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Selena was placed on the stretcher as Ariana asked the medic if she would be okay. "Ma'am, you have to leave." The medic explained, but Ariana refused.

"What's going on?" Ariana's mom, Joan, walked in and gasped at the sight of her niece, blood soaking her grey tank top. "What the hell happened?"

"I'm fine." Selena grunted. "It looks like only some tissue was punctured, she's gonna have a nasty infection if I don't get this out." The medic told the ladies.

The medic put on gloves and cut Selena's tank top open. "Your mom's gonna freak out." Joan exclaimed, making Selena's eyes avert to her quickly.

"Don't tell her." Selena said. The medic was dabbing her with alcohol and Joan reached for Selena's hand. "Alright Selena, you're gonna feel some pressure now."

Selena shut her eyes close and Ariana placed her hand above Selena's head.

The doctor maneuvered with the glass until he was able to slowly remove the glass making Selena wince as she squeezed Joan's hand letting out a breath when she stopped feeling the pressure.

Selena looked at Ariana saying "You're a fucking psycho." Ariana laughed at what Selena said.

"Yeah, I got tips from a friend."

"Who the hell told you to chase someone with a mirror shard."

"My friend!" Ariana exclaimed. "Her name's Mariana."

Billie POV

"I hate boys." Lia said as she cried on my shoulder. "I know, they suck." I tell her. "How do you know? You've never dated a boy."

"I've had my share of few, but a girl cheated on me." I mumble.

"What are you trying to say? Boys don't suck?" Lia looks up at me. "Not all of them do, most of the guys I've dated, we've ended mutually. The only bad breakup I had was with some dumb girl."

"You're talking about Lainey, right?" I nod at Lia's question. "Ugh, I hated that bitch." Lia mumbled.

"I think we all hate her now." I laugh. Lia sniffles as she picks up her head from my shoulder. "What would you do if she came back."

"How do you mean?"

"If she showed up here like right now?" Lia emphasized. "Let's hope that doesn't happen," I laugh.

"But if she did somehow, I don't know how I'd react." I shrug. "You're not gonna go back to her, right?"

"Never in a million years but there are some unspoken words between us."

"What do you mean?" Lia asks. "When I caught her, I immediately left, she didn't have time to tell it wasn't what it looked like."

"She doesn't know that you caught her cheating?"

"Oh, she knows. We made eye contact. I just blocked her on everything we talked on and I haven't seen her ever since."

The cry of a baby cut us off and I got up immediately, going to the nursery to where June was. I saw her sitting up holding the railing of the crib, I picked her up carefully and went back to my room to where Lia was.

I sat on the bed shushing June and she smiled when she made eye contact with me. "Hi, you little cutie." I coo, poking her cheeks making her let out a giggle.

"Don't you think it's crazy that she has a daughter?" Lia asks me. "Hell yeah." I say. "I may or may not have found something suspicious about Selena."

"You're still snooping around?" I ask. "I'm sorry, I can't help it. Think about it Billie, you think she just brought us here to live here forever? Billie, her entire career is getting rid of gangs, she's all of a sudden gonna let two people in a gang in her house, does that make sense Billie?"

"You have a point- what did you find that was so suspicious?" I ask her. "I found a bank account, there were two account numbers, only two. One account number is sending crazy amounts of money. I checked the account numbers and one of them matches to one of Matteo's account numbers."

"Are you trying to say someone here might be paying Matteo money?"

"Selena might be the one paying him the money."

"But why would she, it doesn't make sense. She literally demolishes these gangs-"

"Then why hasn't she done it to yours, what if she's just using you?"

"What do I have that she wants? It's not like she wants money, she has enough money." I mumble. "Can I show you what I was talking about, she has another office that isn't secured."

"Lia, you're making any sense, why would she have an office that isn't secured if she wants to hide this from us?" I ask. "I don't fucking know."

"What if it's not her office?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Look, there's been moments where Selena's told me she despises Matteo and there's a journal that I found of her, I think it's dated back in 2009 and she writes that she wants him dead."

"Okay, that sheds a new light on everything but it still doesn't explain that crazy money transfers." Lia mumbles.

"I don't know Lia, we can go but what if it's true and she catches us?"

"She won't, she's in the infirmary." Lia tells me. I was still unsure about it but I knew Lia would still go anyway and I couldn't let her get into some trouble by herself.

"Fine." She smiles and tells me to follow her, "The baby." I tell Lia. "Just bring her with us, it's not like she could snitch."

I pick up June and we follow Lia to where she wanted us to be and June starts whining. "Shh, you're okay." I cradle her.

Lia closes the office door behind her and she goes on the computer before telling me to come over and see. She wasn't lying. "Is that 50,000 dollars!?" I ask.

"Look, here's a 85,000 dollar payment."

"Why would anyone give someone that kind of money? Are you sure this is real?" I ask. "Billie, it's legit. But you said she wanted him dead, but why would she be giving him this money?"

"What if it isn't her?" I suggest. "Huh?"

"What if someone here is actually giving this money away, but Selena doesn't know, because if she has a lot of money, she wouldn't keep it all on one account, she would separate the amounts on 3 or 4 accounts and someone could be in charge of them." I explain.

"The only person who I know watches over her money is Joe..seph." Lia looks at me. "Should we tell Matteo?"

"Well he already knows, the money's being sent to him, and at this point, Matteo wants us dead."

"We did kind of disappear on him, so either way, if this is Selena's work being done by Joseph, in the end, no matter where we go, we're in a death trap." I confirm.

If you want some info on Matteo, he's who my gang was working for and I was also fucking kidnapped while doing some work for him. He's a drug lord, Mafia boss, people know him as Diabolik and he is responsible for hundreds of gangs and thousands of deaths. He's the most wanted in California and one of the most dangerous men.

Something on the computer catches my eye and I tell Lia to press on it. It was a file with Selena's name on it. I tell Lia to get up and I give her June to hold. I sit in the chair scrolling through and I scoff when I see her full name.

Selena Messina Denaro.

I scroll some more and I shake my head, "That bitch fucking played me." I grunt. "What?" Lia asks.

"She's Matteo's daughter."

By the way, Matteo Messina Denaro is a real person, I don't know if you guys know, I do a lot of research before I make a story.

Shiv In The Night [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now