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“The hunt for Matteo Messina Denaro, also known as ‘Diabolik’, is still on after fourteen days. He escaped on the 23rd of July and has not been spotted since. Denaro is one of the last remaining fugitive Sicilian mob bosses. He is currently wanted for drug trafficking, extortion, and murder. For nearly three decades, he has tortured Italy and is currently evading capture ever since he’s escape. The public is now putting the pressure on his daughter Selena Messina Denaro to find her fath-” 

“That’s enough tv for you.” Billie said after she turned the tv remote and shoved it in her back pocket. “Hey, I watching that!” Selena groaned. 

“You are not about to get yourself paranoid, trying to look for him on the news, you’ll find him without you staring a big white screen.”

“Give it back.” Selena groaned. “You’re gonna have to come and get it.” 

Selena let out another loud groan while she approached Billie and turned her around. “I need the remote.”  

“No, you need this.” Billie lightly poked Selena’s chest with the dull butter knife and placed the plate of toast in front of her. 

“I’m not hungry.” Selena shook her head. “Great, then I’ll take it.” Ariana took the plate from Billie’s hand. 

“Ah-ah,” Billie took the plate and shoved it in Selena’s hand. Selena went to take the plate but paused when she saw Ariana holding a box.

"What do you have there?" Selena asked her. "Oh, June's things. I'm on my way to the donation center."

"Woah, woah, hold on." Selena stopped her. "What, I'm gonna be late."

"You're not taking her things, what the hell?"

"But Billie said you were ready to get rid of her things-"

"Why the hell would I say that? No!" Selena shouted. "But you need to! It's getting sadder everyday with her stuff just laying around. It's like a constant reminder."

"It's literally been three weeks, Ariana. You're not about to haul her things over there without talking to me first."

"But Billie said-"

"Whatever Billie said is bullshit! I don't give a damn about some donation center, they're my things."

"June's things." Ariana corrected her.

"June's fucking dead and even if she wasn't, that's not a decision that she would've liked."

“And how would you know?” Ari put her hand on her hip. “I swear to God I will stab you with this butter kni-”

“Okay! That’s enough,” Billie intervened. “Obviously Ariana, she’s not ready, so let’s just wait until another time, yeah?”

Ariana huffed her usual huff and turned on her heel to walk away from the two and Selena took that chance to confront Billie.

“Are you serious, Billie? You really told her that I said I was ready to let go?” 

“I mean, didn’t you?” Billie furrowed her brows. “I said maybe, not that I was ready all of a sudden.”

“Fine, I’m sorry, I misunderstood what you said, it’s not a big deal.” Billie mumbled.

“Okay, what’s really going on here?” Selena approached her again. “What are you talking about?” 

“There’s obviously something going on, ‘cause you would never do something that selfish.”

“Wow, really? Selfish?”

“Yes, it was selfish if you don’t know. You lied, Billie.”

“I didn’t lie, I already told you that I didn’t understand you.”

“No, you understood everything I said, you just twisted up my words. 

“Selena, you’re making this a bigger deal than it needs to be, why can’t you leave it at the fact that I didn’t hear you correctly? Jesus.”

“Great, now you’re being a smartass.”

Billie looked at Selena before rolling her eyes and throwing the plate of toast in the trash. “If you wanted the toast, too bad.”

“I told you that I didn’t want it, you wasted your own time” Selena glanced at her again. “Fuck you.”

“Why are you even upset? All I asked was a question, what- are you on your period or something?” 

“No,” Billie hit Selena’s chest lightly. “I’m not on anything, you’re just annoying me.” 

“I’m just confused on why you think I’m so ready to get rid of my daughter’s things?”

“If I say the truth, I’m gonna come across like a bitch, so don’t make me say it.” Billie turned away from her.

“Well I need an explanation-”

Billie sighed, and threw her head back dramatically, “This whole you grieving thing is reminding me of my parents’ death and it’s something that I don’t want to remember.”

“You don’t talk about your parents a lot.” 

“I know, I don’t want to talk about them, it’s just a touchy topic and seeing you just losing your daughter, it reminds me of it.”

“And that’s the reason you’re trying to get rid of June’s things?” 

“I know it’s not the most logical way to do it and I’m sorry. It was very selfish and insensitive for me to do and I’ll be more mindful next time.”

“Mhm, well- uh- have you grieved yet or been through the process?”

“Never got the chance to,” Billie shook her head. “Instead I got involved with a man who was actually the reason my parents were dead. Oh and I get kidnapped by a psychotic yet very beautiful woman who has an obsession with shivs.”

“I thought we agreed we wouldn’t talk about that.” 

Shiv In The Night [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now