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Selena snapped up from her involuntary nap and she breathed heavily. She looked around and saw Matteo sitting in a chair besides her and the repeating sound of something beeping makes her let out a groan.

Matteo looked up and smiled at his daughter. "Where- where am I?" Selena looked around, disheveled. "You're in my infirmary, you suffered a heart attack."

"You- you gave me something," Selena got out of the bed, taking the wires off of herself. "Hey, hey, Selena. You have to keep those on, they're helping you."

"I don't need your help!" She yelled at him before Matteo nodded. Selena felt arms grab her. "Get off of me!" She shouted. "Selena, I need you to trust me this one time, this is for your own good."

"What the hell did you give me?" She asked him. "It was just ecstasy, your body had an unlikely reaction to it, it was only supposed to calm you down."

"Get these people off of me now!" She shouted again. "Ok, you guys can stop it." Matteo told them.

"Do you want to stay here?" He asks Selena, she looks at him disgustingly before rolling her eyes. "Stop acting like you care about me."

"I'm your father, you're the only person I care about." He tells her, making Selena let out a scoff. "You're lying to me."

"I've been meaning to speak to you, about- about a lot of things." He tells me. "I do not want to speak with you." She mumbled looking away from him.

"How's your mom doing?" He asked her, but didn't receive an answer. "What about your daughter?" Selena doesn't say anything. "How about Isabella?"

"Shut up!" She exclaimed. "Don't you dare act oblivious about Isabella, you didn't care about her, don't expect me to believe you care about me. "

"I'm sorry Sel-" Selena cut him off. "Fuck your sorry. Fuck you." She cursed at him. She heard him laughing a bit making her snap her head towards him. "You're laughing at me." Selena told him.

"You're pathetic." He laughs. "Pathetic?" Selena told him standing up. "I woke up to my sister being stabbed to death."

"You two had a simple rule, you don't visit each other, you made the mistake of sneaking into her room."

"For years, I've blamed myself for her death, maybe I shouldn't have gone into her room, but I forgot that either way you would've killed her. I did nothing wrong, you're just a dude who's sick in the head and you happen to be my father."

"Damn right I am your father. Selena, I don't want to kill you, if I wanted to, you'd be dead the second I came to Italy. You may hate me, but it's impossible to deny that I am your father, you are a Denaro, and you were born to be like me whether you accept it or not."

He gets up walking out of the room, "Dad?" She calls out to Matteo and he turns around with a smile probably from Selena calling him dad.

"Yes, love?"

"I will never be like you, you're the one having a hard time accepting that." She tells him, making his smile immediately drop.

"Lia's sentencing is today." He tells her. "How? She was just arrested yesterday."

"No, you've been out for 5 days." Those words make her snap up again. "No- no." Selena laughed. "I have not been here for five days." She shook her head, getting off the bed again.

"You have the ecstasy and the meds treating you for your heart attack. The two knocked you out pretty bad."

"You're lying about something." She told him. "I'm not, it's been five days, her trial is being shown on television."

"I know you're lying about something." Selena continued with her accusation. "Fine, you want the truth? We gave you extra sedatives and an antipsychotic."

"An antipsychotic!? I'm not a fucking psycho." She yelled. "No one's saying you're a psycho. All of this is supposed to calm you down, none of us knew you would be asleep for that long."

Selena charged at him, throwing him on the ground. "I hate you!" She cried out. She was grabbed again and she pushed everyone away. "Don't touch me!" She yelled at the man who couldn't keep his hands off of her.

She punched him, sliding her foot behind his legs making him fall backwards. She returned back to Matteo who was now standing up with his hands out. She grabbed him by his shirt throwing him into the wall.

In the midst of her attack, her vision went blurry and her breath cut short. Matteo realized what was happening and grabbed his daughter. Selena shook her pushing him away. "Take your hands off of me." Selena coughed.

"I'm going to help you." Matteo said. "N- I have to get out of here." Selena stumbled out of the room as Matteo followed her. "I can't let you do that, Selena."

"Leave me alone, Dad." Selena murmured. Matteo put a cloth covering Selena's mouth and nose making her body go limp. Matteo grunted, as he picked up his daughter.

Billie POV

"My daughter has been missing for the past five days, suffered a heart attack, and you expect me to stay calm. She is right in the house behind us, what the hell are we doing waiting?" Andrea questioned Dala.

"Hey Auntie Drea, calm down. Let's get you a cup of coffee." Ariana comforted her aunt. "I'm not going to drink or eat anything until my daughter is home and safe. I knew this would have happened."

"Andrea, she will be okay." This time, Ariana's mom spoke. "No, do you know who her father is. I hate this place, the minute she's here, we are taking the next flight to Sicily."

"Hey, I don't mean to intrude, but I may know how to get Selena back." I say making Andrea look at me. "Okay- how?" She asks me.

"The last place I knew where he was staying was San Francisco, he had a security system that he gave me all the information to. Dala said this house has the same security system from the system in San Francisco."


"The mistake he made was not changing his system, meaning if you give me an hour and a laptop, I could shut everything down at his house." I murmur. "I thought you were an idiot." Ariana tells me, making me look up at her.

"So did I, I was homeschooled."


Selena's eyes fluttered open and she got up slowly, "Hey, you're up. You missed the sentencing." She sees Matteo and he stands up turning the tv on when Selena spots a knife in his back pocket.

"Dad?" Matteo turns around and Selena gets up hugging him, he's shocked but wraps his arms around his daughter as Selena slowly takes the knife out of his pocket and breaks away from him hiding the knife behind her back.

"You missed it, Lia was charged with conspiracy, attempted murder, two murder charges, drug trafficking, and tax fraud, she's been sentenced 72 years to life, without parole."

Selena just nodded. "That sucks, she doesn't deserve this. That's what the police don't get, we aren't bad people, we're just trying to survive." Matteo says getting up again and his back facing Selena.

Big mistake.

Oop- tomorrow, ill be posting the last chapter and i still haven't made billie and selena kiss yet, yall mad?

Shiv In The Night [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now