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Billie POV

"You heading to bed now?" Ari asks me when she sees me walking to my room. "Yeah, I'm kinda tired."

"After finding out Isabella wasn't her girlfriend?" Ariana laughs. "Shut up, you dummy."

"How am I a dummy?" Ari asks. "You just are." I mumble. "Whatever, I'm having a slumber night in my room with Alessa and Carina, I can't find Lia but can you come too, please?" Ari pouts.

"What are we gonna do anyway?" I ask her. "Watch movies, eat popcorn, talk about boys, well for you, we'll talk about Selena." Ari teases and I send a hard glare to her.

"Just come please?" I give in to her asking and 2 hours later, I find myself snacking on popcorn and Ari and her cousins teasing me about my little crush on Selena.

"So what are you gonna do if she randomly walked in here and kissed you?" Carina asks me. "I'm gonna faint." I answer.

"Really!?" Ari asks me. "Of course not! I can't even imagine that happening." I mumble. "Look, I think I know Selena best out of all of us." Alessa announces.

"Nuh uh!" Ari snaps. "Anyway, Ariana told me Selena said you two were married." Carina mentions causing me to glance at Ariana who was popping Skittles into her mouth.

"What? They're my cousins, I was gonna tell them." Ariana says with her mouth full. Our conversation is cut off by moaning sounds and Ariana looks at me and Carina and Alessa burst out in laughter. "That's definitely not Lia." I say.

"How do you know what her moaning sounds like?" Alessa raises an eyebrow.

"I didn't sleep with her if that's what you're going at. It's just she's always having sex near me or in my house that I just know it."

"It's next door." Alessa says. "No it isn't," Ari shakes her head. "That's Dalton's room."

The realization hits me and the girls realize it too. "What?" Ariana asks us when we stare at her.

"I'll be right back." I tell her and I walk out of the room walking to where we were hearing Lia. I open the door and it's locked, I sigh and I walk to Selena's room knocking on her door.

After a while, I get tired of waiting and I open the door myself. Selena who is obviously startled looks at me in annoyance. "What now?"

"I need you to open the door to Dalton's room." I mumble looking down at my feet. "Why?" She asks me.

"I think someone's in there, can you just open it and I'll leave you alone."

She sighs and gets out of her bed and opens a cabinet and takes out a key. She walks to Dalton's room with me following behind her. She puts the key in but it doesn't budge.

"That bastard changed his locks." She mutters. She tells me to step back and I am confused on what she's about to do. Straight away, she lifts her foot up connecting it with the lock and the door flies open and I peek my head in. Well it definitely wasn't Lia.

"What in the living fuck?" Selena says when we see Joseph and Dalton naked. 

"What's all that noise?" Ari's voice is heard as Carina and Alessa follow after her. Ariana pushes past Selena and stops in her tracks. "Ariana, it isn't what it looks like." Dalton tries to tell his girlfriend.

"Can you guys put clothes on? I really don't want to see that." Selena grimaced. Selena looked away as they dressed themselves and Ariana was still standing there in shock.

"Are you guys fucking serious?" Ariana questioned the two. "Could you guys just stop yelling? A girl wants to sleep." Lia mumbles as she adjusts her robe walking towards us. "What's going on anyway?" Lia asks.

"Your boyfriend's into dudes." Selena tells her. Confusion takes over Lia's face and she walks into the room and lets out a chuckle. "What kind of sick joke is this?" She asks them.

"You're freaking gay!" Lia emphasizes. "I'm gonna stab your dick!" Ariana punches the mirror as it shattered, she picked up a shard of the glass signaling Selena to go after Ariana. "Ariana, drop it." Selena tells the girl.

"I'm gonna kill him." Ariana yells as she tackles Dalton to the ground. Selena tries to pull Ariana off of him. "Uh hello!? The girl might be small but she's fucking heavy!" Selena yells. Carina and Alessa help to get Ariana off of the poor dude.

When Ariana is finally pulled off of Dalton, she squirms around and Selena lets out a grunt immediately removing her arms from around Ariana's waist. 

I walk into the room now concerned at what's the instant change. "Selena?" Ariana turns around with shaky hands and the shard's not in Ariana's hand anymore.

Suddenly Selena falls backwards and I gasp, looking at Ariana again for the thousandth time

Oop, that's my cue to go before y'all start yelling at me

Shiv In The Night [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now