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Selena POV

"I suggest you keep these restraints on me." I tell him as the cuffs that were holding my hands down are taken off of me.

"Why? Do you want to hurt me?" He laughs, tilting his head. I shoot up grabbing him by his neck slamming into the closest wall. I feel a pinch in my neck before my vision goes blurry again, the last words I can get out is "I'm going to kill you."

This time when I wake up to voices. "You're up." A young girl smiles at me. "We're supposed to clean you." Another woman tells me.

"Get your hands off of me." I push them away. "Matteo told us to clean you ma'am."

"And I'm telling you not to touch me. Where the hell am I?" I look at them and they're almost naked, just in undergarments.

"He put me in a fucking sex ring." I mumble to myself. "I mean I heard that while we were mad at each other, you did a little discovery of your own. You prefer women over men, am I right?"

"I'm sorry, what does my sexuality have to do with any of this? Wait a second, you're trying to get them to seduce me." I realize.

"Depends, is it working?" He asks. "No."

"I also heard you're married to presumably someone I used to work with but knowing you, it's probably a lie." I roll my eyes at his statement.

"You don't know a damn thing about me. Get me out of here." I glare at him.

"I have a few questions about a couple of my friends," He smiles. "Lia and Joseph, where the hell are they?"

"One's dead, one's in prison." I tell him, giving him a blank stare. "Elaborate for me."

"You didn't think I would find out?" I spit in his face. "I can see you did." He grins again.

"Lia was arrested yesterday, and I killed Joseph." I tell him. "You did what?" He grabs my chin harshly. "Get." I push him roughly. "Off of me."

"I am your father Selena, you do not push me!" He attempts to scold me. "You were never my father and you never will be." I tell him.

"How dare you speak to me that way!? How would your mother feel if you spoke to her that way?"

"Do not speak of my mother. She's a better parent than you'll ever be, I would never speak to her that way."

"You really think your mother is all that, huh?" He laughs. "You better watch what you say Matteo." I warn him.

"God, you don't even want to call me dad. Selena, I want to reconcile with you." He says making me laugh loudly.

"I don't need reconciliation, I'm not looking for that. I want you dead."

"I'm here, why haven't you killed me yet?" He asks. "You don't deserve a simple and sudden death."

"Oh, you want payback, for everything I did, huh?" He chuckles. "Hmph, I guess you are smart." I mumble rolling my eyes.

"Selena, what I did? What I did to you, made you stronger than anyone I've ever known, even stronger than me."

"You're telling me that being raped everyday, being beaten to a pulp, not being fed, living in a hell hole made me stronger? All it did was make me hate you. When are you going to get it through your head, there is nothing, I mean nothing you can do is make up for this."

"I can promise not to kill you." He says. I look at him and he huffs before walking out of the room leaving me with the two girls.

"Ma'am, we have to do our tasks." The woman tells me and I look at her disgustingly. "Don't come near me."

Shiv In The Night [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now