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"So is it your first time visiting?" The guy asked Billie for the fifth time.

"No, I live here." Billie murmured under her breath, attempting to walk away from the man, who just followed after her.

"Oh, you live alone or what?" He asked again. "No." Billie rolled her eyes.

"You don't sound like you're from here, I can show you around if you'd like."

"No thanks." Billie declined respectfully. "You sure?"

Billie rolled her eyes and walked away from him again, but he followed her but was more aggressive this time.

Billie dropped her phone on the ground when the man decided to grab her shoulder forcefully.

Billie pushed him off of her, grabbed her phone and she rushed away from the man and ended up bumping into Selena who was waiting for her outside.

"Hey, are you finished?" Selena asked her, shoving her own phone in her pocket.

"Yeah, let's go. I don't want anything here."

"What's wrong? You seem in a hurry."

"There's some weird dude in there, he fucking grabbed me." Billie told her.

"Grabbed you how? How do you mean?" Selena asked.

"I don't know, can we just leave, I don't want anything here anymore." Billie grabbed Selena's hand quickly.

"No," Selena let go of Billie's hand. "Who the hell does this dude think he is, touching you like that?"

"It's not that big of a deal, Selena. Seriously, I'm okay."

"Well who was it? What did he look like?"

"Just some guy in a red jersey, no biggie." Billie shook her head.

"Don't normalize that, it's a big deal."

"Don't go in there, it's okay, I promise I'm fine."

"Who's this guy again?"

"Don't worry about it, I'm okay, he didn't hurt me."

Like the irony of the universe, the ‘so kind’ gentleman appeared out of the door. “Is that him, Billie?” 

Billie rolled her eyes and nodded, but pulled Selena towards her again. 

“It’s okay, Selena. I’m serious when I say it.”

“Will you let go of me? If I deal with him now-”

“Deal with him how? Let’s just go, you’re just gonna make it worse.”

Selena nudged Billie away and made her way towards the man who also happened to be armed but that knowledge was unknown to the two. 

“Fucking, damn it.” Billie grumbled under her breath.

Selena approached him and stopped him, “Hi, I’m Selena.” The taller girl introduced herself. 

“Do I know you?” The guy asked Selena.

“Sai quella ragazza che stavi molestando? (Y’know that girl you were harassing?)”

Billie approached the two, trying to diffuse the situation before it escalated. 

“Don’t touch me.” Selena jerked away from her again.

“Oh, di nuovo tu? (Oh, you again?)” He let out a low chuckle when he saw Billie.

“È fortunata ad essere riuscita a scappare, il divertimento che avrei avuto. (She’s lucky she got away, whew, the fun I would’ve had.)”

“Bastard.” Selena gritted through her teeth before raising her hand and punched him in the face. 

Billie let out a gasp as he fell to the ground and Selena stood over him and kicked him in the stomach.

“Hey, hey!” Billie shouted at Selena. The guy held his nose and rustled around to pull out his hidden pistol.

Selena grabbed the gun and at that same time, the trigger was accidentally pulled. "Stop it!" 

The only thing the lone bullet hit was a car that was nearby. "Selena, stop it! Please!"

Selena ignored her girlfriend's pleas and continued to manhandle the guy who just tried to get away from her. 

He reached for his gun again, but before he could do anything once he got it, Selena knocked his face into the concrete. 

Selena halted her movements, cracked her now bloody knuckles, and grabbed Billie's hand, walking away from the unconscious man.

"Wha- we can't- we can't leave him there." Billie panted out of stress. 

"Yes, we can," Selena whispered, turning to face Billie and cupped Billie's face. 

Billie lightly grimaced at the feeling of blood on her cheeks. "No one's gonna hurt you, okay?" 

"Mhm." Billie nodded slowly, specifically concerned about Selena's behavior.


"Thanks." Selena murmured once Billie was done with wrapping the gauze around Selena's knuckles. 

"No problem." Billie shrugged. 

“Well you don’t sound like you’re in a good mood.” Selena noticed. 

Billie tossed the gauze and scissors to the side and let out a sigh, “Why would I be in a good mood, Selena? You beat that guy to a pulp.”

“He said something about you that I didn’t like, he should really watch his mouth next time.” 

“Selena, it’s not funny.” Billie lightly glared at the older the girl. “I’m not laughing.” Selena tried to hold back her laughter.

“I love that you want to protect me or whatever, but that was entire different side of you, I thought you didn’t mess with innocent people?”

“Who the hell told you he was innocent? You said it yourself, he was harassing you!”

“Yeah and I was okay with just walking away, girls deal with that all the time. It’s normal, a sad normal, but it is.”

“Well people don’t do that to me.” 

“Yeah, maybe ‘cause one, you were literally trained to be a deadly weapon and two, you have a pair of icecles for eyes and you shoo people away.”

“I don’t know if that’s a compliment or an insult.” Selena smirked. 

“Take it as whatever you want, baby. Back to what I was saying, you can’t just go punching anybody who touches me the wrong way.”

“Uh, I think I can?” Selena scoffed at her girlfriend’s words. 

“Uh, no you can’t,” Billie laughed. “You could get into some serious trouble that we have no idea about and all of that trouble is all gonna trace back because you couldn’t handle some weird dude.”

“Well I’m sorry for thinking that you deserve respect.”

Billie smiled and cupped Selena’s face softly. “I love you, but no more fighting, okay?”

“I think we can work out some kind of agreement on that one, baby. ‘Cause just sitting there and not doing anything isn’t gonna work for me.”

“Yes it will if you accept it.” 

“No, I think that you need to accept that if someone just even looks at you the wrong way, they’re getting punched in the face.”

Shiv In The Night [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now