Sharing Ice Cream _Loki's Way

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What would it be like to share ice cream with this naughty god of mischief? Let's find out...

You watched him, enthralled by the site of his tongue as it licked and swirled around every fold as if he relished every sweet taste. With his eyes closed he moaned with pleasure and then began to devour what he held in his hand with hunger you had never witnessed before. It was madness watching him.

You so wanted that to be you. You wanted to feel his tongue like that. You wanted to be the one to satiate his rabid hunger. You thought of him for so long. His mesmerizing green eyes. His smile. His long lean legs. His irresistible charms. His irresistible naughtiness. His striking jet black hair that matched the color of his leathery garb. His devilish smile. And now as he stood there in your kitchen savoring every taste of an ice cream cone you could not but become insanely aroused. 

Maybe he knew what he was doing. The way he looked at you after every lick. The way the corner of his mouth turned up in a smile. Yes he knew. He knew exactly what he was doing. He was the god of mischief, tricks were his specialty and you could not help but wonder if he was tricking his way right into your panties.

This was your chance to be devoured just like that sticky sweet goodness he held in his hand. This was it, a chance to make a fantasy come true.

He leaned casually against your kitchen counter and stared at you as he continued to work his tongue around the cone. You crossed your legs, embarrassed by how wet this was making you. You began to imagine what he could actually do to you if just watching him was getting you this aroused.

"You've hardly touched yours darling," said Loki, pointing out your barely touched dish full of ice cream. "Are you not feeling well? Whats the matter?"

Besides wanting you to fuck me so hard all of the nine realms could hear, nothing is the matter, you thought to yourself as you felt a throbbing begin to arise between your legs.

"I suppose I am just not that hungry," you replied while pushing a spoon through globs of whipped cream. Just hungry for you, that is all. You eyed the bulge between his legs wondering if it was as truly big as rumored to be.

He stared at you seductively while continuing to tease the melting treat with his tongue. Just go to him already, you thought to yourself. But how do you approach a god so beautiful? So imposing?

"I hope I am not being rude," he said, "but as you know, I have an insatiable appetite." He raised an eyebrow and sent you a smile that begged you to misbehave.

You bit your lip trying to suppress your true reaction. Complete wet and throbbing arousal and the desire to just ask him to fuck you as messy as possible right then and there.

He leaned forward while continuing to send you one of his signature charming smiles and you felt as if you were going to die.

'Loki!" You said rather loudly and your cheeks fleshed red with embarrassment.

"Yes," he answered, still smiling seductively.

At that moment a heaping mound of ice cream fell from his hand, slid down his chest all the way to his thighs and down onto the floor. He looked up at you with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Oops," he said and snickered playfully. "Why don't you come over here and help me clean this up a bit."

You stood up as if your chair had caught on fire, your heart already racing.

He motioned towards the treats beside you. "and bring all of that with you, pet."

You stand up barely being able to move, your knees feel as if they will buckle at any moment, your heart feels as if it is racing faster with every step you take towards him. When you reach him he coaxes you to get closer and you obey willingly. With one finger he slides it into the top of the whipped cream you are holding and brings it to your mouth. You part your lips slowly and begin to savor the sweetness he feeds you as he watches you playfully take his finger into your mouth to suck on it. 

He moans once and you feel as if you are going to lose all your inhibitions right then and there.

"Does that taste good pet?" He asks you and you sense he is wanting you to taste more than the innocent treat in your hands.

You moan a soft yes as he places a strong hand around your waist and pulls you towards him. His size is daunting, and not just his height, as you can now feel the bulge between his legs against your hips grow even harder. You begin to imagine taking more than just his finger into your mouth. He runs his tongue over his lips as he watches you begin to suggestively work your mouth around the top of the ice cream he is holding as sloppily as you can. Throbbing arousal between your legs begs to be satiated by his silver tongue. 

Loki, aroused, in my kitchen with a pile of whipped cream, what could happen next? 

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