Three Is Not a Crowd On the Throne XX

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You stumble upon Loki and another woman in the throne room. You want him so badly you would lose all your inhibitions, even submit to his request that you both join in some mischief making, on the naughtier side ....

I stopped short outside the throne room door as the urge I always felt when I passed crept up over my skin. My heart beat quickened as I placed one hand on its thick metal handle and gave it a slow quiet turn to the left. Loki was in here. I knew he was. Earlier that day I had seen the beguiling god of mischief disappear behind this door. I had stood there for a moment watching until his green cloak disappeared and the door was closed shut. Thoughts of wanting, feeling almost as if I needed him badly, flooded my mind. I was desperate for him to fulfill some sort of twisted fantasy that imprisoned me in ecstasy every night.

I pushed the door open slowly. My eyes were greeted with the golden enamel that bordered almost every inch of the throne room. My ears however were greeted with the sounds of moaning and sucking. Looking towards the end of the hall at the high throne that sat upon a row of golden stairs I saw Loki. The sight of the long curved horns of his golden helmet did something to my insides, but that is not all I saw that drove me mad.

He was sitting on the throne, his green cloak fell around him like a waterfall. His long black leather clad thighs were spread wide and between them knelt a maiden with raven colored hair that reached her hips. His head was tilted upwards, his mouth open. His one hand gripped her hair tightly as her head bobbed up and down while the other dug into the side of the throne.

I gasped. Admittedly I was jealous, and somewhat ashamed that I wanted to watch, but it was too late. He looked straight ahead at me, his head tilted forward, the tips of his horns pointing downwards. The maiden stopped what she was doing and faced me as well. Streaks of black makeup ran down her reddened face, her neck glistened with sweat.

I froze unsure of what to say or do next.

"Hello my dear," he said. His voice carried across the hall like a deep instrument. "Don't be ashamed for watching, come in. I have allot of love to give to...both of you."

I took a step into the hall, a stream of warmth already forming between my legs as I stared at both of them who looked equally as hungry for me to join. I made my way over to the throne and one by one ascended the gilded framed stairs with ease, the veil of my dress falling behind me.

The raven haired woman crawled upwards onto his lap. He leaned forward and with one hand pulled the purple ribbon from my dress undoing its bustle. It felt to my waist exposing my bare breasts.

"Come here," he beckoned both of us.

We both climbed onto his lap. I straddled his right thigh while she did the same to the other. He put his hand under my dress and gripped one of my ass cheeks tightly while pulling me in closer. I reached up with one hand and grabbed ahold of his golden horn. The woman beside me did the same.

"Alright now my pets, touch each other," he said. "For me."

I passed my eyes over her luscious shape, my head already growing dizzy with anticipation. Reaching for her I ran my hand through her silken hair and across her fully erect nipples. She moaned and did the same to me sending warm tingles through my body.

Loki leaned forward and playfully flicked my mouth with his tongue before pulling us both in for a kiss. All three of us moaned as our tongues swirled around together playfully. We pressed our mouths together as the wetness of our kisses seeped through into each other's burying our moans as we do so. I was already burning up.

His hands found the creases between our thighs and began working the folds gently.

"Both of you are so ready for me, it is going to be difficult choosing who is first," he said as if he was teasing our senses.

Both of us slid downward on his body and onto our knees. I gasped when I saw how huge he was. I immediately craved him inside of me, the wet creases between my thighs began to ache and throb.

He must have noticed my hunger for he smiled devilishly and said;

"Yes, my pet, I have a very big....heart."

Pangs of jealousy swept through me as his hard cock disappeared inside the woman's mouth and he moaned loudly. I shoved her off of him and she sent me a glare before shoving me back.

"Oh no," said Loki. "Although I would love to watch two hungry women fight over me, I would love to feel both of your mouths at the same time."

The raven haired girl looked at me and I looked at her. Loki gave further instructions. "But first," he said playfully. "You two kiss and make up a little. I cannot have you both glaring at each other all night."

We looked at each other again. He brought his knees against our backs to brings us closer together. "Come on now pets, let me watch a bit."

To be continued pets....>;)

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