The Morning After /Warning: Thorki

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You, Loki, and Thor may have had a little too much fun last night together after the feast. What happens when you wake up and find yourself between two Gods who are not quite done with you yet? What happens when Loki wants you all to himself first? Stay tuned >:) ~

You are barely awake. The melody of the morning birds faintly reaches your ears as you begin to open your eyelids. You reckon it is sometime before dawn due to the pale light of the moon streaming in from the enormous windows across Loki's chambers. Burying your face deeper into the feather pillow to stifle a blistering headache you begin to feel the sensations of a warm body stirring beside you. You stir your limbs between the cool silk sheets only to feel the sensations of a second set of limbs brushing against you, these are more broad and muscular than the first. You turn your head to see a familiar sight, the smooth skin of Loki's bare shoulder, his long hair mussed and spread across the pillow. Then it hits you, the lustful memories of last night flooding your mind like the scorching blow of a heat wave. You are lying in between two gods. One is the god of mischief, the enigmatic trickster, your lover, your master, the only one ever to steal your heart, Loki. The other, the mightiest of all the gods, Thor, who was as fervent in bed as you had imagined him to be, direct and forceful with each act, the perfect contrast to Loki's more subtle and playful ways. Both still fast asleep. Both leaving you beyond exhausted from last night's musings.

You lie there for a moment in a blur of hangover induced dizziness struggling to recall how this happened. How did you, a quiet and elusive hand maiden end up being the sex object of two of the most desired gods in Asgard for the night? How did you end up tied to the bed and screaming so loudly in ecstasy all of the nine realms must have heard you?

At some point during last nights feast you recall Loki taking a seat beside you while casually filling up your drinking horn. It was almost as if he knew one more would tip over the edge where you would lose all of your inhibitions. That was the thing about Loki,  you loved him, but you also knew who he was at heart, and at heart he was the sly god who possessed such a seductive tongue it had only taken him ten minutes by the watch of the Norns to get under your skirts and pinned against a drinking barrel in the wine cellars screaming his name. He had a way about him that you could not resist, a way that forbid you to ever deny him of his wishes. And last night proved that.

Thor on the other hand, was subtle, quiet, elusive, and you wondered if he ever said much at all. You had never thought much about him, besides secretly admiring his bulging muscles during feasts. Loki once had caught you looking and sent you a wink as if he enjoyed the idea of you getting aroused at the sight of another god. He had alluded to experimenting with another at some point, but up until now you had only thought he was fooling you with the idea.

And now here you were, with Loki beside you and secretly running his long fingers up your dress at the feast table while speaking to some of the goddesses as if he were completely innocent. Thor appeared across the table and Loki's hand travelled even higher now, all the way to the crease of your thigh where it slowly began to explore a more intimate space.

You bit your lip to suppress a moan while some of the goddesses glared at you with suspicion. Loki tipped his drinking horn to one of them and toasted the evening.

"Beautiful goddesses, I hail you. It is so lovely for you to come this evening." He said as the tips of his fingers began to work the wet folds between your thighs. You did already feel as if you were about to come.

You slammed the drinking horn down on the table as you felt your face flush red.

"Everything okay my dear?" He asked as he turned to you with a smile. His green eyes gleamed with mischief and desire.

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