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Billie POV

"Are you going to talk?" She asks after sitting across from me. "I don't know who you're talking about." I mutter.

"DON'T." She shouts and pierces the table with a shiv causing me to gasp. "Lie to me." She states calmly.

If you haven't heard about The Shiv, let me shed some light. The Shiv is a killer who's notorious for using a shiv to kill her victims.

If you think all gangs have enemies, she's not one to stand up against, she would have your entire bloodline dead in a day.

There are rumors that she's destroyed hundreds of gangs and put thousands in prison. I always thought maybe she was a secret agent for the FBI but no. If she was then I would know about her. Now, I've never seen her in person, only a discreet picture of her and an audio clip.

I cannot believe she's sitting in front of me right now, if this is real then no, I'm not getting out of here. "Hello? Are you there?" She takes me out of my thought process. "I'm not telling you." 

"Listen, you have two options, the easy way or the hard way, this is the easy way." She says. "What's the hard way?" I ask. "Death." She smiles and I can't help but admire her pearly white teeth. "Are you ready to tell me now?" She asks me.


"Okay, so before I kill you, should I kill your friend Lia? How about Carson? The three Amigos huh?" She gets up. "Wait what? They have nothing to do with this, they even don't know Matteo's location, it's just me. Don't touch them." I tell her.

"Then tell me! Where is he?" She raises an eyebrow. I look at her breathing heavily and I stare into her blue eyes looking for something, anything. Maybe sympathy and I realize I'm never getting that. "Fine." I muster out. 

"If you're lying, I will end you quicker than you can blink." 


Billie POV

You guys are dumbasses if you think I told her. 

I gave her a location, but not the right one. She's going to find out soon that I won't be telling her shit. Right now, I'm outside in her pool area which I can say is beautiful. The house itself is beautiful, I don't mind being here.

They let me stay in the pool area because they know that I can't escape. After all, the fence is armed and some active snipers will shoot me dead if I'm seen trying to leave. I've been here for two days and I don't think any of them found out I was lying. 

I hear loud footsteps and I turn around to see Shiv with blood on her clothes and her face coming towards me. "YOU LYING BASTARD!" She shouts. "I just murdered 15 people for nothing! And you're going to pay for it." She says when she gets in my face. I look at her and laugh.

She punches me in my stomach and I fall to the ground. "How dare you lie to me!?" She turns me over. Another guy comes over and pulls her away from me. I gasp for air as she says "You're lucky I need you." 


This time when I open my eyes, I'm back in the same place I was in when I first came and this time I'm not alone. "Billie?" I hear Lia's voice. I look to my side and I see Lia and Carlos cuffed to chairs. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask them.

"We just woke up here. Where are we?" Lia asks. "I fucking told her to leave you two out of this?"

"What's going on Billie? What did you do?" Carlos asks. "Two words: The Shiv." I tell them causing them to widen their eyes. "The fucking what!? She's gonna kill us!" Lia exclaims.

"No I won't," She walks in. "Well not yet."

"I told you not to involve them." I say. "Oops, I forgot." She shrugs. "What do you want from us?" Carlos speaks up. "I want you to shut up."

"Why do you want Matteo's location?" I roll my eyes. "Let's just say he and I have a score a settle." She smiles. "I won't tell you."

"You're loyal to him." She confirms. "Yes I am."

"Okay, let me show you this." She says and is handed a laptop and turns it around showing me. "That's not true." I look at her when I see it.

"I know it isn't but he's playing you, the three of you, your entire gang."

"What did you see?" Lia asks. "Matteo is making us do his dirty work for him and wants to pin my family's murder on me. He wants to rat us to the cops." I tell them.

"That bastard!" Carlos mutters. "Now are you still loyal to him?" I'm asked.

"How do I know if you're not lying?" I ask her. "I haven't killed you yet, have I?"

"Okay, I know where he is. Really."

"That's good, when I go after him, he's gonna know you told me meaning he will target your base, you three will be staying here, I have bedrooms ready, and your clothes were brought here so Joseph will uncuff and show you your room and start calling me Selena."


Billie POV

I fix my robe and I go to walk downstairs but I catch a glimpse of Selena. I never would of thought that The Shiv would have such a calm name. Selena, I can't help but laugh at the shock. She's on a bed and I see her take off a bloody bandage.

She grabs a bottle of alcohol and that's when I speak up. "You're gonna make it worse."

She looks up and chuckles "You're stalking me now?" She asks. "No. I was actually going to come and say thank you." I walk fully into her room.

"For what? Not killing you?"

"That and letting us stay here." I laugh a little. "You know you're actually the first person to refuse to a request of mine." She tells me.

"Oh really? I must be speci- don't do that." I stop from pouring the alcohol on her wound. I grab the rag from her and I wipe the blood from her wound as she watches me intently.

I take the alcohol and pour a little on the clean side of the rag and I dab her lightly expecting to shriek in pain but nothing. It's like she feels no pain. I finish and I wrap her thigh back up and I can't help but notice the many other scars on her legs.

"Thank you Billie." Selena says. Fuck, that was sexy. Can she say it again? "You like when I say your name?" She asks. Shit, did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did."

"Sorry." I mutter. "You're an interesting O'Connell." She says after getting up. "Wait, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Can I get Taco Bell?"


Shiv In The Night [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now