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“Selena? Do you understand what I’m offering you?” 

“I know what you’re offering, but I can’t accept that offer unfortunately.” Selena replied. She suddenly heard a slightly dramatic gasp and felt herself being kicked by Billie’s foot.

Selena chuckled awkwardly and discreetly swatted Billie’s foot out of the view of her laptop which was currently on a video call.

“This is a big opportunity, I think you’d be best for this, you’ve shown that you’re not only good out on the field but you have exemplar leadership qualities.”

“Yeah, but I- you have the wrong person here, I’m sure there’s someone better-”

“But there isn’t Selena, can you at least give it a thought? At least?” 

“Uh… okay, I’ll- yeah, I’ll think about it, thanks.” Selena nodded and quickly ended the call and shut her laptop. 

She was met with a smack in the back of her head and a stern glare from her girlfriend. “Ow! That hurt, damn it!”

“Are you fucking stupid, are you seriously going to decline this offer, it’s big-”

“Billie, I’m not the person for it.” Selena shook her head.

“I literally don’t know anyone else who’s better than you to be the next director of the FBI, like literally no one else.”

“I can’t have that title, it’s too much for me and way more than I deserve.”

Billie pulled Selena closer to her and cupped her face, “Baby, after everything you’ve been through, you deserve anything good that comes your way, this is a good job for you, you’re the perfect person for it.”

“Maybe, we’ll see. Let me catch Matteo first.”

“Yeah, you will, and he’s gonna just rot in prison forever.” 

“Prison? No, I have to kill him, Billie.”

“You do?” Billie asked. “If he’s in prison, he’ll just break out again, he’s a dead man when I see him.”

“Wow, so you’re still a talker, I see.” The two heard a voice from outside the room, Selena’s head turned to the door, standing up quickly when she saw who it is.

Her eyes locked with her father’s, “Long time no see, Selena. I see you got yourself your latest toy.” Matteo grinned. 

“Oh, where’s June?” He asked again. “Oh right… she’s gone, it was pretty sad, well not really sad, pretty funny, I meant.”

Selena made a step toward him but halted when he pointed a gun at her, “Careful, my love. I don’t want to pull this accidently, it would suck for the infamous Selena Messina Denaro to go down with a single bullet.”

“How did you get in here?” Selena asked.

“You don’t need to worry about that. Just know that this is the end for you, you were supposed to dead 19 years ago.”

“So what? You failed your mission?”

“I don’t fail missions, Selena.” He spat quickly. “Looks like you did with me.” Selena grinned.

“Shut up or I pull the trigger.” He told her. “You seem upset, don’t mean to piss you off.”

Before anything could be said, two gunshots rang in the air.

Billie gasped as her eyes snapped open, "Hey…" Selena frowned softly. 

Billie jerked a little at Selena's touch, but sat up quickly when she saw who it was. 

"You- you're okay?"

"Yeah? There’s nothing wrong with me, did you have another nightmare?” Selena whispered. 

“No, no, it was nothing, I’m fine, only about your dad.”

“You had a dream about my dad?”

“I’m sorry, where exactly are we right now, this isn’t our room.” Billie looked around. “So what else would it be if not our room?”

“Shouldn’t the walls be blue and there’s supposed to be a-”

“Are you talking about our room in Italy? My love, we haven’t been in Italy for five years?”

“Wha- we were just in Italy four months ago, I am so confused.”

“What exactly happened in your dream, baby?” 

“We were in Italy, Matteo broke out of jail, he killed June-”

“He killed who!?” Selena asked quickly. “Wait, was everything a dream?”

“Well June isn’t dead, so I guess it was?”

“What about us going to Italy and Matteo breaking out?”

“Uh, that never happened, I killed him on the day you kissed me for the first time.”

“No you didn’t.” Billie scoffed. “I did, he died from his injuries. This was a pretty long dream you had.”

“So none of these past few months happened?” 

“No, they haven’t, I killed him five years ago.” Selena told her. Billie’s memory was still foggy and screwed up with the dream and she started to make sense.

“Oh,” She laughed softly. “I’m sorry, I just got confused for a second. What time is it?” 

“It’s about to be six.” Selena said after turning to the alarm clock. A lot happened on the day that they first kissed, they did make it to Italy together where they found out days later that Matteo died from his injuries.

For the next two weeks, Selena got the closure she needed while she explored her new relationship with Billie. 

Now that Billie was no longer on the run from the cops, she decided to pick up a different career, away from all the violence and the suspense, so she chose something she was always passionate about which was music.

In a span of three years, she went from not being known to being almost every teenager’s idol. 

It definitely wasn’t easy for her adjusting to fame or being busy all the time, she had it rough for the first two years, depression was a bitch, but now she was succesful, 11 grammys under her belt at 22 years old, happily married to the love of her life and raising one rascal named June.

There were times where Billie had her occasional nightmares about whatever happened in the past, but most of them were either fabricated or unnecessarily drawn out. 

She’d wake up in a pool of sweat, her nerves running on a high but was eventually calmed down by her wife's soothing words.

Selena, being who she is, obviously found it harder to sway away from her life of stopping crime.

After months of nagging from Billie and the rest of her family, she took the opportunity of a lifetime and agreed to be the new director of the FBI.

Billie and Selena tied the knot two years ago, well eloped actually, and it was the best decision the two ever made.

Nothing big, but meaningful enough for both of them to get it over with easily.

"I love you." Billie heard Selena's voice over her shoulder.

Billie turned around, a bright smile on her face as she kissed her wife's lip softly.

"I love you more."

"Nah, I don't think that's possible."

The End

A/n: so if you're still confused, everything that happened after their first kiss (Chapter 25) was all a dream that Billie had.

So this is unexpected I know but I came in writing this story with so much love and suspense in the beginning that throughout I lost motivation and I don't want to continue something that I no longer have passion for, it's not fair to me and certainly not fair to my readers.

Shiv In The Night [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now