.

11. Dream Goat! (Fact)

Angel likes the hero of Dimmsdale, Chompy the Goat.

12. The Same Game (Short Story)

Angel met the Benders by first encountering their Molar Dog. After their meeting, Wendell and Angel are friends.

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